
The Kept Woman Quotes

The Kept Woman by Karin Slaughter

"Forever was never as long as you thought it was."
"She had spent her life running on the edge of a razor—sprinting away from the things that people usually ran toward: a child, a husband, a home, a life."
"I hate rape cases. You don’t throw a murder case to a jury and they ask, ‘Well, was the guy really murdered or is he lying because he wants the attention? And what was he doing in that part of town? And why was he drinking? And what about all those murderers he dated before?’"
"There’s not much daylight between being a good girl and a bad one, but once you cross that line—"
"The great thing about ecstasy was that it made you really happy until it stopped your heart from beating."
"Livor mortis indicates the body hasn’t been moved, so he died here, in this position, on his back."
"His bad choices happened. He’s morbidly obese. He’s unusually bloated."
"His diet was fast food and Skittles. Whether it was from depression or self-harm or for some other reason, he wasn’t managing his condition."
"The volume of blood loss is the real danger."
"I’ll need Angie’s blood type. And we’ll need to backstop all of this with DNA."
"You know she took my lipstick. That she went through my things."
"With sex, you’d need a DNA test for the presence or absence of a Y chromosome."
"Most of the stuff they taught us about blood in school had to do with DNA."
"The absence or presence of rhesus gives you the positive or the negative after the blood type."
"It’s named after rhesus monkeys, because they were initially used to create the antiserum for typing blood samples."
"Forensic work was the least glamorous part of policing."
"Faith made herself breathe, because she had been holding her breath so long that she was going to pass out."
"This wasn’t about being scared. They were both terrified in equal measure. This was about trusting someone to have your back while you prairie dogged your head into an open firing range."
"Squalor was a word that seemed custom-made for the way Harding lived."
"Adrenaline had a way of focusing your priorities, and her main priority had been not to get killed."
"Faith hadn’t noticed the stench when they broke down the front door. Adrenaline had a way of focusing your priorities, and her main priority had been not to get killed."
"Theft, rape, murder, extortion, racketeering, pimping—it didn’t matter. They still thought the crimes they had committed were for the greater good."
"At the GBI, Faith had investigated her share of bad cops, and the one trait that they all had in common was that they thought they were still good guys."
"She was a survivor. She could still be out there."
"People with chronic or end-stage diseases were told to leave valuable documents like medical directives in their freezer so that paramedics could easily find them."
"Because of his cash-only policy, he had gone from bad credit to no credit."
"I'm a special agent with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation."
"It's good to have somebody looking out for you."
"Every time I washed dishes, I would look out the window at that tree and think, 'You are the last person who is ever going to make me feel this way ever again.'"
"It's the curse of the motherless child. We seek comfort from the very people who do us harm."
"I mean to say that there could’ve been someone living over there. I think. When Dale was gone."
"Faith tried to wrap her brain around all the information."
"But who watches television and plays a rap album at the same time?"
"You see, Dale would rinse out this bucket every evening, and at first I thought that he was painting inside, which made sense, because you would listen to music while you paint, yes?"
"Faith felt her mind boggle. 'Say what, now?' 'Excrement. You know'—she lowered her voice—'doo-doo.'"
"He was obviously having health issues. He didn’t seem very happy. And I thought to myself, This is a good place for him."
"There’s no looking past human poop in your backyard."
"You get to a certain age, you learn to look past people’s quirks and idiosyncrasies."
"Faith longed for the days when she could eat herself into a stupor that drowned out her stress."
"He was sitting at a quiet table in the back. She didn’t recognize him at first because he was in jeans and a beautiful long-sleeved polo that Sara had obviously sneaked into his wardrobe."
"I wasn’t living. I was going through the motions. I wanted to be just as dead as he was until—"
"I don’t love you less than him, Will. I love you differently. I love you—"
"There was no passion, just the overwhelming need for reconnection."
"They clung to each other, standing outside the open door to her apartment, until her cell phone chimed."
"The most important person in his life for thirty years."
"Every relationship, romantic or otherwise, had a certain level of selfishness."
"He studied her face... everything about her was beautiful."
"The bright lights outside the window hurt his eyes."
"She released his hand so that she could put on the blinker."
"Cadaver dogs were trained to find the scent of decomposition."
"Will had always thought that he and Sara shared an emotional equivalence."
"Will could almost feel his ribs flex from the pressure."
"The freezer door made a heavy clicking sound."
"He tried to remember the one time they went on a vacation together."
"The trunk of Angie’s car was lined with a scratchy, charcoal-colored carpet."
"The open door would act like a flag to whoever drove by."
"The scratchy, charcoal-colored carpet that he’d gotten from a roll at Pep Boys."
"He looked at her. 'Why are you rubbing your chest?'"
"The data is being sent to the computer division for analysis."
"The trunk was open. The driver’s door was open."
"Someone had lain bleeding in the backseat. Someone had lain bleeding in the trunk."
"The sound was like a rip. Something tearing apart. Something breaking."
"The eyelashes were clumped together. The lip was torn apart."
"You could do anything you wanted so long as you had the money."
"Nothing could be done about the past, and more often than not, the present was too shitty to contemplate."
"It was a hell of a lot more fun to be with somebody who thought you were perfect than it was to be with a woman who wouldn’t put up with your shit."
"She had to make sure Jo’s parents were good people."
"She wanted to see if the tenor was the same. If Jo shared Angie’s dark sense of humor. If she was happy like she should be."
"If she wanted to fuck a tall, lanky man with perfect abs, she could go home to her husband."
"She wasn’t going to blow up Jo’s life. That was a promise."
"That’s what Angie had thought she would call her daughter. Like Katharine Hepburn. Like a woman who knew how to hold herself. Like a woman who took what she wanted."
"She would divine through some long-snuffed maternal instinct whether or not Jo was okay, and then Angie could get back to her regular life and never think about her lost daughter ever again."
"Pain could be infectious. She couldn’t afford to let it in."
"Kids like her, they don’t understand the value of a dollar. She’s been struggling all her life, and that’s on me."
"Nobody listens to a junkie. Just ask Keisha Miscavage."
"She’s been walking toward her grave. The only thing I can control is how fast I jump in."
"Some people are born with a hole inside them. They spend their lives trying to fill it. Sometimes it’s pills, sometimes it’s Jesus, and sometimes it’s a fist."
"You can't get filmed beating the shit out of a woman and expect to keep playing."
"She'll do it because she won't have a choice."
"She never wants to be the center of attention."
"You think I didn't figure something like that happened?"
"Even if Jo left, she would go back to Reuben, as sure as Angie was sitting in her car."
"It's what you've seen. It's your ability to open your mouth."
"There is a wall of money backstopping these men."
"If I was your mother, I would tell you to take Anthony and leave and never look back."
"You don’t get it, do you? Reuben doesn’t care about basketball. He doesn’t care about Anthony. He doesn’t really care about me. He wants control."
"He beats me. He rapes me. He makes me beg for him to keep doing it."
"My birth mother abandoned me. I know how that feels."
"I've got a plan to buy you some time, get you away from your husband."
"You're gonna get in that car and you're going to drive to the motel and I'm going to pick up your son and we are both going to get the hell out of here. Do you understand me?"
"What had she done? What could she do to stop this?"
"She couldn’t look dangerous when Jo’s mother opened the door."
"She sat back up. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand."
"If she thought about what Dale would do to Anthony, she wouldn’t make it through the night."
"She closed her eyes again. Dale had done the same thing when she was ten years old."
"You only feared for your life when you had something to lose."
"She realized now that all of her running had led her straight to this dark room."
"Trust is the glue of life. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships."
"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life."
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."