
Positive Affirmations Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Positive affirmations and visualization can significantly influence the subconscious mind, aligning it with your desires and goals."
"May I be safe, may I be happy, may I be healthy, may I live with ease."
"Surrender negative thinking. You have control over your thoughts. When negative thoughts surface, say 'Thank you for sharing' and quickly refocus on positive affirmations."
"I am worthy of love, abundance, happiness, and joy. I'm worthy of my desires, and I expect them to happen. I am unlimited."
"Have the most successful, beautiful, and loving day that you deserve."
"I am open and receptive to the divine riches, and they flow to me in avalanches of abundance."
"Positive affirmations work because the more you repeat these affirmations, the more you ingrain it into your brain, your mind is like, 'Okay, I know this. I know this thought. And it must be true because I know it. I'm thinking it.'"
"The more you believe in yourself, the more I can sprinkle the magic into your journey."
"I speak prosperity, I speak expansion, I speak increase and overflow."
"May the entire universe be filled with peace and joy, love and light."
"You are lovable; attract the best love the universe has to offer."
"You deserve more love, attention, and respect."
"You are light, you are love, you are the divine."
"There is power in our words when we pray, decree, declare, and prophesy."
"I am free from all negative attachment. I am guided by the power of love. I look beyond my fears and see only love. I deserve to be happy. I choose to follow my heart."
"Just that one point in your life where you get to hear all the nice things about you while you're still on this earth."
"I think there should be a scale, like a weight scale, that every time you get on it tells you that you're amazing in some different way."
"Through it all, we're reminded: You're loved, you're appreciated, you are enough. That's the message we want to spread."
"Make a wish, set an affirmation, declare your will, declare your intention."
"Money is so attracted to you it's not even funny."
"Blessings of manifestation and abundance are coming to you."
"A blessing for good work in 2023: a year of harvest, prosperity, and major growth."
"You deserve all of the best things in the world."
"Money comes to me easily and frequently... life without having to worry so much about it."
"With your increased confidence and assertiveness, watch these positive affirmations blossom into reality."
"Notice how you talk to yourself and I want you to start and each day with a positive that you say about you not about anybody else or something that you have."
"I decree and declare that there will be no holdups, no setbacks, no delays, no substitutes."
"Remember to stay beautiful, stay lovely, stay in the house, have a grand grand day."
"I radiate self-esteem, Inner Peace, Love, well-being, and happiness."
"You have so much abundance, stability, healing, love, fulfillment."
"You are worth more, valuable, worthy of love and belonging."
"All that I want is coming to me now. In the meantime, I'm too busy being the best me to notice anything or anybody's absence."
"You deserve love and love is coming in strong."
"I mean, I'm someone who, as much as possible, practices kindness. And we don't really see that much in the world today. So hearing those things, positive affirmations from people you just met, that's already something to me."
"Treat yourself kind. Never ever attack yourself. Always say great things about yourself."
"2024 is going to be a very prosperous and abundant year... claiming protection, prosperity, abundance, and healing."
"Happy birthday Scorpio! I wish you a year of luck, love, prosperity, and above all, happiness."
"Never ever speak anything but greatness in your life no matter what your circumstances are."
"Recognize the good qualities and traits in yourself."
"Effortless attraction of abundance flows into my life each day."
"Speak life over yourself. Speak healing over yourself. Speak victory over yourself."
"Daily affirmations, I really think that they do and when you repeat them every day eventually you start believing what you say to yourself."
"Let's be grateful and thankful together. Are you ready? One more. [Applause] Life is good."
"Your mind will do what you tell it. Now that you know that, tell it great things all the time."
"I attract healthy relationships. I speak my truth, I listen to understand another's truth."
"I curse everybody with happiness and gratitude."
"You are blessed, you are blessed, you are blessed."
"You're amazing. I really, really believe that. I'm investing in you with this giveaway and with time, and I just really hope you remember that you're amazing."
"I am aligned with the energy of abundance. I constantly attract opportunities that create more money."
"It's a wonderful time to set subconscious intentions, affirmations."
"You deserve all of the best things in life like love, happiness, and success."
"Love on yourselves everybody, love on yourselves."
"Through her personality and her positive affirmations and her extremely high confidence, we see a beautiful black girl who isn't afraid to say it as it is, walk the walk, and talk the talk."
"You are loved and appreciated beyond expression."
"Counteract negative thoughts with positive affirmations."
"Positive affirmations reprogram subconscious beliefs, attracting abundance into their lives."
"My friend, I declare that healing, that miracles, that breakthroughs are coming in your way in the mighty name of Jesus."
"A sincere wish will be granted, your bones will be mended and healed."
"You are lovable, you are worthy, you are amazing."
"Happy birthday to you, dear Scorpio! May God bless you eternally and abundantly, with lots of love, joy, peace, prosperity, well-being, protection, and manifestation of all your dreams."
"Positive energy surrounds you, love and joy and good fortune awaits."
"I declare blessings, victory from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet."
"That's why improv is good. That's where literally yes and comes from."
"This is your happiness, Scorpio. Manifestations happening, blessings raining down."
"Gratitude is the key word, cuz the universe will give you more of what you tell it that you're grateful for."
"We have favor, we get blessings, we have joy, we get redemption, and we get peace."
"I'm giving blessings to you that you will feel happy, you will feel joyful and that you will feel loved."
"Peace love and shimmies and you are amazing yes."
"Sympathy and love flow out from me and bless everyone I meet. I am kind and loving in my heart, and my world is filled with love and kindness."
"I love you and you are a wonderful and just wonderful awesome person."
"Victory, success, recognition, abundance, prosperity."
"Kind, gentle, easy, good. If any signs you're gonna come, kind, gentle, easy, good."
"I'm speaking money over everybody that's watching this live, chime in on the chat if you agree."
"Expect miracles and love you and thank you so much."
"You are so deserving, you are so loving, all of these things are at your disposal."
"I attract the perfect people at the perfect time." - Jake Doozy
"Whenever you have that thought, that negative self-talk thought, you're gonna snap the rubber band and you're gonna replace it with something like, 'I'm good enough,' like, 'I'm worthy as is,' or, 'I was born worthy.'"
"You should use positive affirmations, which is called positive self-talk. Repeat it over and over to yourself with enthusiasm and conviction."
"Positive affirmations can substitute for the negative affirmations that you've cultivated over the years."
"When imposter syndrome sets in I'm going to tell myself these set of positive affirmations..."
"You can think positive affirmations as much as you want, but you actually have to get rid of the poop in your life."
"Positive affirmations can help to reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning your thoughts and beliefs with the realities you wish to create."
"This is a great time to practice positive affirmations, to practice positive self-talk, to tell yourself that you're doing great, you're proud of yourself for all of your efforts. I'm proud of you."
"Fill your mind with positive affirmations. Remind yourself how strong you really are."
"You are going to have to start believing in yourself and speaking positively to you."
"Dig underneath recurring negative thoughts to find the beliefs driving them. Create positive affirmations to overwrite those pathways. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones."
"He fills my heart with good things, when he fills my heart with the right things I stay young, fresh, energetic, and strong like an ego."
"Surrender negative thinking. Focus on positive affirmations."
"I speak blessings over your life, over your family, over your finances!"
"I think it is important to speak things into existence and have positive affirmations."
"I am vibrating love, health, prosperity, and success."
"Keep positive affirmations so that they feel good about the pictures, the better they're gonna look."
"I am worthy of being successful and happy. I am loved. I am compassionate. I am kind."
"Eat like you love yourself, move like you love yourself, speak like you love yourself."
"Making your 'I ams' always positive is gonna help you make those things true or more true than they are now."
"I'm sending you love and happiness and joy."
"If you repeat positive affirmations to yourself every single day... eventually you trick your subconscious into believing whatever you keep telling yourself."
"Practice saying nice things to yourself."
"Love yourself, affirmations, less negative self-talk."
"I attract wealth, abundance, and joy."
"May you be healthy, may you be strong."
"You're manifesting your dreams, so make sure you are speaking some positivity into your existence."
"Hope that you're feeling strong, abundant, protected, productive, loved, hopeful, excited about your future."
"Stay blessed, stay healthy, stay wealthy."
"Using positive affirmations, saying more powerful, uplifting things to myself."
"The more you affirm your strength and faith, the more you build it."
"Positive affirmations... it's a pivotal point in your life."