
Ninth Grade Slays Quotes

Ninth Grade Slays by Heather Brewer

"Blood and frosting: the vampire’s answer to coffee and donuts."
"Just be more careful next time. Contrary to popular belief, laundry doesn’t top my list of favorite things to do."
"If you can get invited to one of the senior parties, some of those girls take pity on the lower classmen."
"The death of a loved one is funny like that. It doesn’t matter how much you grieve or how much time has passed, the littlest reminder of the person who died can send you back to the moment you lost them."
"I mean, how lovely of your parental figure to insist on enjoying quality time together. You should be grateful."
"My apologies. This letter will be brief, as I am waiting to board a plane to Paris as I write this. I will send a longer letter soon, but for now my time is stretched."
"Please tell Nelly that her last letter was greatly appreciated, and that I am saddened that I have no time to respond at present, but that I will soon. I promise."
"Unfortunately, popularity is a lot like gravity. There’s no use fighting it."
"It was tough sometimes, trying to discern whether Henry had continued to be his friend over the years despite their differences because Henry really liked him, or because Henry felt a weird bound-by-blood, his-duty-as-a-drudge connection to him."
"If there were a more unpopular kid in the town of Bathory than Vladimir Tod, it was Eddie Poe."
"All he could hope for was that Eddie would wake up tomorrow and realize that his eyes had played tricks on him on the spookiest night of the year."
"Vlad didn’t need to read his mind to see that. It was all there in Eddie’s determined glare."
"The fact the vampire slayers actually existed might have been something Otis could have mentioned as a nasty possibility before he drove off at the beginning of the summer."
"Vlad might be cold, but his curiosity had not yet been quenched."
"Maybe it was smart, asking Joss to the dance instead of me. But one thing’s for sure . . . Chelsea’s wrong. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen."
"But today, right now, we will drink to your father’s memory, and you will tell me the details of this horrific event, Mahlyenki Dyavol. No vampire should suffer such a tragic loss alone. We are family. And we shall shed tears for Tomas as one."
"You are not alone, Vladimir. You are never alone in this world."
"Graveyards are for the living, not the dead."
"I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, Vikas. But . . . my parents died four years ago in a house fire."
"I don’t remember how exactly, but I ended up at Nelly’s house, and I’ve been there ever since."
"NO!" Vlad pushed hard into Vikas’s mind.
"You stay out of my mind, and I’ll stay out of yours. Agreed?"
"I told Tomas not to frighten Vikas like that, but in the end I was rather hoping he would."
"Most humans do not survive our bites, Vladimir. We often kill to be kind, to end what would be a life of slavery for them before it has begun."
"A vampire infuses his essence with his intended creation—this is sometimes done with a blood exchange, but can be carried on in many ways. However, as with setting glyphs—something you’ll learn more about later—the vampire’s intent is key."
"It is not a drudge’s place to protect a vampire, Vladimir. Quite the opposite, actually."
"The prophecy stated that a great and powerful vampire would one day come into our midst. One that laws would be broken to create."
"Just as I would be heartbroken to abandon my post to act as nursemaid for a child who hardly needs one."
"Do not gloss over the larger truth, my friend. Most vampires kill out of pleasure, not pity."
"What good is being your drudge if I don’t have your back when you need it?"
"If you have any troubles, call for me with your mind. If I don’t respond, write me."
"I’m pretty sure I need more blood. Man, how much did he drink, anyway?"
"With a sigh, Vlad sat on the bottom step and ran a frustrated hand through his hair, brushing it out of his eyes for a moment."
"What was that saying about how it was better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?"
"I mean, the door. I’m glad you opened the door."
"I thought maybe you’d tell me after you saw the article."
"You should be more careful, dude. Stuff like that could get you kicked off the paper. Or worse."
"I don’t have much choice, Henry. Otis might not even be getting my letters, and whatever this guy is up to, he’s up to it now."
"It’s worth another detention, Vlad. It’s worth a thousand detentions to find out what you are."
"It seems I owe you some gratitude. The blood of the Pravus has enormous healing capabilities."
"If you kill me, Henry will find out you’re a slayer. Your whole family will find out."
"I drink donated blood, and never from the source. I know you think that vampires are evil monsters, but I’m not. I’m different."
"You think you know so much about me, about those like me. But you don’t. You just think we’re mindless, heartless monsters. But we aren’t. We’re people, Joss. With family, friends, ideas, lives!"
"It is our actions that decide what kind of men we are."
"The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is in the betrayal of a friend."
"Enough of this. It’s time to face your destiny, Vladimir Tod."