
Coherence Quotes

There are 1047 quotes

"This is very, very crucial because when you can learn to cohere the heart and mind together, you can achieve very, very powerful things."
"By connecting to more of who we really are, we are creating what is called heart and head coherence."
"The brain's neural activity resonates most coherently when there is no dissonance between the advanced new cerebral regions and the older, more primitive ones."
"Once the heart begins to become orderly and coherent, it drives energy to the brain."
"Creating a heart and mind coherence is the key to achieving congruence between our conscious and subconscious minds."
"The key to personal transformation is creating heart and mind coherence, allowing the emotional and intellectual aspects of our being to align harmoniously."
"A good SF universe has a coherence and internal logic that makes sense to scientists and engineers."
"Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas naturally."
"Speaking practice improves fluency, coherence, and effectiveness in spoken English."
"Despite the issues it tackles, I think the series has done commendably well in staying pretty coherent."
"Deconstructing things is really good...but you have to be able to put it back together at the end with something that is coherent."
"When the heart and brain are in coherence, we start to experience wholeness."
"Cohesion and coherence is what holds your writing together, what makes it easy for the reader to understand and to follow your train of thought."
"Coherence is a more general idea of clarity and balance. Basically, all your ideas have to work together to create a unified whole of writing piece."
"How can this radio that's playing through different stations at such a fast pace be randomly telling a coherent story?"
"You can't hide the truth because then things just start unaligning and not making sense."
"It's not doing it just for the sake of telling a story; it actually makes sense."
"I think musically the album flows incredibly well."
"This movie does not know what it wants to be."
"No matter what kind of cool external events and set pieces you add in, unless they've been established to advance what we're doing, it'll all just feel like pointless visual noise."
"Once the heart begins to become orderly and coherent, it acts as an amplifier and it drives an energy to the brain."
"When you have coherence in the brain and heart, you have a laser of energy."
"When looking at the entire situation like a puzzle, the pieces fit."
"But by the time we get to hobo Myers, it's very different but it makes sense..."
"Well-written and well-understood lore fiction is much more appealing than bonkers theories."
"The game marks off the necessary checkboxes without turning them into anything cohesive or even always coherent."
"Everybody has abilities... it's something that unfolds when you're in a state of coherence."
"This is the album where it all makes sense..."
"The entire plot point is so incoherent and devoid of any stakes."
"The challenge of inimitability encompasses depth of meaning, coherence, and spiritual power."
"One of the benefits of the questions or the attacks of you know the Orientalist may make regarding the coherence of the really brought prominent brought prominence to the miraculous nature of the structure and the coherence of the."
"Stick with it and then to your second point, I agree with that, the church's moral teachings are all about giving a sort of coherence to our lives."
"Maintaining consistency in terminology is crucial for a smooth and coherent gaming experience."
"The coherence of the Quran, the cohesion of it as a text, is the ultimate proof to the contrary."
"To all the young creators that are trying to create, oftentimes, it's more effective if there's a thread that connects things or some sort of cohesive thought."
"It was just a movie that you get and you go, 'okay, writing directing acting everything just worked.'"
"Everything blends together with a beautiful sense of purpose."
"I always find it cool when a character's personality, animations, and their gameplay all kind of intertwined."
"The story is all just kind of adding up right now..."
"A coherent worldview that attracts radicals."
"Adaptive phenomena are those phenomena which are coherent and advance their own interests."
"In the end, Missourina Falls proves to be a very tightly woven and logical story that has a sensible answer for nearly everything."
"This train sequence... it all flows so well."
"If one pair will come into complete coherence it will change the consciousness of the whole planet."
"Ambitious, complex, and large but at the same time flawed and sometimes incoherent."
"It just seems like a lot of things have lined up and kind of pointed in the same direction."
"Subversion undermines narratives, characters, expectations, and quality. It causes universes to lose coherence and fly apart."
"It's not really just suddenly this happened and now moving on to the fight, it really kind of pieces things together and ties everything together in a cohesive way."
"Align your head, your heart, and your hands."
"The way they merged the dragon tenth form, the water breathing, it made sense."
"I think the point of an album is to put... this set of songs makes sense for this."
"Scientology's rules are not even internally coherent internally consistent what is a lot an internally coherent logic anyway sorry guys I grew up in a cult."
"Everything about this fits together. It works very well and I like it a lot."
"People gain a sense of meaning when their lives cohere across the three levels of their existence. Finding coherence across levels feels like enlightenment."
"Geralt's fighting style makes a lot of sense."
"It's a really cohesive, well-executed album."
"When you have a lack of coherence in strategy, what fills the void are the most powerful, immovable forces, which remains interventionism."
"When you are aware of it, it all makes sense and it all fits together."
"It's always a new story element being introduced... it's all so cohesive."
"Outlast's story is an actual coherent tale that works as a functioning vehicle for the events that take place."
"I was worried I wasn't going to because the story made sense. Yeah, the bad guys made sense."
"The key to a good twist is making it make sense."
"It's a diverse cast of producers that came into this project but yet it still feels very coherent..."
"Everything we've talked about... pieces together and clicks."
"Zack Snyder always had the plan to has a cohesive universe."
"Transition words are like bridges, connecting your ideas seamlessly."
"Good framing comes with a good design and understanding how everything fits together."
"This movie is just a lot better and more cohesive."
"Your attention needs to be where your heart is, your mind and your heart have to work together."
"My story in particular is starting to make more sense."
"The traceability of the plot of Joker sort of implies the fact that every part of this script builds towards the final payoff."
"I think it is justified. It's coherent. You can understand it. Everything fits together."
"It actually took a really holistic whole of systems approach to draw least of their strings together to come to a story that everything seemed to sing off the same song sheet."
"So it's actually changes our blood and it connects our heart and our head so that our intelligence it's not cold it's not self-serving."
"Trisha's allegations were almost completely incoherent... the problem with Trisha's allegations is that they were almost completely incoherent."
"There are so many theories that come out of this chapter and the thing is all of them make sense."
"I really like it and I think it pieces together really well"
"This feels complete, everything here makes sense."
"There is coherence and there is consistency in looking at any aspect of human life history science whatever it might be there is a basis for making it all understandable within the Christian worldview."
"His games are just going to become a lot more cohesive."
"The gameplay and everything within this game comes together."
"If everyone's doing their job right then it'll feel like a cohesive Universe on its own."
"The inner coherence of the Quran is the best way to defend the Quran."
"Ultimately, the final act kind of ruined it because it doesn't really quite make sense."
"You can still piece together everything in a way that makes sense."
"None of it sticks together, none of the story beats, it has no cornerstone to it."
"Everything that you include in your poem needs to collectively communicate the deeper resonance of the subject matter."
"Everything makes sense, everything is sensibly placed."
"The period is a multi-phrase unit that usually contains two phrases in an antecedent-consequent relationship."
"The best moments in literature and film is when something happens and it's completely surprising and makes sense at the same time."
"When mind and body are working together, we are sending a coherent signal into the field."
"If there's coherence in the brain, the person has a moment of connection, and the brain goes into a gamma brain wave state."
"It's like a puzzle and all the pieces fit together."
"The frequency of coherence supports our ability to harmonize the frequency of the heart with the frequency of the mind for an optimal ability to create the reality that we desire."
"Sometimes the Title reign makes all the sense in the world."
"Tell a cohesive story wrestling wise where we can buy into the product."
"...it introduces a multitude of plot threads and characters that it manages to balance flawlessly without ever feeling disconnected or convoluted."
"The themes really do accompany that."
"Ultimately everything comes together to tell an entirely necessary story with these characters and with this world."
"Every little bit of World building neatly fits together in this clear fantasy Vision that she had."
"The Catholic faith just kind of harmonizes it, it makes the most sense."
"I really love a full collection that's super cohesive; the colors look beautiful together, the story works."
"It's kind of an image that shouldn't work, and yet when you look at that puzzle up close, you see how every single piece fits perfectly."
"Oda is such an intentional writer and he has positioned this story in the perfect place to just tie so many of those threads together."
"I'm just going to say this: Make it make sense."
"At the end, it's all going to come together, and we'll be like, 'Oh, okay, sweet.'"
"The Quran's verses are joined together in such a way that they are like a single word harmoniously associated structurally."
"This energy influences everything around you, from the people you attract to the situations you encounter."
"When you are coherent, your body is not merely existing, it's resonating at a frequency that aligns with the universe's fundamental forces."
"The power of coherence: the concept of coherence is central to understanding how you can harness your energy to interact with the quantum field."
"When these systems operate in harmony, they produce a powerful coherent wave that can effectively influence both your internal environment and the external world."
"I would love for you to speak into how when we find coherence when we find alignment between brain and heart, then we can, we can Steward whatever reality we want to us in record time."
"It makes it feel more like one cohesive ecosystem instead of got faders. I mean, faders, yeah, faders let's go, you know?"
"Nothing's disjointed, it all sounds as one, one big performance with a really, really nice sound stage, width, depth, and height."
"This is one of those things where it's like the costume works so good in the story because the story is so good."
"The front end super aggressive, the back super aggressive and now the middle. It just fits, it just looks like everything flows together."
"I'm like this is actually very cohesive."
"The rug really tied the room together."
"Honestly, you gotta admit the timeline here really doesn't make sense."
"...only 66 books of the Bible which speak in perfect cohesion authored by some 40 different authors... 66 books not one of them contradict one another."
"When mind and body are aligned, we send a coherent signal into the field."
"It's not an either or it's creating a more cohesive ecosystem."
"Most card games are very restrained due their careful balancing a competitive nature this was not like that at all stuff was just happening it was spontaneous and chaotic but the turn structure and combat were coherent and anchoring it all down."
"Ideas should form a pyramid under a single thought, and that single thought is essentially our thesis or our answer to the question."
"These songs are so different, yet the story they tell is so coherent."
"It's more interested in collapsing binaries than being coherent."
"Fragments of the story came together forming a believable scenario."
"...it's important to make it look like all the elements of your tank belong together so I'd want to do like a red rust everywhere because I wouldn't match nicely with the Browns and yellows I already have on the tank."
"The librarian sort of invites you to indulge this long enough to see that there is actually useful deductive reasoning that can be carried out with the benefit of knowing that point of view is coherent even if you yourself don't have it."
"I never say we ought to make our inclinations as coherent as consistent as possible. I have goals and desires, so to me, it's not that ought doesn't exist. Ought can exist."
"I think the biggest appeal for this movie was just that there was a lot of stuff going on, but they all flowed very well together."
"It is wild that it's possible to write a word at a time and produce a coherent essay, for example, but it's worth understanding kind of how that's working."
"The plot remains focused and linear, allowing every branch to tie back into the main narrative very seamlessly."
"... he knew what he was supposed to be doing and the matches made sense."
"You can see that it goes together. Well now it's kind of more harmonious, right?"
"It was like watching Jerry Lawler call or ring general a match, where everything follows, there's nothing out of place, everything makes sense."
"Wrestling should be simple. Storylines should be easy to understand and should make sense from one week to the next."
"Hopefully this will be a slightly more coherent debate."
"When God speaks coherently, every detail that He says has an impact on every other detail."
"This is a really, really tight story that everything they kind of plant seeds for in the beginning come back in the end."
"All too often you see a film where it's just like stuff is just happening whereas everything has an effect here, it's a cause and effect throughout the entire film."
"Don't force anything to fit if it doesn't make sense."
"And this will all make sense when I show it to you in its entirety."
"The storyline to me was very strong too. It wasn't just thrown together."
"It's totally going to make sense by the end of this video."
"It's such a funny thing you buy things you love and somehow they all work together."
"Its coherence and harmony is found in a deep interior presentation of glorious threads of truth woven throughout its historical narrative."
"If I didn't know number one was a standalone and they didn't already plan to have two and three, I would have completely believed that everything was planned out since the beginning. It just flowed so nicely."
"Every room in a house is a different chapter of the same book. So even though they look different, they should all speak to each other if that makes sense."
"I love this one... everything has a purpose from the very beginning to the very end all the little story lines coming together fitting together so almost perfectly I love it."
"We have to make sure that all of the parts of the track are coming together to create one vibe."
"I just want something that's like all together, all unified, cohesive."
"Writing is thought. If you cannot write out your ideas, you do not have coherent thoughts."
"A good thumbnail also makes sense in the context of your video's title."
"Everything about this album just fits together like a puzzle piece of just how it all complements each other."
"What I love about your story...is it all fits together [__] perfectly."
"Because if this is not done well, everything else that we did, it makes no sense early on."
"This design does not make sense on this white T-shirt."
"Kil and going back to the other question about keeping track..."
"I appreciate how this very out of place scenery actually gets explained and justified in this. In contrast to the invasion of time where it was just there, this time it actually has a role in the story."
"You can have all the talent in the world but it's got to blend, it's got to mesh, it's got to make sense."
"This is put together like a movie of its time. All the beats and everything."
"I'm not one of these Fighters what can't string a sentence together and I think everything happens for a reason."
"Beautiful that they tie into the theme of the record and sort of your progression to this point."
"Thematic perfection in every scene."
"Everything in this movie reinforces the theme."
"...kind of ties this video all together in a lovely little bow."
"You want to create the sense that each scene, each moment in your story, is naturally and organically leading into the next."
"Visualization is the key to attaining heart and mind coherence."
"Everything fits together so nice."
"He cannot be a mad person. They are too perfect and too coherent in their organization to be done by a mad person, by somebody who is sociopathic or psychopath."
"It did feel like the movie was more focused."
"So stress creates incoherence in the brain, and stress creates incoherence in the heart. So now you don't have a Wi-Fi signal. Your brain is incoherent, your heart is incoherent, you can't connect to the field."
"I feel like with that concept and that theme, the way they portrayed it with the song and with the music video makes a lot of sense."
"Consistency is key to transmit specific personality traits and organization. Magazines need to have some kind of consistency so the pages look like they all belong together."
"Don't just put a random collection of stuff on your shelf. You want it to all fit together. You want to unite your items together with some sort of theme."
"Understanding the fundamentals of design is the first step to creating visuals that have cohesiveness and harmony."
"It's a miracle that they made a halfway coherent movie."
"You can see that this support material as it forms is very very coherent."
"I would love to just see it all connect."
"Every single piece of this puzzle is going to make sense."
"It's going to seem like a lot of random stuff, it'll come together at the end."
"What's the point, you don't make sense."
"Everything felt so good... Nothing feels out of place. It's so easy for that kind of content to just feel weird and goofy and just completely out of place and make no sense."
"That's without it, it sounds a little all over the place."
"Yeah, hopefully that made some sense there."
"When a system is far from equilibrium small islands of coherence can shift the entire system."
"Coherence is just a really well-written science fiction thriller."
"We are an interconnected intelligence, incredibly collaborative and interdependent, creating coherence all around us."
"It's usually a pretty good idea to have it at least make enough sense so that fans can fill in the gaps."
"A project should have unity and variety."
"The precise details aren't supposed to make sense, only its overall theme."
"I find Christianity to be beautiful and its teachings to be coherent."
"Everything that's here should be there, and everything that's there should be here."
"For a mystery to be truly satisfying, it needs to make complete sense."
"An album was a coherent body of work that wasn't just hanging on a hit single."
"A story that feels like one thing instead of a mix of things has a theme."
"Its beginning, middle, and end are always in agreement."
"I don't care if you don't agree with me a hundred percent, but did what I say today make sense?"
"It doesn't make any sense for them not to."