
Public Benefit Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"I think that every company, if it does not exist for the benefit of the public, it should not exist."
"With these projects, the Flavians were in effect returning land that had been used by the emperor to showcase his decadence and wealth to the Roman public for their own enjoyment."
"That money is not going to be wasted money; that money is going to be seen, and we could multiply that number by many times coming back to the American public."
"Having price stability for an extended period of time is just enormously beneficial to the public."
"Our government should exist for the benefit of the people who live within the confines of the country."
"If the outcome of this fight could have some direct immediate quantifiable impact on average Americans, then explain it to me."
"My administration is working every day to deliver the world-class infrastructure that our people deserve."
"Clearly she's a great person. There's the millions of books she gives to children for free, the money she gave to victims of floods, her donation to help fund the Moderna vaccine... I mean the list literally goes on and on."
"You have a message that a lot of people can benefit from."
"I would love to give it to the American people as a powerful stimulus."
"Infrastructure is something that is really generally a great thing for lots of different reasons."
"The return on investment is far greater than the expenditure of government funds to carry out duties to benefit the people of the country."
"One should design for the advantages of the largest mass of people first and always."
"Having more people become investors is fundamentally a good thing."
"Once you actually do something for the average American, it's hard to take it back."
"If he's doing this at cost, there's no profit. In theory, as he's arguing, it would be a better deal for the country and the taxpayers."
"At the end of the day that's who we think won in this discussion and this negotiation, not the Democrats, not the Republicans, but the American people." - Nick Mulvaney
"OpenAI was created to achieve General AGI for the public."
"The pursuit of luxury should be in the public domain... to create space for people."
"We'll make public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"The results of these historic investments will benefit the American people and will mark the beginning of the end of the pandemic."
"Andrew Yang is the only one who's actually offering real solutions to help normal people in their lives."
"Crypto is for the people. Crypto is for the people. This is why I call her the banking broad."
"Implement policy that will help the lives of average Americans."
"With today's order, my administration is taking one more vital step in a series of actions to deliver great healthcare for the American people."
"A greater understanding of these implants would undoubtedly benefit us all."
"With this law, the American people won and special interests lost."
"We need to return to the idea of higher education as a public good."
"To me, it's all about maximizing the public benefit."
"I really trust that it’s going to be as beneficial for [children] and again, its importance to me is that we’re one community."
"Put money back in Pennsylvanians' Pockets right now when they need it most."
"Safety is probably the thing they increased most and everyone profits from that definitely."
"She started the Imagination Library. Every child born in Sevier County would receive a book every month."
"America is finally doing something right. It feels weird to see the federal government actually passing a bill that has the American people in mind."
"Fight for your rights and fight for the future of this country to keep it free."
"I'd like to see more money in the pockets of people."
"My plan benefits ordinary Americans, not the top."
"Democrats need to materially benefit people's lives."
"We need to fundamentally change the way this country is run so that it's run for the people."
"Biden and the Democrats need to govern in a way that makes the American people's lives better."
"The National Parks have been dubbed America's best idea because they took huge swaths of American wilderness, protected it from development, and kept it open to the public for their enjoyment."
"Making Harry and Megan a Mr. and Mrs. is not going to put any more money in people's pockets or get them a better house or better quality food or public services."
"But I do think that squad is well-equipped for challenging in the Champions League."
"This decision is for the benefit of the people."
"Everything that was beneficial to the people got yanked from this bill."
"A monumental bill that will be truly for the people."
"The goal of mask-wearing is not to make your life less comfortable. It's to give something back to all of us: a normal life."
"The biggest payoff we see in history's channel, everything that's in the recon is checks for the American people, checks, checks, and more checks."
"It would have been much, much worse without this public health care system, which is everywhere."
"These weather satellites are one of the more obvious examples of how a space launch directly benefits everyone here on Earth."
"There's nothing dangerous about that. How is more information for the American people dangerous? It's not. In fact, it's a positive thing."
"He left the entire estate to the public for their enjoyment and education."
"Aviation has had its losses and it's great gains and we of the public are those who benefit from the progress that has been made."
"So that would be good for everybody and the public to be able to enjoy."
"Freedom four: The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements and modified versions in general to the public, so the whole community benefits."
"We continue to work with President Biden to create an economy that works for everyday Americans."
"The Constitution does not require copyright; it is a system set up to provide benefit to the general public."
"The first job of the government is to make a healthy economy from which everyone may conceivably benefit."
"Ultimately, this research will provide a public benefit by leading to better targeted therapeutic interventions to help fight against future pandemics."
"All these devices offer Torchwood benefit, not the general public's, to make Britain an empire again."
"Government should be using its scale and its authority to build regional and national investments that produce wide public benefits."
"A public benefit designation is only given to companies who intend to produce a public benefit and operate in a responsible and sustainable manner."
"Show real value for how gas prices and taxes and other meaningful things are going to benefit folks."
"For the people, he's talking about those policies that people really will feel in their wallet."
"So we're a force for the public good."
"It's one of the best investments the government can ever make."
"There has to be a charitable purpose under Section three one of the Charities Act 2011 and secondly there has to be a public benefit under Section 4."
"Research can be charitable if the subject matter is considered to be worthy of study, the knowledge will be made publicly available, and there is a benefit for the public more widely."
"All provisions in the Constitution are there to benefit the people."
"The public good is served by the private interest."
"Aid works when a government's desire to hold and retain power requires it to do those things that have the greatest benefit to its citizens."
"It's a service offered by Her Majesty's Government that you don't need to pay for."
"Hamilton wanted to help convince the American people that the new constitution was not only necessary but it benefited them."
"The public can enjoy the benefits of encryption while still allowing for lawful access."
"The government should provide a full system for the people to understand that this healthcare is for their benefit."
"Liquidity that we're able to provide is not a private benefit; it's a public good."