
Abuse Awareness Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Emotional abuse is unacceptable any day of the week."
"I don't think that I'll ever invalidate a woman's feelings when she says, 'Hey, I've been abused.'"
"Cecilia's plea of 'You have to listen to me,' is an echo of many real-life abuse survivors."
"Britney Spears' conservatorship has finally ended and it sheds some light on how conservatorships can be controlling and abusive."
"This is straight psychological abuse; people who employ this are psychologically abusing others."
"It's not your fault, so do not put that shame on yourself. That shame belongs to the abuser."
"If you've been abused, harassed, violated, don't be afraid to speak up."
"It is not normal, it is not okay, and most importantly, it is not your fault."
"Guard your body, be careful of leaders making moves on your body, as in sexual assault."
"If any listener wants proof of the dark side of the Watchtower Society, get them to look up the Australia Royal Commission on child abuse."
"I had sexual abuse when I was a child so it makes me very angry when I see other people sexualizing children."
"Now, remember, this person is an abuser, so an abuser studies their victims and their victims are really anyone that's in their life."
"You don't have to be physical with someone to be abusive."
"Abuse can take so many different forms. And certainly we're talking about the extreme here, but we are going to cover other areas such as coercive control."
"So, if it can happen to me, I know it can happen and it has happened to so many others and it needs to be talked about."
"I owe a huge apology to anyone out there who's ever been in an abusive relationship."
"I feel like this is just the typical way that abuse situations go, that a victim is scared so badly into remaining silent until it gets too late."
"Abuse is multifaceted, sometimes subtle, always insidious and confusing."
"Einstein says you can't solve a problem from the same level of intelligence that caused the problem."
"The tactics that abusers have are going to be relentless I'm not going to lie to you it's not gonna be easy to leave your abuser."
"I know there's so many people out there that are struggling that are survivors of abuse that are unfortunately suffering in silence."
"Men can also be victims of abuse, and in this case, sadly, victims of murder."
"People get tired of being mentally abused, physically abused, verbally abused."
"Anna's a victim too, in an abusive marriage."
"Time to come out of the abuse of power to a humanitarian empowerment."
"The Pope has been doing a bunch of wicked stuff. Have you ever seen any of the documentaries about the Catholic Church and all the abuse that goes on with young children? Yeah, it's real bad. When you allow perversion in, that's what happens."
"I was in one. I was groomed at the age of 16." - Alexa Nicholas
"If you have ever been in a situation where you or your horse was abused, it's never too late to speak up."
"Speaking out is crucial; silence perpetuates the cycle of abuse."
"Education is key; knowledge empowers us to recognize and end the cycle of abuse."
"Otherwise, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, these are just gonna become clubs that you can wield against the other side rather than a real attempt to cleanse the Society of a grave evil."
"When we make reactivity the default problem, we are opening the door super wide especially for emotional abuse."
"Verbal abuse is abuse that's considered the same as physical violence."
"The face of an abuser, liable of sexual abuse, who has caused a great deal of pain and suffering and torture."
"How do you help victims of abuse by denying that their claims are real?"
"There's no excuse for abuse. This is a sign of a lack of the fear of God and of danger ahead, and you must take it seriously."
"Abuse is confused and taught as love... it becomes very confusing."
"I don't want to be famous. I want this to be exposed. I want no more women to be abused. I want no more children to be abused. I don't want this to exist."
"Abuse goes Way Beyond just danger and physical scars."
"The language you're using is the language of abuse."
"Why should my children be harassed by a sadist?"
"We have got to stop perpetuating this cycle of emotional abuse."
"She decided to lay claim to the story about an abusive partner."
"Every agreement entered into by choice, you have the right to leave by choice. Abuse is not okay, insults are not okay."
"When you are a victim of child sexual abuse you're not a victim for one day, you're a victim for the rest of your life."
"Abuse isn't always obvious; it can be a thousand paper cuts."
"Abuse doesn't always feel bad, not everything that feels good is good."
"Signs of child or elder abuse: Bruises of different stages, broken bones, fear of the caregiver, inconsistencies in the story. Any kind of abuse must be reported."
"Psychological abuse takes that form - slow, building up, and continuous."
"Anyone blaming the victims nearly never been in a situation of abuse. It's hard to get out of that situation."
"It makes you sick, you know? It's just awful. So yeah, I hate to see this stuff happen to anybody."
"Sexual abuse isn't just about our bodies; it's about our minds and spirits."
"If you think your friend is in an abusive dynamic, protect them with kindness, not shame."
"I think it's such an important question because it's easy to talk about stranger danger; however, only 7% of all cases of childhood sexual abuse are perpetrated by a stranger."
"Continuing to put up boundaries with someone that doesn't treat you right and nothing's changing is a cyclical pattern. It's a cyclical abusive pattern."
"There is no excuse for abuse, and abuse is the result of sin."
"I'm all about facts. Tell us the truth, because I have seen situations where people have been physically abused and they are telling the truth, and we have to believe them."
"Emotional abuse is just as bad if not worse."
"There is nothing wrong with you if it happens to you. There's something wrong with the person that does this."
"The sad truth of the matter is there are multiple times during this story when if somebody had just recognized the signs of abuse it might have been prevented."
"People can be abused more than once and being the victim of multiple abuses does not make it any less valid."
"Understanding the dynamics of power and control in abusive relationships is crucial."
"There's no spectrum when it comes to abuse like this."
"Abuse in any form—verbal, physical, or disrespect—is a clear sign it's time to cut the man off."
"Abuse is never okay, any type of abuse is never okay."
"Ain't no young man should let a woman abuse him either."
"No one should be beaten and tortured to the brink of death because they are."
"No abuse is right, and it's always right to speak out."
"They would like joke about one of the children's Sumerian poop on the wall. As a therapist, I know that that means that there's abuse happening in the home."
"Whenever you see child sexual abuse, if you're a victim, it affects you too."
"It's so much better to be single and happy than to be with someone who is abusive."
"Recognizing abuse as a universal problem is beneficial to everyone."
"Abuse comes in many forms, it doesn't have to be physical."
"It's nice to have someone who with a big public platform like that hold space for these types of abuses in everyday life."
"This needs to stop, this needs to end, this is an abuser, this is a sick man, this is a man that is using the child as a pawn."
"We need justice for Malik, this is not okay, it's gone on too long, it's been 17 years of abuse and this man will not stop, he will not stop."
"You don't deserve abuse, and if it happens, the right thing to do is to get out right in that minute."
"You can be abused and don't even know it, you know? So it's very important."
"Abuse in any form is a clear, unequivocal signal that it's time to leave the relationship."
"Don't fall for a man you don't know... don't keep going back to abusive men just because you love them."
"If somebody's willing to do something abusive publicly, then they're probably going to do something worse behind closed doors."
"How could they do this to all these women? Here to be forcefully housed with this serial rapist is extremely callous and abusive."
"Monsters genuinely exist...we need to start listening to the victim and hold the perpetrators of abuse accountable."
"Abuse isn't something that you get to sweep under the rug and ignore, take accountability for it and apologize."
"If you don't know what the companies are doing, you cannot know what kind of abuses are happening."
"The outcome of this defamation case is a win for women and men regardless of gender because #abuse holds no gender."
"Narcissistic abuse is very similar whether you've got a mother, a father, a lover, a spouse, a brother, or sister."
"If you want to stop further abuse, you gotta say something."
"Yelling shouting on somebody you are yelling shouting on on the child on a woman on a husband or whatever you is a form of abuse."
"Everything you do is a result of your own efforts, and long term, you are in fact benefiting more than the abuser who's trying to normalize this. Because that in itself is wrong."
"They're very evil and they don't care about you... it's like a classic abusive relationship."
"Grooming is an abuser's opportunity to find the victim's vulnerabilities."
"It's about how they felt. If they felt like they were abused and they felt like they were taken advantage of, it's about how they felt, not you." - Yamaneika Saunders
"That's actively horrible, that's like in this scenario that's like you want to be dad of the year when you're actually the one abusing your own child."
"Abuse is abuse, whether from a woman or a man. It's justice for the right."
"Normally when we talk about gaslighting we're talking about the way an abuser twists your sense of reality and tries to make unacceptable situations acceptable to you."
"There was so much abuse and messed-up stuff going on at this place that kids would find ways to run away or take their own lives."
"In terms of having no contact, I don't give that kind of advice unless there's real serious abuse."
"This is an abusive relationship, this weird abusive relationship."
"These lockdowns were physically abusive, mentally abusive, and psychologically abusive."
"Abusive people need somebody who's not going to push back. If your relationships tend to be abusive, it's time for you to ask yourself: Am I being too nice?"
"Learning about abuse means recognizing gaslighting, manipulation, passive-aggressive behavior, and more."
"When does discipline become abusive? Because right now, Shawna doesn't seem to know the difference."
"This poor elephant is a victim of terrible abuse, and I hope you talk about that."
"Never ever settle for abuse. That's a no-no."
"Cheating is abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, it is well."
"Sexual abuse is never okay. It is never your fault."
"This form of abuse is more serious than we talk about."
"I think there’s an obligation for those of us who have not suffered abuse who are close with somebody who has to first listen and believe what they’re saying."
"You are not the problem. They are the abuser."
"Emotional manipulation is one of the most common tactics used by abusers."
"This is what happens when people turn a blind eye to the signs of abuse within a relationship."
"You never deserve to be treated the way that I've described."
"When you're in an abusive relationship it's not just that easy to just leave like people say just leave."
"Some people will say that verbal and emotional abuse is the least of their worries."
"Now, we see more victims becoming aware of the abuse and taking steps to stop it themselves."
"It's a relationship thing. Yeah. And it is really dangerous to say 'abuser' sarcastically like he's doing, like it's not a real thing."
"Mothers, if any of your children tell you that granddaddy touched me, don't smack the child, you take the child and go to your daddy."
"Abuse towards men is a real thing."
"The paradigm is shifting. That shadow stuff, the abuse, the sexual intimidation, the sexual abuse and trauma, that's not going to fly."
"Don't put up with [__], you know, don't put up with abuse, man or woman, you know, it's not normal, it's never okay."
"Abuse is abuse no matter who you're with, and it ain't got nothing to do with the color."
"The more you can get people who actually have had children of their own and have brought up children, they're going to appreciate what is abuse and what isn't strong."
"Abuse victims don't beg their abuser to stay no matter what. If anything, we want them to leave."
"This is real abuse, even if it doesn't leave physical scars."
"Women can be abusers too, and it's not fair to automatically assume that the man is in the wrong."
"Emotional abuse is totally gender neutral; men, women can both be abusive."
"Emotional abuse is abuse just as much as physical abuse."
"It's such a big deal... hopefully it helps people get out of abusive relationships."
"Samantha shared her abusive relationship, that must have took her heart and soul, so please respect that."
"Abusers have no specific look; abusers could come in any race, gender, color, intelligence."
"I'm coming forward with the truth about what happened to me with the hope that my story will empower others in abusive relationships to get the help they need and deserve."
"I've never been in a physically abusive relationship, but my heart goes out to women who have had that experience."
"Abuse can take many forms, including verbal, emotional, and psychological."
"Let's call a spade a spade, a lot of these things, even if not physical, it's abuse."
"Words are powerful; words could be more hurtful than physical abuse."
"The effects of verbal abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse."
"It's entirely possible for men to be abused, it's entirely possible for women to be abused."
"Abuse is not a product of bad relationship dynamics, and you cannot make things better by changing your own behavior or attempting to manage your partner better. Abuse is a problem that lies entirely with the abuser."
"The abuse she had been suffering all her life was not her fault."
"Divorce isn't bad. It's never worth it to keep your family together if there's abuse happening."
"You are the bride of Christ before anybody else, male or female, it doesn't matter what gender you are, abuse is abuse."
"It always matters if you are being abused... please report it."
"Breaking your silence about abuse that you've personally experienced is one of the most important decisions that you can make for your life."
"Ellen expressed gratitude to those who helped her break her silence and stand up against abuse."
"If you know that abuse is going on or ask the victim, 'Do you need help? Can I help?' That is a good way of doing it."