
Community Benefit Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Many times, people who've walked through the fires can harness it in a way that actually can not only bring them to a fuller potential but benefit the people around them."
"Making money is good for me and for everyone in my life."
"True Religions are things that have stood the test of time and have been shaped by selection to at least benefit the people who adhere to them."
"If it's for the greater good of the community, then it's a brilliant idea."
"I thought it was beautiful that a young kid had that kind of dream where everybody can benefit."
"This is a mission, a way that so many people can benefit from."
"More bikes in the road means better infrastructure for everyone."
"It's exciting to have somewhere that eventually will hopefully be good for the whole community."
"The actual best decision for the 'I' is actually the best decision for the 'we'."
"Let the people of Salem make some money. I have no problem with them capitalizing on the reputation to put food on the table."
"Reusing that equipment for our schools and nonprofits would be a much better thing to do than to just toss them out."
"It's such a blessing not just for myself, but just knowing other kids are going to schedule food provided for them."
"Social service investment is really, really great economically because it pays back."
"Nearly 5 crore students, teachers, parents, and stakeholders benefit from Diksha every day."
"There is really some important and interesting information that can serve the medical community and end users alike."
"Doing something to fix these problems benefits everybody."
"That means a kid born into poverty in this city would graduate with almost fifty thousand dollars in an account."
"I've been actually getting traction having lawmakers realize that when they invest in Public Defense they are investing in a resource that can be massively beneficial to their community."
"This is something that needs to keep happening, this is a positive good thing for Otter Creek."
"Excellent transit network, amazing utilization for both residents and tourists."
"Please delight the rest of us with you as you really are because the best you is going to benefit all of us."
"YouTube is great because this is collaborative and the rising tide raises all ships."
"An intelligent person seeks to capitalize on the gains... redistribute those winnings... for everybody."
"Get out of your comfort zone just a little bit because the effort it costs you versus the benefit to patients who need blood is tremendous." - Dr. Claudia Cohn
"Imagine just having another four and a half trillion dollars back in the economy going in directions that actually matter."
"There is nothing your neighbors your community your city your country benefits more from than kind wise virtuous loving children who grow up to be kind wise virtuous Brave loving adults who know their Bibles."
"Crypto is a gift. When I find strategies where I feel like I can get my community ahead, that's what motivates me."
"There's some value to that if it helps other people get to the place where they're really enjoying music."
"No one should seek their own good but the good of others."
"Nearly a dozen states have made Community College tuition free for residents."
"We're all better off when we work to make all of us better off."
"As a friend of mine says, 'A rising tide lifts all boats.'"
"I think the growers do a ton of work in this industry, and like, the more and more we learn about all this stuff, we're all going to be benefiting."
"The genre as a whole really could be talked about and we could all really benefit from a discussion about it."
"Live up to the humanitarian. Find a way. Do some research. Create those win-win situations."
"Black people that have big platforms should use them for something that benefits black people."
"Your goal as a good hacker is really to help everyone like you and me to make sure that our stuff is protected."
"Knowledge held is one thing, knowledge shared is another."
"You should never really disown a glitch, it’s just something really cool you did or found to the benefit of others."
"Focus on delivering benefit to your community, and they'll find a way to reward you."
"Steroid is gonna be an amazing asset to this colony."
"When you take excellent care of yourself, everybody benefits."
"You'll start to realize all the benefits to life and how you can even help other people simply by just following the law."
"I think a lot of people are truly going to benefit from it."
"We have to support a candidate who is pushing for policies that will help our people disproportionately."
"This revolutionary fuel source is enough to supply Harlem with clean, safe energy for the next 500 years."
"You aren't you embody your best self, your best life, your best relationship, you're a better person for everyone, for all, it's a collective benefit."
"It's going to be great for you and it's going to be good for the rest of us too."
"This discernment between truth and error is not just for our protection but for the edification of the entire body of Christ."
"AMD making Intel better until having some open-source graphics drivers but this is a win for everybody."
"When you open up your heart and share love, you benefit the commons."
"The best decision 2K could make is cross-platform, yeah, that would be so huge for the game."
"Something like this is insanely positive for people."
"I think if we build it they will come and I think if we build the capacity and the infrastructure that's badly needed it will be rewarded it will be needed."
"They've created something that we all benefit from."
"Our gifts aren't for us, they're for everyone else."
"Do what's gonna work for you and for your family and then ultimately you'll be doing what's gonna work for the community."
"My goal is to help you be educated that way you can make smarter decisions for you, your community, and your family."
"From then on Capricorn and the other zodiac Gods no longer compete with Pisces, they assist her in fulfilling more wishes and bring happiness to the world."
"For everybody, the PlayStation fans: this means more attention to the IPs that you love."
"If I succeed, who benefits? When you succeed, someone else benefits other than yourself."
"I want to make something that makes things easier for a lot of people."
"No because whatever benefits that black family will benefit that."
"Everybody wins with this particular fundraiser."
"A city is never done, so why not improve the city?"
"The only motivation is benefit. Benefiting the whole, awakening the whole."
"New people bring stability, prosperity, and harmony."
"Tax revenue that will offset the residential taxes of many local residents and draw many visitors into the area." - Narrator
"By all of us doing that, we will benefit our own individual futures but will benefit each other together as a community."
"Voting is a tool we use to get folks that will advance as many of our interests as possible for the greatest number of people."
"I want it to be for other people to come in and discover something."
"We're aiming to build a platform based on mutual output by rewarding those actors that make good for the community and good for the world."
"Each has its place and we are all the richer for it."
"It would be such a great boon to these people to live that close to a transit system, the land value here in Pearl Hills would shoot absolutely through the roof."
"The marketing strategy is going to be... for the greater good of humanity."
"It's going to be a huge quality of life change for everybody, and I can't wait until we all can take advantage of this."
"Everyone wins. This car has been donated to the National Public Radio, specifically WD in Detroit."
"Every victory that Prague gets is better for everybody, honestly it's better for everybody."
"A state-of-the-art facility is a great thing for a community to have."
"When God blesses you, it's not just for you, it's for other people too."
"You've been helpful. In gratitude, we give you honorary citizenship of Pancakes."
"Implementing a battle recorder in BF4 would be a great thing for all parties involved."
"I think it's a really great idea which really benefits all of us."
"Making the game more accessible benefits the whole community."
"For him to choose something that was in a realm that would help everyone else that would benefit everyone is awesome."
"The more honest conversations we can have about money, the more it really helps everyone."
"You are somebody who is willing to put in the energy and effort where it's needed for the sake of the all, for the highest good."
"It really creates a cohesive group where you don't profit by taking your money today or voting to abuse the system because any harm you do in the long term is just going to hurt yourself."
"I urge all of my colleagues to vote Yes on the Lake and Riley Act."
"Utilizing our gifts in a way that edifies others."
"You are going to inject 400 million dollars just in el salvador alone in a year back into the hands of the people."
"The museum has a clear understanding of its Mission and communicates why it exists and who benefits as a result of its efforts."
"We're all in this together in terms of getting benefits from other people doing smart things."
"Our modesty should be motivated towards obeying God, and the fruit of that is a benefit to those around us."
"This is really good for our community and therefore it's in the long run going to be better for us than immediate profit."
"Whatever benefits my family will benefit that community and society as a whole."
"With such a diverse group, it enables them to enrich their economy as they compile a lot of individuals with many different skill sets."
"The federal government is giving fortunes to cities and counties and states they can run their own internet company and provide it to you for free wow just incredible great news."
"You vote for the person who benefits both you and your community the most."
"Let's make good choices for them and for us by planting trees."
"We need to take the technology and give it back to the people."
"Hit the like button! That'll trip the algorithm and get these videos out to more people, benefiting everyone in the gun community."
"Helping each other out really only helps the whole industry grow."
"It's not a squishy collective, it's a group of individuals functioning individually for our own collective good."
"...having this kind of platform is such a powerful thing for everyone to benefit."
"It's really a win-win for the residents, right?"
"And just the blessing this is going to be not only for their family, but for all of us neighbors who get to come over and enjoy it as well."
"I'd like to share the experiences so that people can benefit from my experience."
"It's been a good thing for all of us."
"A credit to Glasgow, that's what the money's really about."
"But then that is helping to pay for a fabulous public space for the ratepayers of New South Wales, so it's to me the best of both worlds."
"The bigger that the sport gets, the better it is for everyone."
"Rebuilding a strong natural environment will benefit everyone."
"You're about to do something that's not going to just make you proud, it's going to benefit the people who are around you."
"I believe that this movement has a tremendous amount of potential and can be a huge benefit to our community as fellow travelers on the road towards World Redemption."
"Unlike some others, all those resources which contribute towards revenue creation are plowed back for the benefit of people."
"There is a huge financial breakthrough coming to this church and to the people of this church."
"It's not just about us; it's actually good for the community as a whole."
"On behalf of all those who will use this road in the future, I would like to say to all those who have been involved in its construction the warmest of thank yous."
"We should definitely continue having these conversations because I think that there are only things that can help benefit us all in the long run."
"It's not about the money, it's the value of that land, that open space, what that brings to your family, to your community."
"Never in the field of crop farm endeavor was so much achieved by just one person for the benefit of so many."
"It brings a bunch of good for the Isle of Wight."
"When you commit, you reach your goals; your family wins, your community wins, and your clients win."
"We should all be angry, but we're trying to be angry in a way that benefits everybody."
"It's always a joy because we know that everyone's going to have a lot of fun and charities are going to benefit."
"Whatever motivation that I can get to make videos faster is better for everybody."
"The open source nature of Android allows this to happen freely and as a result, everyone benefits."
"When people don't have to go and haul their own water or buy high expensive bottled water, there's just a lot of collective benefit for the community."
"Nothing in this world is perfect, and neither are reptile expos, but I really do think reptile expos offer way more good to the community than they offer bad."
"Instead of one person getting something out of it, can't we spread it to everyone?"
"We're hoping that we can really get some legs on this and grow it into something that's going to be super beneficial."
"It honestly pays testament to what an integrated ticketing system, a proper brand for the service, and safe station environments can do to attract people to use a service."
"No gift is given to an individual to develop you spiritually; it's given to you to function in the body of believers that you might benefit and bless the church."
"You need to fix the road so that more people can come to these locations and it brings revenue for the people that live here."
"The antagonist movement is... a selfish act that benefits the community because we each want to help ourselves out, and in turn, that helps out everybody else."
"This is my own research and development that I'm doing for the Wizards who get benefit out of it."
"When kids come first, everyone wins."
"It's the only way I can explain it is a big sigh of relief knowing that now this knowledge can be transferred for the community."
"It's not just about you, but it is how the very experience of you being yourself can benefit other individuals."
"I am extremely proud of both Erin and I to be able to buy a gator not only for us but for the ranch and for everybody involved."
"The favor of God on our lives is supposed to benefit the people around us."
"It feels like if you were building a business and the business took on a life of its own and it's benefited so many people."
"Every community wants to know and feel secure that if they include a cannabis-based business, the community will surely benefit."
"I'm happy to share this... a lot of people getting the benefit from this."
"If Jay is successful, then he can hand the profits back to the very people who had no idea there was cash to be made from their trash."
"You did it for yourself, but it's also just such a bonus that other people benefit from that as well."
"Having the theater would attract visitors from other towns and boost our economy."
"Freedom to improve and release your improvement to the public so that everyone benefits with your work."
"Every community is benefited by diversity."
"We have cultural diversity here, and we're all the better for it."
"Every duck hunter in the Mississippi Flyway benefits with the Cache River being preserved."
"It's all about getting the best possible outcome that will benefit the largest number of people."
"People are now drinking clean water because of you."