
Borders Of Infinity Quotes

Borders Of Infinity by Lois McMaster Bujold

"Why don't you just fast-penta me and get it over with?"
"Your father cannot afford a scandal in his government this month."
"You can be a real sonofabitch some days, Simon, do you know?"
"You don't have to kill your children anymore."
"The Count's justice doesn't turn on guesses."
"I'm not so in love with facts as I used to be."
"It's time for the practices that brand us as barbarians in galactic eyes to end."
"She cried and cried, and wouldn't go to sleep, not nursing well."
"We are all here by accident. Like the roses."
"I cannot condemn an innocent person. My truth drugs won't let me."
"There will be justice for little Raina. That I have sworn."
"How can there be justice now? It's too late—a world too late—for justice."
"Your only grandchild... I understand your distress, ma'am."
"Ordinary people need extraordinary examples."
"Knowledge is what you're supposed to have coming out, not going in."
"Of all the things I did, of all the interruptions this vile place imposed on me, there is one I regret the most."
"It's about the organism, he said at last. 'The... creature.'"
"A super-soldier. Designed by a committee. Ye gods. The mind boggles."
"The key word is quietly. We didn't come here to kill people, and we are not at war with Ryoval's employees."
"If you miss the golden moment, the gods damn you forever. And vice versa..."
"I'll put a price on your head that will have every bounty hunter in the galaxy all over you like a second skin—you'll not eat or sleep."
"The longer the better, from Miles's point of view."
"Humming thoughtfully, Miles went to get a shower."
"The true secret of the Betan rejuvenation technique—is that there is none."
"Miles, burning under his gaze, felt extremely glad he'd had the chance to clean up."
"Staying far, far away from here is fast becoming one of my dearest ambitions."
"I look the age I do, because it is the age I am."
"You're wise," Fell growled, and moved to cut the link.
"I'm not a threat—do I look like a threat?—a challenge, maybe, not a threat."
"Power is a live thing, by which you reach out to grasp the future."
"Revenge is a dead thing, reaching out from the past to grasp you."
"Minds can be reached through bodies—what else is the point of all this."
"Every move they make is a message from outside, a shadow marking their shape, information about them. We'll take it."
"Repeated pain, as he had reason to know, made one more afraid of injury, not less, a growing, gut-wrenching dread. Not again, never again..."
"They were obsessed. They were-well, you remind me a lot of them. They wouldn't quit for nothing."
"I've changed my mind, Miles thought. Don't start caring for me, Beatrice, don't start caring for anybody. You'll only get hurt. Over and over and over..."
"The damn dome, cold and white and featureless, mocked his returning vision."
"It would be so good not to have to get up again..."
"A miracle they'd got this far. No-he glanced at Tung, at Thorne-not a miracle, but the extraordinary initiative and devotion of his people."
"Inevitable. I am not a weepy wimp who folds under fire."