
Digital Nomad Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The most captivating, intriguing content was about quitting your job and becoming a digital nomad."
"Being 100% location independent essentially means that we had a nice way to tell our parents we're homeless."
"I promise i'm gonna be Absolutely Bringing Only The best Tutorials on how to make Money leave YouR nine-to-five Job behind and Join The digital Nomad Movement."
"The headline is ninja webinar - free today only! Join the webinar everyone is talking about and travel the world earning six figures."
"For me, being a digital nomad productivity is huge."
"And lastly, for those that want to work from anywhere."
"Making money online gives you absolute freedom of your own geography."
"You can work and make money from anywhere in the world."
"What if your work could go with you wherever you went?"
"This is a business you can do using your laptop, using your computer from home or anywhere else in the world."
"This is genuinely the dream lifestyle that a lot of digital Nomads have."
"The location independent entrepreneur path is the one I would recommend if you're optimizing for the lifestyle."
"Chiang Mai is a great introductory city for Thailand... they have great internet here."
"Making the most of free Wi-Fi on the road, but staying secure with Surfshark."
"I've edited videos on the go, done thumbnails, worked on emails and projects and sponsorships and artwork... this keeps my life moving."
"If you've ever dreamed of working from a laptop while seeing the world, then today's video is for you."
"Health insurance and healthcare: essential expenses for digital nomads."
"Getting paid as a digital nomad: managing different currencies and banking options."
"Web 3 is AI is somewhat in their blockchain sustainability Off the Grid digital Nomad we not this is we're not we don't identify with no Flags right there's no leader in this one right here"
"If you do choose to buy a product that is intended to help you be a digital nomad... evaluate the purchase."
"It's a comprehensive nomad course that has five and a half hours of content spread out in 19 classes with everything you need for your life on the road."
"You just need a laptop and an internet connection to start off."
"I knew that there were millionaires, digital nomads, and creatives doing what they love for a living, but I never really registered that as a possibility."
"When you're a digital nomad and you're constantly traveling from country to country, even a simple thing as taking like a 30-second stroll around the block, that can recharge your battery a lot faster."
"The secret to becoming a digital nomad is that you don't need permission."
"Let's make your digital nomad entrepreneurial dreams come true."
"Location freedom is the freedom to work and live anywhere you want in the world."
"Being a digital Nomad is like a gift because you're free."
"I'm married to a digital nomad so, um, my partner, my husband Jesse and I have been traveling together since 2014."
"Albania has a digital Nomad Visa... do your own research."
"You can join Facebook groups, there's a lot of different like digital nomad visas now."
"Do your research and look at reviews, especially if you're a digital Nomad or want to work online while traveling."
"Can YouTube be considered a digital Nomad working job? It is, yeah, it's considered it really is."
"Kind of a short one, kind of a basic one, but hopefully this gives you an idea of what my life looks like as a full-time traveler digital Nomad whatever you want to label it."
"The best part about being a digital nomad, getting to work remotely from beautiful locations like this, is that when I'm done working for the day, I can do this."
"Location independence. You can still be you from anywhere in the world."
"The way I was able to go full-time working on my own terms, full-time freedom, being able to work from anywhere I want in the world, work on my own time, on my own terms was using YouTube and affiliate marketing."
"You practically having a laptop lifestyle, so you can be anywhere in the world."
"I really like it, I think one thing that was important for me is that I had been a digital Nomad."
"Digital Nomads, man. That's the way to go. It's so exciting."
"Selena's are notorious for always having co-working spaces and they kind of are designed for digital Nomads."
"I'm getting rid of books because I'm moving out of my apartment. I'm going full time remote to do YouTube videos abroad."
"I wanted to work from my laptop, be a digital nomad, have some kind of project that brings in online income."
"I'm not kidding you guys, I scoured Puerto Escondido for the best place to stay that had really good reliable fast internet, nice amenities, food, and a good digital nomad community."
"Wi-Fi is incredibly important for us to produce these videos and we work while we're on the road."
"For all those people who want to be digital nomads out there, look at that, waiting for you to take your laptop and just beat the world."
"There's no clear winner for the ultimate best digital nomad backpack; it depends on your needs."
"I was a traveling digital nomad for years, and even though I now have a home base, I'm still living that digital nomad lifestyle."
"The cost of living here seems to be really good, so if you're bringing a digital job, a remote job... your money is going to go far."
"This would make a great backpack for someone who is embarking on their digital nomad full-time travel journey for the first time."
"On the west coast of Mexico, there's a beach town that's getting traction among digital nomads."
"Some of the reasons I recommend this for digital nomads is because of the sleek design."
"I have been working online and traveling full time for over three years now, which is insane."
"What's up guys, Aaron Radcliffe here with Nomads Nation, your number one resource for digital nomad lifestyle, travel gear reviews, and all that good stuff."
"I work remotely. I can work from anywhere as long as I have a computer and internet access."
"That digital nomad, I think that's going to be the highest standard of living where if you get real skills, you sell those skills to first world economies commanding first world incomes, and then you go live wherever you want."
"You learn how to make money online and you can live here indefinitely."
"We only do house sits where they have high-speed internet because we will be going live."
"This has been like the number one digital nomad destination for years, and I'm very happy to finally be here."
"All we need is our laptops and Internet access, and we're good to go."
"I feel so lucky because since I work from my computer, I can kind of be anywhere in the world and still be able to work."
"I've been working remotely online and traveling full-time as a digital nomad since 2008."
"I've always wanted to chase a dream of becoming a digital Nomad."
"There's a whole digital nomad festival happening in a few days."
"Once you learn a skill set that helps you make money online, you can do it from wherever you are in the world."
"I am a digital nomad. I work full-time on the road as well."
"Traveling and being able to work while doing that is like literally the best case scenario for me."
"I used my writing experience to create a travel blog, and not long after that, we started a YouTube channel that grew surprisingly fast."
"It is a luxury to be able to move at that pace and working online and having the flexibility in your work also helps."
"We feel that Istanbul is the ideal place for digital nomads to stay because of the geography, the cost of living, and just the lifestyle that you can actually have here."
"If you are thinking about working online or living abroad and being truly free, then hit that subscribe button because that's what we do."
"I am a full-time digital nomad traveling around the world."
"Meet Pal A Bo, a digital nomad from Denmark on an epic journey around the world."
"We get asked all the time: How do you work from the road? How do you get internet? So we want to put this video together to show you exactly how we do it."
"You could literally work anywhere in the world with a pair of headphones and a laptop."
"Banks have never really understood the concept of the perpetual traveler or the digital nomad."
"Digital nomad and remote work visas: are they worth it? Do you need one?"
"Mauritius is offering a one-year digital nomad visa program."
"Greece is a Mediterranean paradise that has made significant strides to attract digital nomads and entrepreneurs."
"Budapest is the capital city here with a vibrant digital nomad community, modern co-working spaces, and excellent public transportation."
"Romania recently started its digital Nomad Visa program for non-EU citizens to boost its economy and grow its GDP."
"Grenada's digital Nomad Visa requires expats to earn at least 37,000 a year to get a one-year stay."
"Brazil's digital Nomad Visa program allows foreign remote workers and Freelancers to temporarily stay in the country."
"Thailand is introducing a 10-year digital Nomad Visa to Freelancers and remote workers who are interested in living in Thailand for the long term."
"You can live effectively the laptop lifestyle and run this from anywhere in the world."
"It's a place where digital nomads can feel home."
"Everything we have today, like the freedom to combine work with traveling, we owe it to the people watching us."
"I'm going to show you guys how you can make $100 per day from your laptop anywhere in the world."
"The digital Nomad lifestyle is often perceived as working from a beach in Paradise with unlimited freedom and flexibility."
"Overall, I had an amazing experience in Spain and Portugal and really lived it out as a digital Nomad."
"Make sure to subscribe if you want to see more digital nomad experiences and adventures from all over the world."
"Whether you work part-time or full-time on the road, or you are just vacationing, there's a certain point where an iPad or a laptop is gonna come out, and a workspace is really important."
"Poland is in fact a great destination for digital nomads and students."
"I'm inspired by you as well because I also dream all the time of leaving behind all of my obligations to go travel and live the digital life."
"For the last eight years, my dream has been to be a digital nomad, and guess what? I am currently in Vietnam doing that right now."
"I'm finally making passive income; this is my dream to make passive income and to travel and to be a digital nomad and to have like freedom and flexibility."
"Being a digital nomad is not as unattainable as people may think."
"The reason that I'm connecting with you is because I am also a digital Nomad."
"This is perfect for digital nomads or anybody who wants to take their organization and compartmentalization to the next level."
"Over the next five to ten years, I think the whole digital nomad or remote work concept will become more and more commonplace."
"Chiang Mai is the largest city in northern Thailand, very popular among travelers and often considered to be the digital nomad hotspot of the world."
"I am a digital nomad, I don't have a home, I am traveling and living in different cities around the world."
"I've done a lot of crossing over, like leaving a comfy 9 to 5 job with golden handcuffs to pursue this crazy digital nomad life."
"I'm living in Croatia at the moment as a digital nomad."