
Whispers Of The Dead Quotes

Whispers Of The Dead by Simon Beckett

"Structurally skin is a work of art, a nest of capillaries, glands and nerves that both regulates and protects."
"It is our sensory interface with the outside world, the barrier at which our individuality—our self—ends."
"Even in death, something of that individuality remains."
"When the body dies, the enzymes that life has held in check run amok."
"Even dead and discarded, skin retains traces of its former self."
"Enjoyed the sting of it on his skin after a long day’s fishing, enjoyed the way its brightness lent a new look to whatever it touched."
"The early morning sunshine would shatter into miniature rainbows in the fine spray from the water-sprinkler."
"We can grow used to almost anything, given time."
"He was pleased with what he’d done, that’s why he wanted you to see it."
"The brain’s a mysterious organ; sometimes it makes connections we’re not consciously aware of."
"Disease doesn’t always end with the host’s death."
"What struck me was how still she looked. As frozen and motionless as a photograph."
"I knew then that no matter what I did, how much I learned, there would always be one mystery I couldn’t explain."
"These things needed to be done slowly; to be savoured. How else could you hope to learn anything?"
"There’s only one person to be blamed, and that’s whoever did this."
"You can’t blame yourself. There was no way you could have known what was going to happen."
"The only thing I can think of is that the body must have been left on the surface before it was buried."
"Finding the unknown insect had blown away any vestiges of my earlier tiredness."
"Nothing moved, yet I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something—someone—nearby."
"My footsteps sounded unnaturally loud on the gravelled surface."
"High time you got the recognition you deserve."
"I turned on the TV, searching for an international news channel as I dressed."
"Forget the glamorous psychopath of popular fiction; in the real world, these individuals are sad misfits for whom killing has become the primal urge."
"There are two hundred and six bones in the adult human body."
"Structurally, the skeleton is a marvel of biological engineering, as intricate and sophisticated as anything designed by man."
"Reassembling it isn’t a straightforward task."
"But nobody said a quest was supposed to be easy."
"A paintbrush of photons that leaves its mark on the canvas of the film."
"Retirement won't be the end of the world. Life goes on, doesn't it?"
"Nature abhors waste, and a body lying outdoors soon becomes a food source for the local wildlife."
"We don’t realize how reliant we are on context. We define people by how we normally see them, but take them out of that, place them in a different setting and situation, and our mind baulks."
"Viewed dispassionately, our physical dissolution is no different from any other natural cycle."
"There’s something about water that’s primordially soothing. It seems to touch some deep chord in our subconscious; stir some gene memory of the womb."
"If he acts on impulse then sooner or later he’ll make a mistake."
"Everything we have so far says that this is someone who deliberates and plans his actions carefully. The needles were planted in the body six months before he left Dexter’s fingerprints at the cabin. That shows a methodical, ordered mind."
"And you'd realized that you were more than meat after all."
"You feel strong and powerful again as you contemplate what has to be done."
"The silence of the autopsy suite seemed to press in around me after the door had closed behind him."
"I worked even later than I’d intended. Partly because I wanted to make up for lost time, but also because the thought of spending the evening alone back at my hotel held little appeal."
"Watching them made me acutely aware of how far from home I was, how much I didn’t belong."
"Whatever urge had prompted him to talk seemed to have been exhausted."
"Every time it happens to someone you know, it still surprises the hell out of you."
"My footsteps echoed off the darkened buildings."
"Hospitals were never truly abandoned, but when visiting hours had passed they could seem lonely places."
"I wasn’t going to hide away until Gardner decided what to do with me."
"The name was too cute and too young, yet somehow suited her."
"I could smell the freshness of the new grass and blossom, feel the first chill of night behind the spring warmth."
"The smooth weight of the wine bottle in my hand still held the promise of normality."
"The night that followed was one of the longest of my life."
"Ignored, as casually as the lives of their owners."
"You’re too late, I thought, seeing the tautness of the strap circling her neck."
"Coming home after a long trip is always like finding yourself transplanted a few weeks in the future, a mundane form of time-travel."
"It felt wrong leaving an investigation like that, but then I reminded myself that it wasn’t really my investigation."