
Reality Creation Quotes

There are 584 quotes

"Your thoughts and images, and how you feel about them, imprint themselves on the subconscious mind and create your reality."
"You are creating your next reality. Do you like what you're thinking about?"
"Step into your import power and say, 'I create my own reality. I have the power to create the life that I want.'"
"Your energy creates your reality. What I focus on is what I will manifest."
"You create your reality. You create that body that best serves you."
"Your personality creates your personal reality. So if you want to create a new life, a new personal reality, you've got to change your personality."
"Your personality creates your personal reality, which is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel."
"Your thoughts create your reality. If you can control your mind, you control your reality. Simple as that."
"The imagination is the forerunner of created reality."
"The real power which is our imagination allows us to create our reality."
"You have all the power and the ability to create your entire world as far as your senses can reach based on your imagination."
"Everything must be first imagined before it can become a fact."
"As soon as man assumes the feeling of his wish fulfilled, his fourth-dimensional self finds ways for the attainment of this end, discovers methods for its realization."
"Whatever thought you send out will draw to you in the material world a corresponding reality."
"Achieving congruence between our conscious and subconscious minds is crucial to aligning our thoughts and feelings for effective reality creation."
"We are limitless; this world can't stop us. It doesn't matter; it's done. We're pure love, we're freedom. Nothing can control us; we're creating our realities."
"You're creating your reality in every single moment based on the value and the meaning that you assign to the things that are going on around you."
"Manifestation is about stepping fully into being conscious and creating consciously in your reality."
"Put yourself in the reality you believe in. If you think you're supposed to be well-known, start dressing like it, start talking like it."
"You must trust the process that the subconscious mind knows the way to help you create your reality."
"Our thoughts are in the lead, so whatever our thoughts tell us, that's the reality that we see. Essentially, with our minds, we create the world."
"We are the powers that be because we are creating our own reality."
"If you expect disappointment, it's crucial that you prove to yourself that you create your own reality."
"Stop focusing your energy on past events; life is too precious to waste. You create your reality by what you think, dream, and imagine."
"My energy creates my reality. What I focus on is what I will manifest."
"The more you can say, 'Here's the reality I want to construct today,' and then inhabit it, the more you will materialize it."
"Manifesting is about understanding how to create your own reality."
"Becoming supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches a lot about rewiring the neuro pathways in your brain to create your desired reality."
"Reality is what you make it. What you ask us to do, we do. Please be cautious of how your feelings influence your words."
"Realize that you are actually the creator of your reality."
"Neville Goddard has provided an interpretation of the Bible that is really about reality creation and it's also about you. It's a biography of you."
"If each one of us decided to reach these higher states of consciousness and energy, unlocking these chakras, we would essentially end up co-creating our own reality."
"You have to start creating your own reality to pop open your third eye."
"We are always in the process of creating our own realities."
"Your thoughts create reality; really, really, they create your reality."
"My energy creates my reality. What I focus on is what will manifest."
"You have the thought, the idea... you have everything you need to make your manifestation become physical reality."
"As always, you create your own reality, and you do so with your mind."
"We create our reality on every level. That's one of the things we're learning because the physical world is a slow-motion reality."
"Manifestation abilities will increase... some of you, your thoughts are creating your reality without even realizing it."
"Every single decision you make is like opening a new door to your new identity, and your new identity is what is going to create your new reality."
"We manifest our reality, our material reality. We are co-creators of it."
"Manifesting is about bringing something into reality."
"The game is over. I'm creating my reality, I'm choosing what I'm going to be experiencing. I am. I am. You start becoming the master in the game. The game's over. I got it. I'm good."
"Your thoughts and your words attract this reality."
"Remember it's entirely up to you. You can manifest your own reality."
"Live in your desired reality before it even comes."
"Your word is your wand. You create magic and your own reality every time you express yourself."
"Choose your thoughts carefully, for they create your reality."
"Positive thoughts shape our reality... like attracts like."
"You create your reality; your intentions create your reality."
"You have the power to manifest your reality."
"I feel like I'm the ultimate manifestor. I speak things and like they happen."
"Make it real, make it exist in front of you."
"Your will creates the reality. Your thoughts can manifest a certain reality."
"Wherever your attention goes, your energy flows... reality is created based on your attention."
"You create your reality with the thoughts you repeat and the beliefs that you align with."
"You create your own reality with your thoughts and your repeated words in your repeated beliefs."
"You're in control of your own thoughts, and they create your reality."
"Your thoughts create your reality, your beliefs create your reality."
"You are the creator of your reality, whether or not you believe this."
"Most individuals are unaware of the power they possess, consequently they unwittingly create a rollercoaster of both positive and negative events in their reality."
"You are the co-creator of your reality, and each time you make a choice, you are cultivating your reality."
"Our purpose is to be here to create our own reality."
"Start telling our own stories and creating our own realities."
"Create your own reality manifest your own destiny now."
"You create reality through your feelings, thoughts, and mental actions."
"You are creating your reality based on the meaning and the value that you assigned to the things around you."
"Create your own reality, be a leader in inspiring and empowering others."
"The secret is thinking from. When you enter into a state and think from it, you give it all the tones of reality."
"Do not limit your potential. You are creating your reality. You are manifesting your reality."
"We are co-creators of our own reality... once we see that we have a choice, we liberate ourselves from that routine which is no longer serving us."
"You really can create the life you want. It's not fantasy; it's real."
"Consciousness that we're all connected and we're creating our reality and experiences so I'm gonna assume that."
"Manifestation is real folks. I'm telling you it's very real. Thoughts are things."
"Writing is such an incredible exercise, it sets the tone for okay I'm writing it down to make this a reality."
"Create whatever reality they wanted to live in. So we're gonna have to do the same thing. We have to create our reality. Stop looking for institutions to attach yourself to and start seeing yourselves as the creators of those institutions."
"Life is about having a dream and projecting your reality."
"Your energy creates the reality; what you focused on is what you will manifest."
"Your thoughts really do create your reality."
"Feel the vividness and distinctness of this new reality, and you will have it."
"Faith and imagination deposited in activity create reality."
"Your thoughts create your own reality, but now I've selected some tarot cards for you."
"If we can unlock the confidence in you, suddenly you have the confidence to create any reality that you want."
"Your intentions create your reality, be aware of them and be willing to put them into practice in your world today."
"Imagining creates reality in the most minute form."
"I feel like all your everything that you think about is manifesting or everything that you think about has the ability to manifest into your reality."
"We are co-creators of our reality; we have the power to shape our experiences through our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions."
"Manifest your own reality, no more sitting on the sidelines."
"Dreams are the blueprints to reality, before we can create something tangible, we first need to dream it."
"You can create any reality that is relevant for you."
"We are the architects of our reality, capable of transforming our circumstances through the power of our thoughts and emotions."
"To me, the magician says you will be using your talents, gifts, skills, and abilities to create your own reality."
"Your mentality will create the reality for what you live in."
"Through our thoughts, we recreate our daily realities."
"Your words, thoughts, and actions create your reality. The three go together deep divers like the cat down the road and I."
"Visualization is obviously one of the key components in creating your reality."
"There is no deeper truth to manifestation than what you believe is what you're going to receive."
"You create your own reality through the beliefs that you have."
"If it's all fake then we can meme what we want into existence."
"My thoughts and words shape my reality."
"We're grateful for his support as we turn the fictional world into reality."
"Success means turning your desires into reality."
"Level four self-talk is the most powerful for positive personal creation. It literally creates new realities."
"You're starting on a blank slate as the creator of your reality."
"You have to be an example sometimes, to break the curse and to learn how to create your own reality."
"Forget about what you don't want and create a new reality through your vision."
"Your thoughts create reality, what you think creates reality."
"You are the creator of the reality in which you live."
"You have the magic within you to manifest and co-create your reality."
"Until you become the author of your reality, you're going to be a worker and a participant in somebody else's."
"Cultivation is a daily practice... it's actions put into words put into motion and that becomes reality."
"You create your own reality... ancient esoteric teachings have always said we create our own reality."
"We create our own reality... now it's time to focus on what works."
"We are creating our own reality; our words, thoughts, actions, and imagination are way more powerful than we realize."
"A lot of you need to learn how to step outside of the current reality and create your own."
"Build a reality that makes you smile by connecting with the environment around you."
"We create our own reality with the thoughts we think and the words we speak."
"Your subconscious mind creates your reality."
"Mastering the art of creating your reality is really about learning how to discipline your awareness in a new direction and relax."
"Whatever you think about, you're bringing about. This is your focused creativity turning visions into reality."
"You the point of origin, you creating this reality for yourself."
"You gotta proclaim it verbally, write it down because when you take things from the mind and you speak things and you write it down it becomes real."
"We are your reality. You create it, you affirm it."
"In each and every moment we create our reality."
"What you believe in your heart, you think in your mind eventually will become your words and become your reality."
"Words are spellings we put out to the universe to create our world."
"If that's hyping you up, you need to take some [ __ ] action into this and create that into a reality."
"We are the ultimate creators of our reality."
"Our frequency of vibration actually creates our reality."
"Beliefs create reality from the highest level."
"Whatever we put our attention to becomes real. That's how reality works."
"The thoughts you put your attention to are the ones that become real."
"The power of intention has a lot to do with your thoughts."
"The words that we speak create the world that we live in."
"Your thoughts become things and you create your own reality."
"We are always creating our reality with our thoughts, our words, and actions."
"Right in theirs but if you think you are then you create a universe where you are competing with them."
"Whatever we plan in our subconscious mind and nurse with repetition in motion will one day become a reality."
"We are absolutely the creators of our own reality. There's no question in my mind."
"Speaking what it is that you want into existence. Don't just say you want to do something, you guys, you need to try to make this thing a part of your reality."
"Understand that your thoughts and actions create your reality."
"You create your reality; if you don't like it, you can change it."
"You're transforming that manifestation into reality."
"If you want to create your reality, do it outside of your own selfish desires... when you think unselfishly, that is when you're in the flow."
"Assume you are already that which you seek, and your assumption, if sustained, will harden into fact."
"The imagination is so powerful when we think with faith we are creating a reality where things are possible."
"Our consciousness literally helps to create reality."
"If you can think it, if you can see it in your mind, you can have it in your hand, you can have it in reality."
"Write down all that you desire and watch those things become a reality."
"Your thoughts and emotions materialize and crystallize into physical form."
"Thought creates reality, so the same techniques that you see work instantaneously in heaven can work here on earth, just takes a little bit longer."
"You can code your brain to produce the reality you want."
"Our life purpose is to create our own reality."
"Your thoughts are creating your reality, so what are you saying about your life?"
"Every reality begins with a dream, a seed of inspiration."
"Our focus of what we fear will happen is creating what is happening."
"We can weave our future reality by revisiting that in a much more conscious way."
"You can do anything... you can manifest your own reality."
"What we perceive becomes manifest in reality."
"Your thoughts, your emotions create your reality."
"You are the Divine mind that holds infinite possibilities the answers are in you you are a Zeta we all are we are the creators of our own reality the dreamers of our own dreams the gods of our universe."
"Understanding the power of your thoughts that your thought actually creates your reality."
"You have to see it in your mind before you can see it in your reality. You have to be a visionary."
"I believe we create our own reality, and every single thing I experience, from the good to the bad, is literally a projection of my own consciousness."
"Complete happiness here because of the soulmate connection."
"Speak it out loud and you will bring it into existence."
"You determine the way that you show up. Your thoughts create your reality."
"Imagination is the key: what happens in thoughts first, happens in reality."
"Imagination lays the tracks for the reality train to follow." - Caroline Casey
"Through our power, determination, and focusing on our dreams, we create this reality."
"Whatever reality you want to have in your life, dare to envision it."
"Feelings create reality, and when you are reacting to the world, the feelings that come from those reactions end up creating realities that we don't want to exist."
"Act as if and believe it; you will create that reality."
"Realize the fact that you are creating your own reality by what you think, feel, what you believe."
"Whatever is impressed in the subconscious is expressed upon the screen of space."
"Imagination is the key to creating your desired reality."
"Keep your thoughts straight and positive, you will create your reality around you."
"You can literally dream yourself into a new reality by rewiring your brain they're visualizing and mentally stimulating your mind to embed new signals into your cells and circuitry."
"You get to consciously choose what you will create or change with enough time and effort you can immerse your consciousness into any reality you desire."
"Your imagination is god, you create your own reality with your thoughts."
"Belief is the program that creates my reality."
"Your imagination holds all the power. Your imagination creates reality."
"Manifestation is real. What you think and believe, you'll find."
"We're constantly creating our reality by the choices we make in each moment."
"Your thoughts are creating your reality, have faith and stay focused on the outcome that you truly desire."
"You have a choice... you can pay attention to what they tell you in the media and the news, or you can create your own reality."
"You attract what you focus on because what you say and what you believe becomes reality. That's the whole point."
"You do have the power to create your own reality, and I do see a lot of you guys manifesting that."
"For me i feel what's important here is for people to take their power back i think it's great to collect information from outside sources from others it's very very important but at the end of the day you are creating your reality."
"You decide what you want your reality to be."
"When the heart agrees, boom, it becomes a reality."
"You'll start to see attention create your reality right before your very eyes."
"Your actions are acts of significant change; you create your reality."
"Your words are really powerful. Your words will become your actions."
"Thoughts become things and you can create Reality by transmitting your intention into the universe."
"Your thoughts in some way create your reality."
"The truth of the matter is the old world is already dead. Heaven and hell really depends upon the mindset, the mindset of the overall people. We create our reality with our minds."
"We can create our own reality, we can create whatever we want."
"Watch your words because we speak our reality into existence."