
Music Of The Heart Quotes

Music Of The Heart by Katie Ashley

"Music can inspire and give hope. It can show adulation and worship and praise love and people. Including God."
"Fantasizing is healthy, you know. Maybe you should try it more."
"But I think we both know at the end of the day, you’re not looking for a relationship with me, right? You’re just looking to get into my panties."
"You felt like absolute heaven pressed up against me."
"I’m good at a lot of things besides singing and playing the guitar."
"My wife is not your glorified cook and maid, douchebag."
"Somewhere in that statement was something decent and redeeming, but like always you had to trample all over it."
"It’s just that I really would like to win a bet tonight, and singing this song is the only way I see being able to do it."
"Because when the gentleman Jake comes out, he makes you awfully irresistible."
"To fall in love with someone deeply and then have them love you back is truly a miracle."
"I’m full of surprises, Angel. Just get to know me a little better."
"You’re right, Abigail. We know you have a good head on your shoulders. Just make sure you let your conscience and your moral compass guide you."
"Don’t get the sexy, lacy panties I dream about you wearing in a twist. He isn’t jerking off."
"Did you ever stop to think maybe you should ask him if something is going on with him?"
"You seemed a little down after your phone call with your aunt. Then with the nightmare."
"As much as I appreciate hearing that, it’s not what’s really bothering you, is it?"
"After being in remission for three years, my mom’s cancer has come back."
"She’s being given medicine to make her comfortable for her last…few months."
"You can ask the other guys about what an absolute Mama’s Boy I am."
"It’s going to be okay," I crooned into his ear.
"I’d give anything if I could take away your pain."
"No, I’m just someone who cares about you and your mom."
"Maybe my mom was right when she claimed fate brought us together."
"Jacob, it’s that stubbornness that we both share, remember?"
"I’m sorry you had to go through that. I know he said some pretty vile shit to you."
"I thought about getting you into the VIP box, but you’ll have a better view here."
"I’m exactly where I want to be at the moment and with who I want to be."
"You have a powerhouse voice inside one hell of a beautiful package."
"It’s not what I would have picked, but you sure look beautiful in it."
"I need you desperately, but I know you need me more."
"Because of that, you’re always going to feel more and hurt more than other people."
"Whatever it is that’s started between us, I sure as hell don’t want it to end."
"It’s like being zapped by a fucking lightning bolt each and every time you’re near me."
"For me, it’s always you, and it’s only going to be you, Jake."
"You know I would never pass up the opportunity to touch you—even if it is your nasty, sweaty feet."
"You’ll learn, Angel, and until then, nothing you could possibly do would ever make me not want you."
"I never, ever want to do something that makes you uncomfortable. So, I’ll try toning it down."
"I’m sorry, okay? I’m new to all this relationship stuff. It was a guarantee I was going to screw up."
"You’re giving me—the most undeserving guy in the world—the most sacred and amazing firsts."
"I know it’s quick, but I’ve fallen in love with her for sure. And yeah, I like love her, love her."
"You’re mine, and you’re not getting rid of me."
"I cannot believe he took me out there and sang to me in front of all those people—that I’m really his angel."
"I’m so, so sorry for what happened to you, Angel."
"You go and say shit like that and make me realize for the millionth time that you’re way too good for me."
"I’ve forgiven you for all your douche moments in the past."
"Please don’t do that. I promise you they don’t hurt."
"Stop apologizing for something you couldn’t help. You’re not the one who did this to me, and I will never, ever blame you."
"You know what made it for me? It was the look in your eyes as you were experiencing every range of emotion from the physical pain to the emotional connection."
"I can’t tell you enough how last night was the most beautiful experience of my life, and I can’t wait to make love to you again."
"You were right. I was being a complete and total dick because I thought I had totally fucked up your first time because you didn’t come."
"I know you, Jake. I see every single imperfection you have, and I still love you."
"You are the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me in my life."
"I love that you did that for me, Angel. But most of all, I love you."
"I promise to make sure that he never, ever gives up, no matter how much he wants to."
"You’re right when you called me an unimaginable asshole."
"We’ll ride this storm together, Jake. Forever and always."
"And you’ll always be my sweet angel—my saving grace and the love of my life."
"We’re going to be so happy together and make the most beautiful grandchildren for me."
"It’s not goodbye for forever. We’ll see each other again."
"I have to get away from here. I need to take a ride."