
Idea Development Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Goodwill discourse is at the heart of any free society and has led to the development of the greatest ideas."
"New ideas require many reiterations and restatements before they become part of the generally accepted currency of thought."
"A lot of people walking around or working in their jobs haven't been exercising their idea muscle."
"Moving a very simple idea from place to place and context to context, and changing it in the process, is actually your biggest tool for creativity."
"Loads of ideas, but lots of ideas in isolation is not normally as fun as a few specific ideas linked together and fully realized."
"Ideas come from bouncing each idea around, and you might have one rough concept, someone then makes it better."
"A lot of ideas sound crazy until you can make them happen, and this is how we move forward."
"You have the thesis, you have the antithesis, and then after dialogue, it ends up breaking down into the synthesis; you have a new idea."
"It's only through the process of disagreement and debate that bad ideas get tossed out and good ideas get refined and made better."
"Ideas start from one mind, usually. Ideas come from one place or a minimal number of people, and I love seeing those go from creation to full product."
"Great ideas often need time, patience, and sometimes they even need revision."
"Sleep is very important for coming up with new ideas."
"Culture is how we talk about ideas, culture is how we mold political ideas and say which ideas can connect together."
"When you have the core of such a great idea, like the Lovecraftian concept, focus on the cosmic horror of it all."
"It's authenticity and the ability to flesh out ideas that matter, not just the length of content."
"All the ideas that came to my head just happened to overlap with what Decked Out had."
"Your reward is ahead, this is a good time to learn to develop new ideas, new ways of doing things."
"In terms of the premise, it was something that we had been holding on to for some time."
"It's what you give the shape you give to the idea, how you evolve the idea until you figure out, hey, this could really work and then you execute, okay?"
"Most people have said problematic [__] before you apologize, you strive to do better."
"Don't underestimate your potential impact; set an intention, hunt for ideas, play with mental Legos, distribute your ideas."
"You have lots of good ideas, just maybe getting that courage to start it."
"A lot of these groundbreaking ideas... they just take off what they can get."
"There are no perfect answers, only ideas that are well developed and ideas that are poorly developed."
"Think of specific, relevant ideas that answer the question."
"It was interesting hearing you talk about that with Ashley and that you actually had the idea earlier but you kind of let it just date to where you're like, okay, this is it."
"We've learned the secret - we know how to make ideas into reality."
"Businesses start with an idea, not on opening day."
"Take charge of this time... to move forward with your ideas."
"When an idea just pops into your mind? It felt like different ideas I'd had came together and formed a clear concept."
"Congratulations to Sonics, bro. He's holding up a time-out poster."
"When ideas' time has come, there is nothing that could stop it."
"The ideas are worth fighting over and they're worth fighting for and that's what makes the ride worth taking."
"Every great idea starts with a minority of one."
"I think that as long as you can have clear ideas or start making clear ideas with every step that you make."
"There's a massive chasm between an idea and an implementation."
"Prototypes aren't just a way to test and prove the validity of an idea: they are a way to generate new and even better ideas."
"The best thing you can do, in my experience, is have a great idea."
"Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come."
"I've spent so long tinkering with these ideas."
"You can clarify your ideas by having conversations, speaking them out loud."
"I like that idea, I genuinely like that idea."
"If you can master this skill, it'll keep you from rehashing ideas that have already been worked and allow you to really innovate."
"It's more about the idea than it is about it being perfect."
"Remember, ideas alone are not enough. A fair idea, developed and acted upon, is a hundred percent better than a great idea that dies because it isn't followed up."
"Entrepreneurship starts with an idea. You have an idea that you think is going to work, and then you have this bridge in between of all of the execution."
"Borrowing a lot of ideas, and so it forms into your own."
"ideas of course begin as intuitions stage one is simply where an idea remains an intuition"
"Your plan isn't marked, your plan is there for you to get ideas down as quickly as possible."
"An open development of ideas... your opinions."
"It often leads to the next thing so it'll give me an idea that I want to pursue and it'll follow down that kind of rabbit hole and continue to explore new avenues."
"Sometimes ideas start in different places but you can always meld them into one great thing."
"You can make a baby in five minutes, but it takes 18 years to raise it. Similarly, an idea isn't worth much until you breathe life into it."
"You don't always have to have an exact plan put together in order to execute on an idea."
"There's no such thing as a new or original idea."
"We encourage all of you to go off and make something... and share your ideas with us."
"Ideas don't just come out of your head, full-blown perfect. You workshop them, and you try things."
"Write them down because I want you to see them. Give yourself a rough draft of a place to start."
"This idea feels like a natural progression in the evolution of Smash."
"Innovation isn't just about ideas. Ideas are just the start and they're cheap. Innovation is created by the investment in the journey."
"I'm actually coming up with a brilliant idea."
"Create, come up with the over idea and what really feels good, and then get that idea and then start flushing it out into an arrangement."
"From concept to reality: the triumph of unconventional ideas."
"For every idea in this video, there's a whole series of branches of additional ideas that are taking that and niching down a little bit more."
"When the momentum gets going, man, we come up with some heaters."
"Great ideas tend to start with a lot of opposition."
"Original ideas and innovation only happen through remixing, respectful remixing, but remixing."
"Even if it's the smallest little idea, it's going to turn into something really big, something really successful."
"Sometimes a crazy idea comes about and the more you think about it the better it sounds."
"There's nothing so powerful as an idea whose Time Has Come."
"The key to building a second brain is not just storing things but moving your ideas and projects forward."
"I spend like four or five days just on the idea itself, making sure my brain likes it enough to spend a month on it."
"This went from a really good idea to an amazingly good idea."
"Once you have a genesis of ideas, you can start to really engage with them fairly."
"...they take a half step toward you and they partner with you inside your idea to find the best way to structure that idea."
"If you have got an idea and you think it's a good enough idea, go for gold with that idea. If you haven't got money, right, shout from the mountaintops about your idea to everyone you know and meet people who do have money to get your idea going."
"But when you're actually in the process of developing these ideas, not only are you conjecturing or hypothesizing, but the vast majority of your conjectures and hypotheses are just wrong and are left on the cutting room floor."
"Try to validate your idea before you start building."
"Even bad ideas need to go down on paper."
"You don't have to have it all figured out, and in fact, your idea probably isn't that good."
"Let me cook it means you're thinking okay you're, uh, you're letting the idea not really develop up in your head right."
"Once an idea is fully formed, fully understood, that sticks."
"The most important part is you need to develop the idea and the research question."
"If you don't do that, it's when we have an idea, we are pregnant with that idea. And that idea has a life of its own. It wants to be born. And if we don't let it be born, we'll pay the price one way or another."
"It's almost like your idea sucks, it's a way of contributing to the idea and expanding it."
"I'm happy to introduce you to a different way to develop ideas, to find authentic concepts, to help you develop your unique voice."
"Passion is first because, if you have a good idea, sooner or later, they're gonna jump on and start giving you praise."
"This is not me telling you that I have the answer, this is me telling you like hey I have this idea, do you think that we can push it further?"
"We came up with this idea, which is a great idea."
"If you've come up with an idea that you're trying to develop, trying to look at it through these four types of conflict or these four conflict dynamics can help you understand your own story."
"It's way easier to expand an idea than it is to condense an idea."
"We're going to spar until we find the best version of that idea."
"I'm using the sub item feature to outline and brainstorm project ideas."
"This my idea therefore is in the process of unfoldment or of being thought into outer expression."
"Most ideas that have been super successful are not completely new, cut from whole cloth."
"Ideas and culture clearly evolve and are subject to analogues of natural selection."
"The main functions of a note-taking tool should be that you incubate ideas over time, promote unusual associations, create visual artifacts."
"The idea goes back a very long time."
"Don't be afraid to drop bad ideas and just come up with new ones."
"I liked working with writers... I enjoy working with creative writers and coming up with creative ideas."
"Not all ideas are spotted; some are created or born, but that doesn't do it justice because the truth is many amazing ideas started many years before any of us ever find out about them."
"We need to actually reinforce the workflow of incoming content, idea distillation, produced output."
"Every good idea starts off as a bad idea, to be honest."
"New ideas are beautiful to have, and if you really love them as much as you think you do, you'll be able to wait until you're ready to pursue them without distraction."
"Just an idea and I thought I would also kind of share how an idea for me sort of evolves."
"An issue can be a great idea that is yet to be implemented."
"It's about having the idea and then following it through."
"One could start with the smallest possible kernel of an idea and then expand that outwards."
"The more specific examples that you can give will certainly boost the quality of those ideas."
"If we can begin to think strategically about how we can leverage our impact... that's what it's gonna take to enable our ideas to really grow and spread."
"You have not only good ideas, some of the ideas are really well worked out."
"I Love Thinking of stuff like this."
"It's a very innovative and interesting idea."
"To really develop good ideas, it seems to me that you're at least much more likely to when you have the opportunity to co-develop them with others."
"And that right there is how you take an idea, that idea breaks to pieces, and then you come back and you do it again and you make it work and you're successful."
"The book has a range of topics... origin of ideas, a very concrete sense of the look and feel of the nanoscale world in a mechanical sense."
"The life cycle of a good idea: excitement, evolution, engagement, resistance, and then decision."
"An idea occurs but it isn't really valuable until you turn it into a commercial product that can be sold profitably."
"You're investing in yourself, you're investing in your idea."
"You're incredibly good at seeing the core idea of what someone else did and then understanding how you can perpetuate that in your own idea."
"Nourishing this idea from when it first popped up all the way through to now has been so fulfilling."