
Guilty Wives Quotes

Guilty Wives by James Patterson

"THEY TELL ME I will die here. This place I do not know, this dark, dank, rancid dungeon, where nobody wishes me well and most speak languages I don’t understand—this is the place I will call home for the rest of my life."
"You would naturally blame her for your predicament," he said.
"Madame, you are the most famous criminal in the history of France. You’ll never walk out of here."
"Remember, he told himself. Remember the anger. The betrayal. The wound to your pride. Let it motivate you now, just as it did last night, before you carried it out. Stay focused. Stay mad."
"He smiled at the girl but didn’t speak. He paid in cash and left."
"I’m an American citizen and I have rights. I demand to know what’s going on."
"I'm not saying another word until you tell me what's going on."
"What are they telling you? About the evidence?"
"It added just another odd element to the completely bizarre package of horrors that was the last nine months of my life."
"The gunpowder residue. The fingerprints. The DNA. The incriminating admissions. The misleading and deceptive statements. The eyewitnesses. The immoral behavior. The blackmail."
"A miracle, I thought. God, please give me a miracle."
"Here’s everything bad we think about you…now let’s get started!"
"Don’t just say you don’t like it," I said to Richie, seated next to me on the bed in the cell. "Why do I have to like it?" "You don’t, sweetie. But tell me why."
"Holden is scared, honey. He’s scared so he’s pushing everyone away, and he tells himself he’s pushing them away because they’re superficial and phony."
"Don’t you ever give up hope," I whispered through my own sobs. "Not ever."
"She…was a very nice woman," he said. "A very aggressive woman. I think it’s safe to say, from my perspective, that she was interested in sleeping with me."
"This woman, whom the prosecution claims to be a criminal mastermind—she would have to be quite…oh, stupid, yes? To make up such a silly alibi?"
"I didn’t think the fact that I had met them at the nightclub made any difference. What could I tell the French authorities? These women were fun to party with?"
"Anyone ever hear of the presumption of innocence?"
"It wasn't my idea to make it a stupid package deal."
"I’m not taking off my clothes until you help her."
"Do not look at her. Speak French when you're in a French prison."
"We killed their president. Somebody, at some point in this jungle we were about to enter, would try to do the same to us."
"Don’t look at her. That much I had figured out."
"We knew…we were getting one of you," said the woman next to the butch haircut, the blond one of the bunch. "You are the one…who laughs," she said. "We were…hope—hoping?…for you."
"Vous allez pouvoir dormir sur le plancher," said the leader, the butch haircut. "That’s Iggy," she said. Great. The rat had a name.
"Je m’appelle Sabine," she said, introducing herself. Just Sabine.
"Vous ferez tout ce que je dis," she said. You will do whatever I say.
"La soupe de poulet est délicieuse," I answered. The chicken soup is delicious.
"Your attitude, Ms. Elliot…did not lead to good results. Not for you. Not for your friends."
"I’m innocent," I said. "And I intend to prove it at my appeal. I will find the real killer if it’s the last thing I do."
"Vous n’avons pas un choix," Penelope said. Of course we have a choice. "Of course we do."
"Murderers!" I banged on the buzzer for the intercom, screaming into it. "Lucy killed her! Lucy killed her!" I repeated.
"You’d already broken us," I replied. "You, with your damn affair. What I did was wrong, and I take responsibility for it. But it wasn’t some planned, long-term relationship, sneaking around behind your back and inventing all sorts of excuses."
"Oh, just spare me that ‘spur-of-the-moment’ crap, all right?"
"Si vous ne restez pas tranquille, votre mari devra partir."
"I’m sorry for what I did. I’ve paid a pretty damn high price for it—but I’m sorry all the same."
"I wasn’t surprised that he was asking for a divorce. I knew that day would come."
"Jeffrey would have had to see these things himself, personally."
"Because in creating the perfect conditions for me to be murdered, you’ve also created the perfect conditions for me to escape."
"I heard what happened to you today. Are you okay?"
"Careless would be an understatement. It would be reckless as hell. But stranger things had happened around here."
"All secure at zero two twelve hours," Addie said. "But let’s find that weapon, officers."
"The odds of that Glock being in this room were slim to none."
"Because it was directly under the security camera."
"Had to admire her brass. Abbie Elliot had driven right out of the damn prison."
"In LaFave’s experience, a desperate inmate will ride whatever has worked for her so far."
"The stop at Limoges had taken place at 2:24 a.m."
"No, most people on this train were going all the way to the end, to Toulouse."
"I could stare up at the sky as long as I wished. I was free."
"I want an update," Durand answered in French.
"She’d used the overnight train as a head fake, to get the authorities moving south."
"But with a loaded Glock? That violates twenty different regulations, and it’s just plain stupid."
"She hoped that Luisa would never walk up to that secured room, that she’d be content to watch things on that monitor from the hallway."
"And Abbie put enough drugs in those women to keep them quiet for several hours."
"I drove in complete solitude the final twelve miles until I saw the open gates on the right."
"I walked along the Seine, trying to enjoy the brisk air and the subdued energy of a Paris evening."
"I took the hottest shower I’d ever taken in my life."
"I wasn’t thinking clearly. My brain was getting foggy. I needed to sleep, to really sleep tonight."
"I was in a city of millions, but I felt as though I were wearing a sandwich board that said FUGITIVE."
"Frivolous entertainment hadn’t been a priority for me for well over a year now."
"Presumably, no one would be expecting a person lying on the floor camouflaged by drop cloths and obscured by a garbage can."
"Durand would be searching every hotel in Paris tonight for Allison Larson."
"Inside it was a wad of my remaining cash and a bit of makeup. And, of course, the Glock I took off Lucy at the prison."
"The bullet was reserved for the possibility that Durand would catch me before I could prove my innocence."
"But nobody was itching to take photos of Colton or Simon. They weren’t famous and they weren’t much to look at."
"The truth was, I didn’t know what Durand knew, or how close he was."
"My heart was hammering so violently that I had trouble hearing Damon."
"I wasn’t trying to destroy anything," he said. "I was trying to survive."