
Bodily Functions Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"The subconscious mind is responsible for healing the body, maintaining breathing, heartbeat, and other functions beyond our conscious control."
"There's virtually no body function where vitamin D is not involved, so to call it important is an enormous understatement."
"Healthy thyroid, healthy skin, healthy hair, healthy nails, healthy immune system responses."
"An increase in weight comes from an accumulation of mass, not an accumulation of energy."
"Your poop is how you're getting toxins out of you... If you're not having a daily bowel movement... all of those toxins are getting caught inside of you."
"Juice secretion... How can you digest food like that?"
"This is an indication of the immune system working."
"Your body is always fighting for you, it's always on your team, it's always trying to help you be as healthy as you can."
"Beans, beans, that wonderful fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot."
"People don't realize, it's all governed by the nervous system."
"It's healthier that way, you know. It's not healthy to hold in your farts."
"And though it might spread disease if we’re already sick, coughing and sneezing can eject unwanted material from our airways."
"It is considered normal to fart between six and twenty times a day. An average person farts fifteen times a day. Fair enough."
"The body knows how to fix itself. The body wants to fix itself."
"As grim as it sounds, pain is the body's way of keeping you alive."
"Flatulence is like my butthole's talking, crazy noises."
"Even when you're sleeping, your body knows what it needs to do."
"Your body loses water by breathing, sweating, and answering nature's call, and that water needs to be replaced to maintain metabolism and other normal bodily functions."
"Your body is like, 'Well, gosh, I need energy.'"
"If you have a lot of shit in your intestines, if it's not fertile, if you don't have energy that can circulate well, you cannot accumulate energy."
"Hydrate, but what goes in the body must come out."
"The point is that if you've peed beforehand you don't need to worry about stuff coming out being pee."
"People who eat a carnivore diet may use the bathroom less often."
"The brain will still process both the need to and the action of urination and defecation."
"Magnesium competes with calcium for that binding spot."
"You will actually have the direct experience of your pituitary pineal and the land flowing with milk, serotonin, and honey, DMT."
"No better hormone than one the body produces on its own."
"Intermittent fasting shuts down the rest digest portion of the body."
"A typical cough travels at a speed of 60 miles per hour, while a sneeze is often faster than 100 miles per hour."
"I'm so old. The only time I don't have to pee is when I'm peeing."
"Making sure that you have the proper amount of electrolytes affects hundreds of functions in the body."
"Nitric oxide is one of our most crucial molecules for bodily functions and overall health."
"Also just been really gassy like burping farting I don't I can't believe I'm telling you this stuff."
"Electrolytes are very important for your body including the conduction of nerve impulses, hormonal regulation, nutrient absorption, and fluid balance."
"Man, we didn't eat or nothing, man. I had to push this [__] out, I ain't gonna lie to you. Sorry."
"I'm really sorry about my stomach making noises."
"Like, if my stomach is making noises, whether whatever reason it is, just address the issue so it'll stop, but don't be it should be nothing that you're embarrassed about."
"Farting is as natural as breathing. You want me to apologize for breathing too?"
"My poops are perfectly formed, a nice little sausage-sized soft solid poops, and I'm very happy with that. In fact, it's very similar to my puppy Simba."
"Protein is required for our body to be able to grow, to repair itself."
"We all poop. The cows poop, dogs poop, you and I poop."
"I'm a man that already has to piss all the time. I don't have to piss currently. That's not where this is going."
"I'd never stop peeing, yeah, I'd just be like drinking gallons of water like this."
"Peeing is funny and they tend to go places with that."
"It's going to be important for resting, digesting, urinating."
"Then when you're 10 minutes away from a place or a time when you can offload, your body knows, doesn't it? And it begins the countdown. Which in my case is an almost constant stream of farts."
"I also think we should poop cubes. Why can't it just be a little Cube that comes out, be done with it?"
"I'm just like a dead seal like water just like what is that that's my gut farting on your your gut."
"Oh my God I have to poop again oh my God."
"I actually went and took a leak, yeah, your bladder moves the needle, pal."
"Salt is critical to a slew of functions in your body."
"Choline, an essential nutrient, plays a crucial role in various bodily functions."
"I'm just going to... It really does, I think those tamales are uh... I kind of do have to take a [ __ ] brewing, I kind of honestly do."
"You've got to have the fat to satiate you. Also, your body uses that fat to build hundreds of different things."
"My body will decide to take a proper poo soon."
"Everybody poops, everybody pees, everybody eats, everybody sleeps. These aren't like jokes where somehow everybody knows it."
"Estrogen and testosterone: key players in bodily functions."
"I am your brain. I'm the boss of all the functions in your body."
"Hey, you know you're the real deal when you force some pee pee out."
"I feel like 40% of my life now is spent urinating, while the other 60% is spent feeling like I have to urinate."
"Talking about bow movements is something that we did in medical missionary school and it was... we never got bored at Medical missionary school, it was always interesting."
"Can you really serve God and preach his gospel if... you're burping all the time and you're sick all the time and you're constipated all the time?"
"If nothing else, like with you, it rules stuff out, and that increases your sense of like, okay, no, this is just my body doing what it needs to do."
"Brain let's have a seizure bladder awesome this is as good a time as any to pee yourself in front of everyone."
"I'm hiccuping, I don't know if you can tell."
"You have a moment where you realize, 'This is me. This is who I am.' You can pee without giving it a second thought, but not so with..."
"Every time you pee, you let out a little fart. Here's hoping you will, maybe."
"So many [__] poops are gonna come out of people's buttholes."
"I normally have a good idea of when I need to use the restroom and normally it never happens in mid-throw."
"When it's quiet and your stomach makes a noise, and you have to, like, speak for your stomach. You're like, 'It's fine, that happens to me daily.'"
"Letting a fart slip, that's super embarrassing."
"Sometimes when you are in desperate need of a bowel movement, certain gases might escape randomly."
"When I tell you guys, this is probably one of the best poops I've ever taken in my life, I am not kidding."
"When you fart, the cystine just blows out your ass."
"Damn, that's when you sneeze when you're trying to piss."
"We love making our piss smell like trash, like literal trash, thank you asparagus."
"Vagus nerve is the biggest nerve in our body and it's innovates many of the organs such as heart, lungs, digestive tract, your mouth, and many, many organs."
"Your body is coordinating the action of entire muscle groups to enable you to move air into and out of your lungs, to push blood throughout your body, and to propel the food you've eaten through your digestive tract."
"Your iron is very important to the functionality of your entire systems in your body: your brain, your lungs, your heart, your organs."
"This principle of Health, when in full constructive activity, causes all the involuntary functions of man's body to be perfectly performed."
"Vitamin D affects almost everything in the body."
"Hormonal proteins such as insulin are secreted into the bloodstream to coordinate an organism's activities."
"Sleep impacts every function of our body."
"Not all fats equal bad because there are healthy fats and they play important roles within your body."
"Metabolism is about all the chemical reactions that occur in the body."
"Angiotensin II stimulates thirst, the release of ADH, the release of aldosterone, and is a direct vasoconstrictor."
"Vitamin D is really important for all sorts of bodily functions including immune function, muscle function, and even our brain cell function."
"Metabolism stands for the sum total of all the chemical reactions that are happening for your body."
"Metabolism, from a very broad perspective, would just be all of the chemical reactions that happen inside the body."
"Fighting and sneezing at the same time is like your body taking a screenshot."