
Self-representation Quotes

There are 412 quotes

"Don't use old pictures from 10 years ago if they don't represent how you currently look."
"Develop your communication skills because once you open your mouth, you tell the world who you are."
"It didn’t matter how much I lied on my résumé, my real résumé was in my cells…"
"Nothing can give you more confidence in a day than...having pieces in your wardrobe that represent you properly."
"Style is being courageous enough to wear the things that you want to wear, or at least represent the way that you want."
"I claim the right to speak for the uninflated women of the country and denounce myself as a candidate for the presidency."
"That's being honest. That is representing honesty and integrity to be who you say you are, to do what you say you'll do, is at the heart of things."
"The most important thing really is represented succinctly and represent how well, how good of a fit you are for that role."
"I wrote the book because we represent the missing link."
"I'd say I stand for hard work and dedication."
"You are your own representative; the way you present yourself aesthetically tells people who you are, what value you place on yourself, and the extent to which you regard yourself."
"Confidence speaks for itself. Value speaks for itself."
"The ultimate goal is when how you appear to the world is who you really are."
"Show up as your genuine self...you'll hate this relationship for very wrong reasons."
"Changing things on your resume actually makes you more honest."
"I'm just doing stuff that I was actually doing, so the authenticity like you said was there."
"Elizabeth glorifies herself by making her own image bigger, brighter, and shinier than anything that's gone before."
"I represented myself in federal court - in the first part of the federal court case I had a major victory."
"Miss Heard herself held herself out to the world as a representative of abused survivors everywhere."
"It's like they're hosting their own game show based on themselves starring themselves."
"If you're trying to represent yourself as a fucking hardcore G you droppin fucking tactical crouch it in someone's mouth you win."
"The attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client."
"You don't need an agent if you're a small creator... I didn't really know my worth, I didn't know anything about the industry."
"I should have represented myself because I couldn't have done worse than they did."
"Prince controlled his own image, his destiny, and the narrative about himself."
"We got to take control of our narrative man."
"Now you can say a lot of things about me, but the one thing that you can't say is that I don't give a yearly Akinator video."
"I'm my own lawyer, representing myself against the FBI. It's documented."
"He who represents himself in court has a fool for a client."
"Representing ourselves is the way to do it baby."
"The options to add prosthetic limbs, choose your character's pronouns, and how you choose to represent yourself in the game, regardless of gender, is a thoughtful and meaningful touch."
"You cannot act as your own attorney while exercising the right to counsel."
"BLM have decided to sue themselves which is the biggest brain move I could have thought."
"I will be playing the part of myself as well as that of Mr. Rags."
"I won the first state again for the record that I do not identify by that name nor do I consent to being called that name."
"We need us telling us how we have made our lives better through voting."
"Don't look at me as this perfect hero who's not going to make mistakes and should be the voice for everybody or something like, 'No, you're the voice for you.'"
"I think you could represent yourself better if you genuinely thought, 'Okay, this person was a fraud.'"
"A man who represents himself has a fool as a client."
"The words we use matter. They tell people who we are and what we value."
"You take out your 'A' and just be an individual."
"Thanks for including me. I'll make myself my own thumbnail for the first time in a long time thanks to you putting me in the news."
"I want to create my own content in Hollywood to show us how I want us to be seen."
"A man who represents himself has a fool for a client."
"A man who represents himself has a fool for a client." (Repeating this one because it's such a classic!)
"I'm the wild card with nothing to lose I'm the guy who's gonna play like a maniac and I'm the guy who is gonna surprise you."
"This is an opportunity for them to show themselves."
"Fauci declares himself a symbol of integrity and Truth."
"If you don't stand for something, the other person is going to stand up for you."
"Yo, let's actually show the world what we're about."
"The music is always gonna speak for itself, but also on top of that just in this game anyway, you have to be good in here."
"I'm representing myself in federal court, and I hope it inspires people to recognize that all of us should become active citizens."
"I absolutely am, your honor. We won hands down, no further argument needed."
"Even if I got to risk my life for it I'm more average or I'm the average move him out the way type thing type [ __ ] till 12 tapping with my supporters I'm the pr I don't need no hype you should get one."
"If you want it that bad, you can go forth and be the representation that you see is lacking."
"Seeing Jennifer Tilly play a campy version of herself is great."
"I wanted to be a voice for my younger self, everything I say now, I wish I'd known when I was younger."
"No, but I'd rather just put on my music and let my [music] show for itself."
"I think I'm not playing somebody else, I'm just me."
"All of that is us, every one of those clips is us."
"You're gonna be working super hard. Come November, you're going to just put your head down and work, and you'll be like, 'What I put out there is going to speak for itself.'"
"It's time to be known for doing something else, it's time to be put a different spin on who you are out there in the world."
"Just always been real and been herself and that's what worked."
"We're constantly barraged with negative images of ourselves... I do not think it is wise for us to give other groups of people ammunition to use against us."
"We need our own media yes we got our own information that way we don't have to worry about what mainstream media is doing we we are the mainstream."
"Women objectify themselves on Instagram all day every day."
"We don't try to be like nobody else. We just try to be ourselves."
"The hot mess is often the narrator of her own story, making us see everything through her eyes."
"In the end though, I hope to show myself through actions and not words."
"Know the expectation that goes with casting yourself in your project."
"The fourth wave selfie flattens the boundaries of time and space."
"The ultimate betrayal is selling yourself as something that you're not."
"When we play ourselves out back to the lights, we'll have stories to tell and we'll represent people that need talked about."
"Stop apologizing for being a Democrat just be confident in who you are."
"I'm Nina Turner and I am unbought and unboxed."
"This build is gonna be like representative of what I should have for being on stages."
"Virgin refers to itself as a lifestyle brand."
"New location, new wave, new version of us. And it looks really sick as well, like actually looks better on camera."
"I'm just a voice for the voiceless, you know."
"I'm where I'm at today cuz I do me the best."
"I'm really saying my life, what I'm really doing, and I'm really breaking my opponent down."
"You have to tell your own story, because if you don't they're not going to tell it for you."
"He who represents himself has a fool for a client." - Abraham Lincoln
"Oh, wait, three guys, I got the three guests because I'm a hero."
"I think that's what Dollar is, like me in all forms and like everything that I am."
"They not only show what we do and who we are, how we do it."
"The love you express unto the world is your identity."
"My actions should always speak louder than my words."
"There's a lot of lying also... it's more like making a character out of yourself."
"How to accurately advertise the truth of ourselves."
"Just start talking about what you love and know. Be yourself."
"Your portrayal online is exactly who you are."
"It's about being assertive and confident and being able to represent yourself in a good way."
"A tiny self-portrait of the painter himself hidden amongst the liquid."
"Your life will speak for who you are on its own."
"I'm not gonna fake it. What you see is what you get."
"I'm not a victim. I'm just here to tell my story."
"It's better to live in the truth than a lie if you've been putting false fronts to make money it's time to remove that mask."
"We are intelligent black society and this is what we do. We do not butt dance, we do not kowtow, we do not suck up, and we do not perform as tokens to large media corporations."
"Only you can state and stand for your values and then teach other people what they are."
"I primarily did it to try to show Who I Really am."
"I could do a versus by myself with hits, more hits than a lot of these new guys out there."
"They want a chance to tell their own history properly."
"It's my voice, you know? So it's important for me to shape my own voice and put it out there in a way that matters to me."
"What I think is important is that trans women get to speak for themselves."
"The man who defends himself has a fool for a client."
"Who you are is demonstrated in every single circumstance."
"Every day is a new chance to prove who you really are."
"The things that you choose to put in your bag, the way you organize them, is a subconscious representation of yourself."
"They're self-inserts with the not-so-subtle difference being a surrogate is just a character who is like you—an insert is just you."
"This is National Treasure, y'all notice? Y'all notice he didn't have to speak for himself, they spoke for him."
"Let's not let the media dictate who we are or tell our story for us. Let's tell our own story."
"His power became an entity of its own within Mob's mind, representative of his repressed self."
"A defendant who represents himself... is an idiot for a client."
"So you can keep spinning a narrative about me as much as you like, but it's not the truth because the truth only starts and ends with me when it's about me."
"Make sure they're fucking great. So if they were to potentially get leaked, make sure you look super fucking good."
"As far as what I represent about your show, I wouldn't give me or anyone else that can't power good shows change."
"Never ever call the cops for help period and if they are called don't talk to them just call a lawyer ASAP, they will complicate and fuck everything up a million times worse than artiest, their job is to get you in trouble not help."
"Be authentic early on. Authenticity is the way to go."
"If you start asking questions, you make the interview more about who you are rather than what you know."
"V-tubing gives people the ability to present themselves to the world exactly as they want to be seen."
"It's best for you to let your work speak for itself."
"That redemption felt real because I felt like I got a chance to show who I am and what I can showcase."
"Our ability to get there and be our own media."
"I love the way you represent who you are and what you believe."
"It's a big month for you to show the world who you really are."
"You have a constitutional right to defend you to represent yourself if you choose to do so."
"Meet Pamela, a boss ass homemaker wearing a super light and comfortable cat eye frame."
"When you consciously breathe your first breath in the morning, be your best representative."
"Legacy, I'm about to show you what my legacy is all about."
"I represent my effing self! Do you know me? What is it Conor McGregor said? I'd like to apologize to absolutely nobody."
"I didn't see diversity where I'm from, there was not so much diversity, and instead of just asking them to put us on, I decided let me just put me on."
"I'm a genuine guy, you know what I'm saying?"
"Even when I was broke as a joke, I didn't tell people I can't afford that. Those words never came out of my mouth."
"Do you see anybody else on this app that I've showed you so far who are putting things like this in their bio?"
"Don't ever be a fake version of yourself. Just be an honest version of yourself."
"I think it would have been smart to make all of these kids basically play a version of themselves."
"Your decisions matter and that you are V, you are playing yourself."
"I feel like having this opportunity to share my side of the story and to represent myself in a way that I feel like is true to who I am is all I could ever ask for."
"Your beard is the silent ambassador of your style."
"I love when it's for us, by us, and we're profiting off the stuff that we go through."
"I'm no longer going to pretend to be what I've been presenting myself to be. I'm going to show you my naked parts and what's underneath my shirt."
"No one knows my truth but me. Nobody can speak for me, only me."
"Important to showcase your skills, your portfolio work on your own website, and use your social media platform to direct traffic to where you can best represent who you are as a photographer or artist."
"When you say, 'Let my work speak for itself,' you're just gonna have to just hold your name up and when you get back out, whatever you're gonna do, or whatever you maintain, or whatever your lifestyle is, you're gonna do that anyway. That's just who you are."
"Trading is a direct representation of yourself as a person. So once you pass something in trading, like a barrier or something, you also pass one yourself."
"Be the picture you wish to take in the strip club."
"You are the single representative of you, without rival."
"I don't think it's just about confidence. I think it's about how you represent yourself."
"You got one life. How do you want to represent yourself? This is how I want to represent myself."
"Always represent the best version of yourself and be as kind as you can be."
"...just always looking to improve how to represent yourself how to represent this industry."
"I represent myself, 'cause who better to plead insanity than yourself?"
"How you represent yourself in the world is really important."
"How you feel is how you represent yourself to the world."
"I didn't want to be a representative on the dates. I wanted to be me."
"The best I can do is just go out and do my best be representative of myself my family and my club and be in the right spot at the right time."
"If you're looking for rawness and authenticity then come to me."
"I'm not going to let this video and this situation be the blueprint or let it be a thing that people are gonna know me for."
"Brian is the smartest character in the show and gets to date a string of beautiful women in spite of the fact that he's not even human, so it makes sense that he would write himself that way."
"Instead of having these people cut my own story for me and tell the world who I was I actually got to tell them who I was."
"It's not just about repping those muscles, it's about repping that mind."
"I want to keep it real, especially like getting back into YouTube. I want to be as authentic as possible."
"Henry VIII always had himself represented as something more than human."
"Show me you, not who you wish you were."
"He's been badly represented and he's not great at representing himself."
"I represented myself and I won the case."
"Be yourself first and foremost. Make sure your audition is a really good representation of you."
"That's really inspirational for me. Um, and it makes me feel good and makes me feel like I did a decent job at representing myself, and that's the biggest thing."
"If it's in the blog, let's talk about it. Let's put it on the table, own your narrative."
"If you want to get to know me better, I suggest watching this Q&A."
"Everybody needs a good headshot of themselves these days. People want to see you. They want to see what you look like on a given day."
"I love it, yeah, you're controlling your image, you're right."
"I think I owe my many fans the opportunity to know the real Curtly Ambrose."
"L stands for my name, my real name."
"It's Mr. 305, Mr. Worldwide, and Mr. Worldwide 305 Miami."
"...really be true to what you've done and portray yourself accurately."
"I don't want to be um I don't want to get into any trouble for trying to portray myself as what I'm not if you understand."
"Is there anything you want to tell my your bloggers or like the fans in general about um who you really are all about or like something positive or just like to follow you by your merch sh a?"
"Present yourself in the best light possible to set yourself apart."
"Well, there you have it, a whole trial. I've been beating this dead horse since I started the channel, and how you shouldn't be representing yourself."
"Your resume is your answer sheet."
"I think everyone should work out to a degree and be healthy just from the health reasons right you don't need to be a bodybuilder whatever you should have like a good haircut good fashion or whatever because these things they represent you you know."
"People just post what you want them to see and the good stuff."
"My confidence is always at its highest when I'm wearing something that represents me."
"It's the first time I feel like I'm putting out music that wholeheartedly represents me."
"I kind of create the illusion... I'm trying to strive towards painting the most accurate picture of my life."
"If I'm playing a role, it's meant to look like I look."
"I always love the memes of herself that she puts into the videos and her comedic timing is really great."
"When you represent yourself, we gotta make sure we're representing ourselves in the correct way, in a fair way."
"Are you representing yourself? Of course I'm not representing myself, your honor. I'm not a fool."
"I rather be loved and you know everything about me upfront than to be loved for the piece of me that I want to represent All of Me"
"You gotta play yourself at all times."
"Anybody who represents himself has a fool for a client."
"At the very beginning of your journey, you need to set up your stall. You need to understand what you represent, why you are there."
"He portrayed himself as a Grandmaster and had helped a lot of people achieve breakthroughs."
"I should make things that represent me and communicate with people, and I want what I do to make me feel good."
"The key thing I learned when I was performing is that I didn't have to pretend to be somebody I wasn't onstage."
"I don't agree with this whole idea that people have because every woman does not have a man to speak for her."
"We all feel represented and we all feel beautiful."