
The Perfect Play Quotes

The Perfect Play by Jaci Burton

"Years ago that would have been the highlight of his night. Not anymore."
"When had he gotten so tired of it all? Hell, when had he gotten old?"
"You’re my hero. I was afraid I was going to be lost down here forever and I’d never get these contracts signed."
"She sure was beautiful, but not in the way he was used to."
"She wasn’t overly made up, so her beauty was natural."
"It’s not always about looks. Granted, physical attraction is what gets you in the door. But there has to be something beyond that to want to keep you there."
"Maybe you’re just not meeting the right woman."
"He didn’t do next days or next dates or next anythings with women."
"But with Tara, it had been different. He was disappointed as hell to find her gone when he woke up."
"Shouldn’t you be working out with your trainer or in bed with some hot woman?"
"Not even my mother knows as much about the women I date as you do."
"Your mother isn’t as invested in your career as I am. One misstep and you’re fucked."
"So the sex was bad?" "Oh my God, no. It was wonderful."
"He might have lost that down, but Mick always got up for the next play."
"You must pick some real losers if they bail as soon as they find out you have a kid."
"I don’t believe in getting a woman pregnant and leaving her. Not my style and not the way I was brought up."
"You think I want to cut and run because you told me you have a kid."
"I’m trying to choose my own woman. But she’s being damned difficult about letting me."
"You’re dating the captain of the football team."
"You should never be too busy to come, Tara."
"But don’t misinterpret why we’re here. I’m not using you for a photo op for myself, Tara. I brought you here tonight because I wanted to show you a good time. No ulterior motive."
"Those are some rockin’-hot shoes, Miss Lincoln."
"Please. You have the perfect family and the perfect life. I doubt you’ve ever done anything to fuck your life up."
"You’re amazing. Look what you went through, what you endured. To be where you are today after the kind of childhood you had? What you could have ended up like?"
"I never said you were. But you’re one of the most hardworking women I’ve ever known. And you’ve overcome more than most women ever will."
"Don’t look at me. I bartend. I’m not a party planner."
"I’d like to fuck your ass sometime, Tara. Would you let me?"
"You don’t have to apologize to any man that you have a son. He’s a great kid. You owe no one explanations or apologies for your life."
"No one's life is perfect, Tara. Not yours, not mine, no one's."
"You see what people want you to see, not what's necessarily there."
"It's never too early for them to hear what it's really like when drinking gets out of control."
"I was desperate to stay on top, so I did whatever it took."
"I tried because they told me I couldn't. Coach even benched me for a game, and in college that's some serious shit."
"I'd never been so sick. I was shaking, sweating. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, couldn't think straight."
"After that I knew they were right. I was an alcoholic. I admitted it and asked for help."
"All because I wanted to fit in and be popular. All because of one night all those years ago when I was fourteen."
"You bring out a side of me I've never given to another woman."
"Loving someone gave them power over you, and she wasn't ready to do that just yet."