
European History Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"If colonialism was so profitable, then why on earth did all the European powers after they had exhausted themselves to near decrepitude after the first and second world war, what was the first thing they did? Was give up all their colonies."
"Europe has for the most part enjoyed basically their most peaceful prior decades in all of European history as a result of being under the NATO umbrella."
"The empress used her 13 surviving offspring as political pawns in powerful dynastic marriages all over Europe."
"Evidence of Moors and brown people living in Europe well over a thousand years ago shows that Europe is not intrinsically white."
"The European colonies didn't turn a profit; almost none of the colonies gave Europe back more money than they put into it."
"So all told, the Viking age is a class above simple piracy because it effectively terraformed the landscape of European politics, economics, and culture."
"Averroes's legacy lingered far more among Christian and Jewish Europeans than in the Islamic world itself."
"In the 16th century, there emerges a new Christian denomination. Latin Christianity, already separated from the Orthodox Church of the East, splits once more into Catholics and Protestants. And in the name of Christ, they go to war against each other in the bloodiest conflict that Europe has ever known."
"The Holy Roman Empire was a large collection of thousands of political entities made up of different ethnicities that existed for more than a thousand years at the heart of Europe."
"The 30 Years War...spiraled into a continent-wide power struggle, ending with the Peace of Westphalia, a massive turning point in the Empire's history."
"In another way, you could say that all of us of European descent carry the legacy of Augustus Caesar, Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, and others of this distant era not only culturally but genealogically as well."
"For over a century, the Palace of Versailles was home to the most powerful family in Europe."
"1492 is probably most famous as the year given for when Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue, it was also a time of great change in Europe, where Jews were facing a choice of mass conversion, expulsion, or worse."
"There was anti-Semitism in all of Europe in the late 20th and early 21st centuries."
"Feudalism in Europe... was a very decentralized system... as the system evolved, it became full of internal contradictions, bitterness on the part of Serfs."
"Goebbels enforced Nazi ideology throughout Germany and Europe through his ministry."
"His empire, the greatest and largest that would be seen in Western Europe for quite some time."
"Turns out this bloodline, the deist bloodline, is the central route that connects to all the different European Illuminati families."
"Life at the Royal Courts of Europe had evolved into a rarefied world of ritual and affectation."
"The Rothschild family played a vital role in shaping the financial landscape of Europe."
"At the time he died, his name was mud across Europe."
"The Battle of Waterloo...Europe was freed from Napoleon's control and went on to enjoy a prolonged era of peace and prosperity."
"The German attempt to colonize the Americas... few people think of."
"Her life was marked by political alliances, marriages, scandals, and the challenges of navigating the intricate web of early medieval European politics."
"Reforge Charlemagne's former Kingdom by uniting the French and Western traumatic regions with Aachen."
"Sweden has maintained neutrality in European Wars for centuries."
"How does a society recover from catastrophe? Well, in some ways, Europe made it look easy."
"The call had come from the Crusader States of the Holy Land. The Crusades were an ongoing series of wars which European Christians had been engaged in since the late 11th century to reclaim the Holy Land."
"Also known as Durendal or Durendal, it is the famous sword of Roland, the Frankish knight..."
"In 2018, archaeologists and historians conducted a research project at the site of one of the most legendary battles in European history."
"Almost exactly a year after Masarik was buried, France, Britain, Italy, and Germany signed the Munich Agreement."
"The one decisive counterweight I can see would be if the United States would immediately to range herself with us at a belligerent power."
"Britain had gone to War for the freedom of Europe."
"The French revolution created the idea of freedom for citizens across Europe."
"This represented an important shift in the power balance of Europe."
"The fall of the Western Roman Empire was one of the most influential events in European history."
"The Portuguese were the first European power to set foot on the island, which they called Salon."
"In contrast to the common narrative, the Welsh possessed as much high culture as anywhere else in Europe at the time."
"But by then, Europeans had acquired an appetite for goods and merchandise of the Orient."
"The Minoans were unbelievably sophisticated, believed to have been the first Europeans to make their own written language."
"The black death was now in Europe and millions would die in what is considered one of the greatest disasters in history."
"In spite of its total wartime destruction, the port today is still one of continental Europe's busiest."
"Europe changed forever without the Napoleonic Wars."
"The Basques remain a vital culture, providing a vivid look at the resilience of Europe's smaller ethnic groups."
"The true heroes are the soldiers who liberated Europe from fascism."
"By being the hre emperor and by having a will merge with them that increases the chance of them picking us when The Burgundian succession happens."
"One of the larger myths about European swords is that there was no sophisticated martial arts developed for their use."
"Europe's medieval cities and history remain unmatched to the rest of the world."
"The Edinburgh Castle is one of the oldest fortified places in all Europe."
"Already Europe would find itself significantly enriched by the state's existence."
"You watch the things that happen in Europe and even to this day they will still fight for their liberty."
"His legacy cements him as the first and most prominent black intellectual of Europe."
"Welcome to the Capuchin catacombs of Palermo, the last resting place for hundreds of Europe's most terrifying and fascinating mummies."
"The European project can't survive without France... after all this was a project of reconciliation back in my 1950 ISM."
"The fall of Vienna would open the door for the Ottomans to conquer all of Western Christendom."
"The Siege of Constantinople effectively prevented Muslim expansion into Europe."
"Napoleon spent the next several years systematically destroying Continental opposition to him, defeating armies from Austria, Russia, Prussia, Spain, and Portugal, among others."
"Never since the barbarian invasions had Europe witnessed such an orgy of brutality and vandalism." - John Julius Norwich
"Rice was introduced into Europe by the Moors in the 10th century."
"It was the first time anyone in Europe had even come close to understanding what made our solar system tick."
"The Black Death, or Bubonic Plague, decimated the population of Europe during the Middle Ages."
"Let's begin the seemingly unstoppable armies of Napoleon are a great threat to all Europe."
"Around the middle of the 14th century, some of the more powerful Italian urban centers like Milan and Florence began to expand at the expense of their neighbours."
"Charlemagne was called the father of Europe."
"In the shell of the mighty Roman Empire, Western Europe was plunged into the Dark Ages."
"In truth, the Europeans were very late to the game of global exploration."
"The vikings were a living link to an older and deeper european past."
"As news of the miraculous Christian victory spread throughout Europe, the Knights of Malta seemingly achieved the impossible."
"Around 1200 BC, hundreds of soldiers fought at what's considered Europe's oldest battlefield along the Tollense River in northern Germany."
"A large and sophisticated temple complex unlike any other in western europe until it was excavated experts were under the impression."
"It's literally like the age of enlightenment in Europe."
"Harald Hardrada had built up a reputation right across Europe as a ruthless warrior."
"Huge areas of Europe were left devastated, old empires vanished, new states were born."
"This repulse of the Huns was one of the most important events in European history."
"A cipher to many, a semi-mythological figure to others, this is the life of Franz Josef, Europe’s last great emperor."
"The Slavic people are now the largest linguistic and ethnic group in Europe and the region's legacy of beauty and civilization lives on in famed world cities."
"It is the irony of ironies that the descendants of the nufio saharian comedic civilization in the 8th Century returned to Europe this time as the Moors to save Europe from its downward spiral of the Dark Ages."
"Poland was a democracy... the most democratic European state."
"Why are the indigenous Europeans not considered indigenous to Europe by progressives? Is it just anti-white or anti-European racism, like the ethnonationalists claim? To be fair, that's probably partially it."
"The French Revolution is one of the most significant events in European history."
"The Marshall Plan was instrumental in the rapid rebuilding of the European economy."
"France actually has managed to consolidate almost all of France, the northern half of Iberia, and pretty much half of the British Isles."
"The Franks get more and more terrifying because sooner or later they're gonna actually be looking for somewhere to expand."
"People moved around the whole of Europe to exchange goods."
"The Vinca: The cradle of European civilization."
"The Seven Years War: a legendary conflict that involved every great power of Europe, spanned five continents, and affected the world for centuries to come."
"Syphilis would go on to infect a veritable who's who of Europe: from Baudelaire to Gauguin to Nietzsche."
"Prussia and Russia, sensing the changing tides of power in Europe, would move to partition the increasingly politically insignificant lands of Poland between themselves."
"Suleiman's failure to take Vienna was pivotal for Europe."
"Europe in the 15th century was completely incapable of mounting any kind of a concerted opposition."
"Ludwig Lavator's 'De Spectrus' makes it without doubt the most influential textbook on ghosts in European history."
"So we see the same kind of evidence now coming in from Europe showing that there was a population crash very close to that Younger Dryas boundary."
"In this video we'll take a look at some of the most astonishing finds in Europe from Britain's Pompeii to a crude oil bath here are 15 of the strangest things recently discovered in Europe."
"Weird Panda a weird relative of this animal once roamed Eastern Europe about 6 million years ago."
"Perhaps the greatest alchemist and alchemical innovator in the history of Europe was Paracelsus."
"The Habsburgs built a dynasty that would dominate vast territories."
"This is a completely untraditional cemetery. There is nothing like this cemetery in Poland or in the whole of Europe."
"There is something in European Legacy worth fighting for: the idea of egalitarianism, radical emancipation, and so on."
"All Europeans benefited from the enslavement of African people."
"Europeans gained the knowledge and technology that facilitated their ascendency on the world stage."
"European superiority had a recognizable basis in reality after 1815."
"A century ago, Europeans were killing each other by the millions over national conflicts in the first World War. Today, if you look at Europe, for all the talk about the rise of nationalism, very few Europeans are willing to kill to be killed for nationalist ideals."
"I love all this European history."
"Before Balboa sighted it in 1513, no European had ever set eyes on the Pacific."
"One of the most well-known calic find from Europe is the naturally mummified body of a man who lived in the Austrian Alps."
"The Renaissance is... well, it's the Renaissance."
"David Sorkin asks questions focusing on issues defining moments in modern Jewish history and European history."
"The English Reformation was not from the beginning something different from its European brethren."
"The alliance of Germany's two biggest competitors left the nation-state desperate to block any expansion of France's power."
"The seventeenth century witnessed the emergence of whole new fields of scientific inquiry across Europe."
"By 1800, European Colonization was at full steam."
"As a rule of thumb for European history, it always goes much further back than you think and it's always convoluted."
"You can't understand European history entirely if you don't study the Middle Ages and Middle European/German history."
"A bubonic plague pandemic known as the Black Death swept across Europe."
"Edward's court became the central European example of chivalry and pomp."
"War became the dominant experience in the lives of Europeans, period."
"Europe seems to have, to use a sort of 20th century phrase, taken off."
"The Renaissance is often revered as the golden age of European innovation, especially in the Italian peninsula where this rebirth of culture took place."
"...they were trying to do an important thing, a great thing, not only trying to save their people from the suffering that they were dealing with in Europe but also trying to rekindle something beautiful that had existed for thousands of years."
"The windmill was introduced into Europe by the Moors."
"Human art, literature, and science prospered as they then prospered nowhere else in Europe."
"When chance calls his article 'Light of Europe's Dark Age,' this is a very true and precise statement."
"The revolutions of 1848 may have ended in failure... but their momentum communicated itself like a seismic wave to the fabric of the European administrations."
"Nationalism itself was a transnational European phenomenon."
"Mansa Musa inspired later European explorers to find the fabled riches of Timbuktu."
"This is a woman who's gonna have several of her children be kings and queens, so much of European history is going to go through the story of Eleanor of Aquitaine."
"But an even more dynamic civilization would come to dominate Europe; that's ancient Rome, and that's another story."
"This monument is in Lisbon which, in its day, was one of the most important cities in Europe."
"The Gorreana Tea Plantation is one of the oldest and largest tea plantations in all of Europe."
"Neanderthals were the first to migrate to Europe, occupying all areas between Europe and Asia."
"With the landing of Christopher Columbus in the West Indies in 1492, the Spaniards were officially the first Europeans in the New World."
"Europe was safer and more interconnected than any time since the Roman Empire."
"El Dorado shifted its location geographically over the years as Europeans could never agree on where it was."
"He is connected to every single European royal house that came after him."
"What started as some dynastic claims soon developed into a conflict that revolutionized European warfare and the diplomatic system."
"If you had to label any one individual as the father of Europe, it's really hard to find anyone who's more worthy of that than Charlemagne."
"Charlemagne is... the most important figure in Western European history during the Middle Ages."
"Frederick was a man of many interests, known in Europe as stupor mundi, the wonder of the world."
"Christianity spread across Europe, monasteries and convents dedicated their lives to the service of God."
"Europe was on the rise, entering a period called the high Middle Ages."
"Eventually, the Medici grew their power in Europe, tallying up two queens of France and four popes."
"Emperor Charlemagne was the father of the great European transformation known as the Carolingian Renaissance."
"Charlemagne, or Charles the Great as he was known, united Europe under the leadership of one king."
"It was Muslim thought that brought Europe out of the Dark Ages and provided the foundations of Catholic Scholastic theology, ultimately opening the way to the Renaissance."
"...the Ottoman Empire in 1683 was not only a great power, it was probably the greatest land power in Europe and the greatest naval power in the Mediterranean."
"Swiss Guards and Swiss military units became a popular thing among various European nations for the next few centuries."
"His Frankish Empire covered most of Western Europe and he instigated a revival of art, culture, and learning."
"Castellari, ancient hill forts found in various regions of Europe, serve as tangible remnants of prehistoric settlement patterns."
"Suddenly in Europe which had spent hundreds of years in what we call the Middle Ages, we discovered classical antiquity and a whole nother perspective on the world."
"Europe also had its transcontinental ambitions, trains journeyed from capital to capital, pulled by increasingly powerful locomotives spewing out great clouds of steam and smoke across the vast plains of the old continent."
"The kingdom of Granada was a Muslim state when the Muslims took all this part of Europe."
"Drawings made in manuscripts in Western Europe in the earlier Middle Ages is vast enough in terms of techniques, contexts, and purposes."
"The population of Europe was massively transformed by two major migrations."
"The Polish Constitution of May 3, 1791, was the first written constitution in Europe and the second in the world."
"We are here in the oldest country in Europe, trying to navigate our way to the small town of Cousre."
"The Europeans profited in all the circumstances, never was his civilization shattered, whereas when the Europeans invaded, they wiped out cultures."
"In the defense of Warsaw, not only had they gate-kept their country but also the rest of Europe from the spread of communism."
"The First World War was the first time that cracks began to show in the facade of European invincibility, paving the way for uprisings against colonial rule."
"With so much history, art and high culture, Europe also knows how to celebrate."
"Charlemagne, the most powerful ruler in Western Europe since the fall of Rome, marched north through the recently conquered lands of old Saxony."
"He is the ancestor of every European alive today."
"Whitehall, which became one of the largest palaces in Europe, was conceived as much by Anne as it was by Henry."
"Marlborough finally received reinforcements he much needed from Denmark and Prussia."
"They also changed the course of English history and sent a ripple effect through all of Europe and beyond."
"Yes, everyone alive today with at least one drop of European blood is a descendent of the Great King Charlemagne."
"The Industrial Revolution fundamentally changed the political, social, and economic fabric of Europe."
"Between 1870 and 1914, the majority of European governments pass compulsory education laws."
"...the Battle of Vienna... marked the end of Ottoman expansion into Europe."
"The temptresses of Europe in the early days of the century were mostly entertainers from the worlds of theater and dance."
"...we saw the true sense of our operation in Kurland as having one clearly defined objective: the defense of European culture."
"Without the Ottomans, the diverse structure of confessional communities and nation-states that developed in Europe in the following centuries would probably not have come into being."
"Most amazing Viking feat in my opinion: they had more respect for women than the average European male."
"Florence is at the forefront in Italy and in Europe."
"Riches poured back into Lisbon, which rapidly developed into one of Europe's most splendid cities."
"The first pan-European institution of importance was the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, or OEEC."
"The allied army is still led by the legendary Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy, two men whose skill, bravery, and careful planning routed the French in many a great battle."
"It's the earliest European fencing treatise that we have existence of."
"The mightiest empire in Europe, the day was November 1st, 1700, Europe was holding his breath to see the sun set down on one of the most powerful dynasties that had ever existed on the continent."
"Revolutions on the broad basis of national sovereignty and government by representation are making their way in Europe."
"The history of Europe over the last 200 years is the history of taking monarchies and putting them into little tiny gilded boxes."
"Prior to these UN peacekeeping missions, European countries such as Britain and France sought to gain colonies for natural resources."
"80% of today's northern Europeans got this gene from one person who lived 8,000 years ago."
"Napoleon, busy in Spain, and a British promise of cash subsidies plus a supporting attack in Northern Europe, it looked like the ideal time to strike."
"The Gravettian spread out to occupy most of the habitable zones of Europe."
"The shape of Europe is starting to look very similar as it does to this day."
"Charlemagne emerged from his visit to Rome as a new figurehead for Europe, the first Holy Roman Emperor."
"The new Europe then had broad horizons."
"The clash of these era-defining individuals in the next few years would be the tipping point of the war, changing European politics for the next centuries."
"For most of this period, Napoleon was Master of Europe, imposing treaties on humbled enemies, redrawing frontiers, overthrowing old regimes, and making new kings."
"The Europeans fought against each other but eventually started thinking about a European Union."
"This was not only monumental for European history because it was the first time since the Romans that there had been a permanent standing army of this type in Europe."
"For thousands of years, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey were the oldest epic narratives that Europeans knew of."
"Ideas and institutions derived from a relatively stable medieval or early modern Europe have undergone major transformation."
"Spain also controlled a large European empire."
"The Swedish meteor, the Alexander of the North, and the madman of Europe."
"This European creation is home to a mixture of different peoples, particularly the Ewe and the Aja people."
"I read a book this month that I highly recommend if you like European history; it's 'Heretics and Heroes' by Thomas Cahill."