
Consent To Kill Quotes

Consent To Kill by Vince Flynn

Consent To Kill Quotes
"You didn't become the first female director of the CIA by cutting corners."
"For Rapp it was Valhalla. No paperwork, no one looking over his shoulder."
"Rapp shrugged. 'It tends to be more permanent that way.'"
"They had created him and now they had to deal with him."
"Rapp could take a look at a tactical situation and dissect it in seconds."
"He didn’t need to prove anything. Especially to these men."
"Change for most people was stressful, but for Abel, it presented opportunity."
"In truth, Saudi Arabia had become a very dangerous place for Westerners."
"To kill a man like Mitch Rapp would be the ultimate statement of tradecraft."
"How long will it take? I will get to work on it immediately, but I wouldn't expect any results for at least a month."
"The problem for Rapp was that he no longer trusted what little tact he had left."
"What he did was not complicated. He killed terrorists, plain and simple."
"You're asking me…a person who has absolutely no experience in management, and no desire to join the club?"
"That’s where you’re wrong, Senator. There is no bigger picture than National Security."
"You think it’s easy…our job? Easy doesn’t factor into it for me, Senator. I’m talking about right and wrong."
"The entire ‘cover your ass’ culture you guys and your politically correct cronies have created needs to be turned on its ear."
"And whose fault is that? You two have each been in Washington thirty-plus years. Your job is oversight."
"I am tired…my feet hurt…I feel gross…I have to get up at five, and I’m not so sure I should reward your forgetful behavior."
"Really…did you ever think it’s none of your business?"
"Delaying gratification was in many ways the ultimate form of self-discipline."
"Operations like this were designed to never see the light of day."
"If you can’t, or won’t, create on your own, the next best thing is to steal what someone else has created."
"No heads of state. We don’t care how much money you’re willing to pay."
"A true professional knows when to walk away."
"Fear was the only thing that kept people honest in this business."
"Financially speaking, his mom never had to worry."
"Even all these years later he still felt like shit about it."
"In direct relation to his size Duser was very slow."
"After his father’s death, Mitch took his oath to protect his little brother very seriously."
"Mitch was decidedly more in his father’s camp than his mother’s."
"What Rapp didn’t know at the time was just how deeply that terrorist act would change his life."
"Decisions that eventually led him to where he was today."
"Desperate people need a cause, and this was a cause that spoke to him."
"He had the talent and the drive, and the CIA wanted him."
"I am a killer. That is what I do for a living."
"You shouldn’t trust me. I am a contract killer…an assassin."
"He was a handsome man in a very masculine way."
"As long as you agree to my fee, I will not turn down the job."
"You are naïve, Louie, just like I was when I grew to hate my own father. We are in the here and now. Not a thousand years ago."
"This is about a bunch of racist, bigoted, sexist, small-minded men trying to hold on to their arcane way of living as the world passes them by."
"Think about finally being done with looking over our shoulders, moving every month…finally settling down."
"You really think you can walk away from this lifestyle?"
"The customized silver Audi A8 weighed approximately thirty percent more than the factory model."
"They relied heavily on print reporters to do their work for them."
"Whenever possible Mitch liked to drive her to work."
"I’m amazed I can walk this morning, because I’ll tell you right now she’s in traction."
"Because you have serious control issues and you like a challenge."
"They will want to find out who was behind it."
"You should have seen me last night. There’s this new gal I met at the club. I was like a rock star."
"Killing people was not what I wanted to do with my life."
"Bill’s a vault. He keeps secrets better than anyone on the Hill."
"Stop pussyfooting around, and tell me what’s on your damn mind."
"We need someone who will get into the minutiae and reform from the top down."
"I could give a rat’s ass what this guy does. Just keep him away from me."
"You are Patton. You are this politically incorrect warrior who is good at only one thing and that is fighting terrorism."
"These are drastic times and they call for drastic measures."
"I have never agreed with your tactics, but that close call last Memorial Day woke a lot of us up."
"You're going to be president someday and when that happens, you can do whatever you want."
"Great civilizations rose and fell as surely as the tides."
"The civilizations that had made their mark did so through brutality or great self-sacrifice by the populace, and often both."
"So this is what morning sickness is like, she thought."
"If you are, it will make me the happiest man in the world."
"It's about you being so bullheaded, and sure of yourself, that you just go and do whatever the hell you want whenever you want."
"I don't need men like Ross on my side. I just need them to get out of my way."
"His mind was trained to catch anything that was different."
"Pain was something he’d actually learned to embrace."
"His eyes scanned the man from head to toe as well as the woman."
"Anyone trying to break in would have to pack a lunch."
"It's my knee. It's a little stiff...that's all."
"A couple of pills and some ice, and I'll be fine."
"Why don't we go upstairs and have a little fun? I think being pregnant makes me frisky."
"I've got a few meetings at Langley and something I might have to do tonight...but I haven't decided on that yet."
"I'm nobody," answered Rapp, "but she's important."
"You don't know? It strips away the patient's identity so you'll be more docile and do what you're told."
"Pain was not a problem for Mitch. She doubted he would take anything stronger than Tylenol Three for more than a day or two."
"We're not in the trust business, Jonathan. We're in the business of espionage."
"The important thing is to keep acting normal."
"After all four sides were secured, he ran a strip of tape around the entire thing to make sure it was sealed."
"She raised the bed up a few degrees and gave him some water through a straw. 'The doctor says you did great.'"
"Rapp squinted. He had the twisted look on his face that belongs to an extremely hungover man who is forced to endure the bright midday light without sunglasses."
"With a rubber-handled crescent wrench, he crawled under the big metallic tank and began to slowly loosen the gas line that ran from the bottom of the tank, underground, and into the house."
"He looked up at the ceiling again, and wondered if he’d blacked out."
"There was no denying it; the fast food he had devoured was not helpful."
"That really tasted good, but why do I get the feeling I’m going to regret eating it?"
"If all went according to plan, the gas cans would be knocked over by the initial explosion."
"Gould swore that for the briefest of moments they made eye contact, and then the explosion tore through the still afternoon air."
"Guys like Mitch Rapp don’t get blown up by accident."
"I talked to Irene on the way over here. He’s awake."
"He looked the same. Same hazel eyes, same wavy brown hair, same broken nose. Nothing had changed, inside or out, for him."
"There was movement near the door, and Rapp turned his head to see who it was."
"He looked up at the faint light and the acoustic ceiling tiles. Where the hell am I?"
"A figure came through the door, but his eyes couldn’t focus."
"There wasn’t much that ruffled his feathers."
"You don’t survive by fighting it. You conserve your energy, you go with the flow, and when the moment is right, you swim parallel to shore."
"He came straight across the room and opened his arms."
"Everything had changed in less than twenty-four hours."
"I’m not sure I can sit here and play nice on this one."
"I would actually say the last thing we need is someone getting away with trying to assassinate an employee of the CIA."
"The man in charge of the world’s most potent nuclear arsenal cannot be seen standing at a podium with shaky hands."
"The painful wound was healed, and he was left with a small scar that was the fleeting memory of a woman who had died more than a decade ago."