
The Evolution Of Mara Dyer Quotes

The Evolution Of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

"I remembered seeing my father lying pale and wounded in a hospital bed after he was shot by the mother of a murdered girl."
"I remembered that before I could tell anyone any of this, I saw Jude at the Thirteenth Precinct of the Metro Dade Police Department. Looking very much alive."
"I’m not psychotic, I wanted to say. I’m not."
"The beige walls of the psychiatric unit evaporated and became glass. I saw myself in the passenger seat of a car—Noah’s car—and saw my cheeks stained with tears."
"Because I killed four people—five, if my dad’s client never woke up—with nothing more than a thought."
"But things were different, now. Jude made them different."
"I couldn’t quite remember ever feeling so lost."
"It means that Jude is alive and no one believes it but me."
"I couldn’t stand it if you—I was throwing up when I first heard about the asylum. . . . I was sick over it."
"The people we care about are always worth more to us than the people we don’t. No matter what anyone pretends."
"But I don’t believe you have the power to remove someone’s free will. No matter how much you might want to."
"I was more worried about what your choices would do to you than what the consequences would be for anyone else."
"It’s like coming here has made me more combative."
"Put a petty criminal in maximum security prison and he’ll come out knowing how to rape and pillage."
"I shall be fine, thank you. I studied medicine after the Military Seminary at Croydon. Now then, I must be off. Do look after yourself, and her."
"Make for him a mixture of dried garlic, lemon juice, honey, tamarind, and wild turmeric. Have him drink it four times each hour."
"You scared us, Mara. Do you have hypoglycemia?"
"No one knows how to drive in this goddamned city!"
"Time was supposed to heal all wounds, but how could it when Jude kept picking the scab?"
"My skin crawled as I stood there, wrapped in nothing but a towel, facing off with her as my heart beat wildly in my chest."
"If only my profoundly insightful and knowledgeable older brother believed me."
"Something moved near me; a figure emerged out of the dimness."
"The girl stepped into the light, and I could finally see her."
"The Man in Blue’s eyes tightened. "I must speak with you," he said to her."
"So you can speak," the girl said with a tiny smile.
"She smiled and shot me a sly look. "Everyone gets sick. You are full of mischief.""
"A present. Something for you to play with, so you will never feel alone."
"I was starting to hate this thing and wanted to get rid of it."
"My eyes opened, but the trees were gone. The sunlight had vanished. There was only darkness."
""What time is it?" "I don’t know," Noah said, but his voice wasn’t thick with sleep."
""I’m going to be a vegetarian," Joseph told me."
""I wouldn’t want to sleep without me either.""
""Morning." I grabbed two granola bars and a bottle of water from the pantry."
""The champion is undefeated." He flashed an obnoxious smirk at Noah."
""Never mind, you’re making this quite difficult."
""Daniel’s anxious to see it," Noah said, interrupting me again."
""What are you talking about?" MY VOICE was quiet. Shaky. "I threw it away.""
"Nothing like this had ever happened before; I had nightmares, sure, and I blacked out before, yes. But this was new."
""Slowly," he said. The word sent a thrill through every nerve."
"I was desperate to close it—desperate to feel his mouth on mine."
""Because part of you is still afraid. And I don’t want you to feel that. Not then.""
"When you’re frightened, your pulse changes," he said. "Your breath. Your heartbeat. Your sound. I can’t ignore that and I won’t, even if you think you want me to."
"There will come a moment when there’s nothing you want more than us. Together. When you’re free of every fear and there is nothing in our way."
"My family... isn’t the same as yours," he said. "We’re strangers who happen to live in the same house."
"Just because you can’t prove something doesn’t mean it isn’t real."
"Dissonant intervals, however, are full of tension," he said, holding my gaze. "You can’t predict which way they’re going to go. It makes limited people uncomfortable—frustrated, because they don’t understand the point, and people hate what they don’t understand. But the ones who get it," he said, lifting a hand to my face, "find it fascinating. Beautiful."
"It doesn’t matter what we are. It matters what we do."
"Fight or flight," Noah said as something clearly fit into place for him. "That’s it."
"I’m here to announce that we’re departing for the carnival in approximately twenty minutes."
"Mara is trying to move a bottle of Tylenol with her mind."
"Even men of science such as ourselves are entitled to get the heebie-jeebies now and again."
"You know what my mother used to say? Boys are stupid and girls are trouble."
"If you ask the wrong questions, you will get the wrong answers."
"What do you want to do today? Horseback riding."
"When I don’t see her, her ghost wanders my veins."
"She thinks I don’t desire her and it’s almost ridiculous how wrong she is."
"She still thinks she can hurt me, somehow; she doesn’t grasp yet that it isn’t possible."
"This belonged to my mother, but it was meant for you."
"Perplexing. I slowly let out the breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding and looked around."
"Lies make us look like someone else, but with Noah, I had to be myself."
"Fear is just a feeling, and feelings aren’t real."
"You’re stronger than you believe. Don’t let your fear own you. Own yourself."
"I could spend the rest of my life kissing him, I think."
"All I want is you. You don’t have to choose me now or ever, but when you choose, I want you free."
"I’m in love with you, Mara. I love you. No matter what you do."
"If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If we were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one."
"The thing about happiness, though, is that it never lasts."
"I had no idea what to say. You say you’re sorry when someone loses a person they love. Not a person they hate."
"This wasn’t new. I could live with this. I could live with it if I didn’t think about it."
"Don’t let your fear own you," he had said. "Own yourself."
"What kind of person does that?" he asked, almost to himself.
"I’m not a hero," Jude chuckled. "You think I mean you?"
"Why’d you take Joseph to the Everglades?" "I told you already. And if you’re going to dispose of a body in Florida, there’s really no better place."
"You’re a hard girl to get a hold of," he said quietly.
"It’s temporary," she said, trying to reassure me. Or reassure herself.
"I can’t room with her, Brooke," Phoebe said softly. Her chin began to tremble.
"That’s why we’re going to do these trust exercises, Phoebe."
"They won’t if you don’t give them a chance," Brooke admonished.
"I think I could manage without a roommate, Brooke."
"It was like being picked last for dodgeball, only so much worse."
"Tonight at one by the music studio? Make it happen?"
"Don’t." His voice was laced with contempt. Poisonous.
"Stop it," I said, my voice harsh. "You aren’t the one who hurt me. Stop torturing yourself."
"I felt you dying beneath my skin," he said, his tone hollow.
"I wasn’t there," he answered, with that same vacant look.
"You aren’t killing anyone, Mara," he said to me. "He is."
"I will murder you," he said calmly. "And before you die you will beg for her forgiveness."
"If you don’t kill me," Jude said, his voice hoarse, "I’ll slice Mara into pieces so small you won’t—"
"My hands curled into claws and I felt a sharp pain in my palm—The shard. I was still holding it."
"Noah’s expression had been viciously hollow as he waited for the oxygen to leave Jude’s lungs, but at the sound of my voice something changed."
"All the pain I had ever felt was just practice for this moment."
"They rattled my cage to see if I’d bite. When they released me, they’d see that the answer was yes."