
Breath Of Scandal Quotes

Breath Of Scandal by Sandra Brown

"My old man says there are two things a man never gets enough of. Whiskey and women."
"You think I’m going to share a secret like that with you two? Next thing I’d know, you’d be beating down her door, making damn fools of yourselves. I’d be ashamed to claim I knew you."
"You’re getting downright serious on us, Lamar. If you can’t keep up, we’ll have to start leaving you behind."
"I puked my guts out the same as y’all last Friday night!"
"I mean like raising hell. I mean like getting laid. I mean like getting drunk."
"I can’t stand him. Look at him now. He thinks he’s so cool."
"If you can’t keep up, we’ll have to start leaving you behind."
"One of these days, you might decide it’s not worth the struggle."
"The only world I want at my feet is the one that I create for myself."
"We can’t, Jade. You’re the best thing I’ve got going for me. I can’t ruin it."
"Everything always turns out right for you, Jade. That’s why it’s annoying as hell to listen to you whine."
"I’m poor, but I’m not ignorant. I’m sure as hell not cowed by the Patchetts."
"I’ve got my own family disgrace to live down."
"In everything he said and did there was a hint of inbred malevolence, a meanness of spirit."
"Her survival instinct was too powerful, however."
"Her anxious thoughts were interrupted when Sheriff Fritz Jolly entered the room."
"It was hard for me to believe, too. This time yesterday, I would never have thought it possible."
"I've got nothing to hide. Ask the boy any damn thing you please."
"Her lower lip began to tremble. She caught it between her teeth."
"That’s a real serious charge to be making against those boys, Jade."
"I will be the one who has to see that they pay for this. Somehow, someday, I'll get restitution."
"I loathe the idea of being dependent on him for anything."
"I don’t care what anybody thinks. Anyone who would believe such a vicious lie about me automatically sacrifices the value I would place on his opinion."
"I’ve changed my mind, Mama. I’m not going to press charges."
"The only reason I don’t want a trial is Gary. Our relationship would be opened to public scrutiny."
"He would either have to discuss our intimacy in the open or perjure himself to keep from it. I won’t let that happen."
"The best thing you could do is forget this ever happened."
"Don’t you understand what I’m trying to tell you? I’ve been under pressure about the scholarship, but other things, too. Primarily, us."
"It’s not healthy for either of us to keep building bonfires we can’t put out."
"We want you to get away from here for only one reason—’cause you want to so bad."
"She made all the ugliness in his life bearable, because in her lay the promise that it wouldn’t always be so."
"He pushed them out of his path and, scattering chickens, ran across the yard to the barn."
"Being the good boy sucks. It gets you nowhere."
"I wasn’t even the one that acquired it, but my daddy."
"Can’t figure out for the life of me where you come from, bein’ so smart and all."
"I think it’s customary for brides to bathe before presenting themselves to their husbands."
"I’ve got a record. Do you think your parents will want a son-in-law who’s done time?"
"I wish you could meet him, too. Unfortunately, shortly after I left, another kid knifed him during a counseling session, then stood by and watched while he bled to death."
"She was so pretty that it made his throat ache with emotion."
"If he was going to get canned anyway, he had nothing to lose by being honest."
"I like for my employees to be happy. It makes for a more congenital workplace."
"Hard work and talent should be rewarded, not compressed into those little glass boxes you call offices."
"Sitting at a drafting table all day long, waiting for the five o'clock bell to ring, isn’t my idea of challenging work."
"Unfortunately, having ambition and youth and talent isn’t sufficient. To be really successful, one must also develop patience and self-discipline."
"You can thank me by doing your best. Study hard. Apply yourself. Make your goals realities."
"Life was precious. Life was fragile. Here one moment, gone the next. Every second should be milked for all it was worth because you never knew when the bottom was going to drop out."
"No one was ever going to take her child from her."
"If a way wasn’t provided, she would make one. She couldn’t let this opportunity pass."
"I have reasons for wanting to earn a diploma as quickly as possible."
"That’s the time to step from behind your pride, expose your vulnerability, and give someone the honor of helping you."
"Everything I do is on your account. Haven’t you figured that out yet?"
"What you’re waltzing around is that I should be getting laid, right?"
"Unfortunately, Hank has fallen in love with me."
"Being with another girl isn’t the same as being with you. I… I love you."
"It was… it was crazy. Hell, I don’t know how else to explain it."
"Being considered a friend is a tough blow for a boy in love."
"I’d rather be with you, not screwing, than be with someone else screwing and wishing it were you."
"You haven’t been honest, Jade. You’ve told me that all you want is friendship, but you haven’t told me why."
"Some bastard hurt you. He broke your heart. Let me make up for that, okay? I love you so much, I can make up for any bad experience you suffered."
"Her voice trailed off as she vaguely gestured toward the living room."
"On the landing, she pressed her back flat against the wall and crammed her fists against her lips."
"Four years. The impact should have been dulled in four years."
"I turn to say something to him, and then I suddenly remember and experience the pain all over again."
"Of course he did. He thought you were ravishing."
"I’m exhausted," Jade admitted, sinking down on the sofa beside Cathy and slipping off her black suede heels.
"Please, Jade. I tried all day to find the right time to speak to you."
"You’re the first person who has ever wholeheartedly taken my word for what happened."
"I wouldn’t know, you see, because I’ve never raped anyone."
"You’ve always been strong. People look up to you."
"It was a life sentence that she couldn’t ask anyone else to share."
"In the bleak hours of the night, she almost envied Mitch his newfound peace."
"Take six weeks off with pay. That should give you plenty of time to make the move before reporting back to work."
"The only viable suspect had vanished. It seemed as though he had simply walked away from everything."
"You married too early, Hutch. Didn’t I tell you so?"
"I’m gonna hate like hell to die, boy. I don’t want to give up a single thing that belongs to me."
"The only thing that’s standing between me and a guarantee of immortality is you."
"A wife would nip the gossip in the bud. It’d be even better if a baby came along nine months after the wedding."
"His old man was right—there was nothing quite as satisfying as manipulating people."
"I could go a lot more gracefully if I knew that I was leaving behind a dynasty."
"You’d better wash before going back to the party," he said, nodding toward her pelvic region. "You reek to high heaven of come."
"I intend for you to get your money’s worth, but I’ll bet nothing your hired whores do is as exciting as fucking your bride’s maid of honor the night before the wedding."
"You don’t know near as much as you think you do."
"Robbed of the privilege of ever completely loving a man, or of accepting a man’s love, she was more determined than ever to seek restitution."
"If I wanted to go in at the top, not middle management."
"Then I’m afraid we’re at an impasse. It’s going to take courage on your part to establish another sexual relationship."
"I'm a big boy, Miss whoever-the-hell-you-are. I can read a menu and order for myself."
"I apologize for the rudeness. I sometimes do that without thinking. It’s a bad habit of mine."
"Are you going to tell me what I’m doing here with you?"
"I don’t give a shit about the money. The goddamn building could have fallen down, especially if there was a quake."
"Because I’m about to offer you the job I had intended for Matthias."
"I think it matters a lot more than you’ll admit to yourself."
"You’re safe from me. When I want a woman, I’ll find one, but it’ll be for the night only."
"Because I’ve dedicated my life to the success of this project, Mr. Burke. Measured against that, one kiss is hardly important."
"You made it my business when you got me out of that L.A. jail."
"You’re a beautiful woman. But it wouldn’t matter if you had a mustache as thick as mine. I want this job."
"This plant is my baby, Mr. Burke. It has been from its inception."
"Tell you what, if you want to talk sex, why don’t you go fuck yourself, then come and tell me how it was."
"You should concern yourself only with those relating to the actual construction."
"Her volatile reaction to his questions only reinforced his curiosity."
"Wrong. That hasn’t happened since Bethlehem."