
Off The Record Quotes

Off The Record by K.A. Linde

"I wish we were closer. I’d love to get a question in."
"Encourage small business, lower taxes, help the working class."
"I wish we could get one question in, though. I’d love to peg him down about education policy."
"He acts like everyone should treat her like a queen now."
"You there. An unfamiliar face with a familiar logo."
"I know you are all wondering why I decided to come before you, here in Wake County, on this lovely Saturday afternoon."
"You’re not even running the story until Monday."
"I know quite a few of my family members who fit into the not-as-educated category who are way more informed than my brother, who is a biomedical engineer."
"I think you’re selling America short by assuming that because people didn’t go to college or never finished high school, they aren’t able to form their own opinions about how they want this country or their community to run."
"No, thank you. I know my limits. I still have to get back home tonight."
"I never did. My ears popped, my parents argued, I never got a window seat, the lines were too long, and it always happened when I wanted to stay home."
"I’d have panic attacks before boarding. Sometimes my parents would give me medicine to knock me out so I wouldn’t hyperventilate."
"Well, I’ve never associated that feeling with anything good in my entire life…until you asked me that question today."
"I was merely complimenting your reporting skills. How long have you had this position?"
"It’s all right. It seems you are more adept at sidestepping my questions than I was at sidestepping yours."
"That’s good. You don’t need to be in the papers. Then everyone would know about you, and I think I prefer you here all to myself."
"I worry about how you took Calleigh’s comment. I don’t..."
"Nothing compared to running the campus paper, though, I’m sure."
"Our differences and how we handle the compromises make this country what it is today."
"You should know that voting records don’t always tell the whole story."
"Sometimes you really have to get to know a person before judging them so thoroughly."
"Her world felt completely and totally upside down."
"Her mind was conflicted, but her body certainly wasn’t."
"Life after Brady was like watching a film in black and white."
"It was really quite beautiful, but it felt like something was missing."
"Her hands ran up his suit and into his thick, dark hair, pulling on the strands."
"Nothing had ever felt this good, and she was sure nothing else ever would."
"The overpowering smell of sex hit her when she walked back into the room, and she smiled lazily."
"He chuckled softly, giving her another kiss. 'I like you like this. Not quite so snippy, are you?'"
"You carry the weight of your university on your shoulders the rest of your life."
"In an already floundering economy, where will the support come from to stabilize a new influx of students?"
"I wasn’t expecting to. There’s a difference. I always want to hear from you."
"In politics? Never. In romance? You’ll never find my equal."
"The longer you think about it, the more likely you are to make a decision I don’t agree with."
"Because I wanted to kiss you, like I want to kiss you right now."
"I want us to continue what we’re doing, but in private."
"I’m giving you what I can give you, and I’m telling you in advance you might get hurt."
"Suits are in the closet on the right, but you don’t have to wear one. It’s just coming off anyway."
"She would rather tell no one and know that she wasn’t to blame."
"Victoria was living the dream? Liz looked around the lake house and shook her head. She was on cloud nine."
"Despite the secluded nature of the lake house, Liz wondered briefly whether anyone could see her."
"He certainly seemed to like that she spoke her mind."
"She felt comfortable here even without Brady."
"Liz couldn’t help but laugh. Victoria was utterly ridiculous in the best possible way."
"The world was spinning by in a blur and there was only here and now."
"In that moment, there was no one else other than Brady."
"She had never been a big one to talk about the future with guys…not that this was that kind of talk."
"Liz felt as if they were dating. Maybe they were."
"Liz wanted nothing more than to see Brady, even if she was still angry with him."
"Sometimes men are pussies, and they need you to dangle yours in front of them to remember that they’re all dicks."
"Your plans get you double-teamed while a professor you were fucking walks in on you…"
"It’s not as if she could walk around in public with him or anything. They were a behind-closed-doors kind of couple."
"It was like a disease spreading through her body."
"That’s what I thought," Victoria said, turning back to face the television.
"You’re making me nervous, and I’m not going into the lab until tomorrow."
"I love you," Liz said, bolting out of the living room.
"And I’m going to be the only one fucking you."
"As long as I get to be close to you, then I don’t care."
"Everyone here likes basketball, but not everyone can play."
"Soon the fall semester would be upon them, then the primary, and then the general election."
"Not that Brady was actually any different. He was still gruff, brash, and stubborn, but she wouldn’t have him any different."
"Probably very late. Victoria is kind of an animal."
"You can’t expect me not to worry. I don’t make promises I can’t keep."
"I didn’t care about much in college, so it wouldn’t surprise anyone that I’m one of those, as you said."
"He was playing video games. His smile was contagious, and everything that he and Chris said to each other was a riot."
"What have you been doing since you got here?"
"I don’t know, but you’re fucking acting like you have."
"What’s this for?" she whispered, not able to tear her eyes away from the key."
"That’s where I was planning to have you stay tonight."
"The more he let her in, the more she craved from him."
"I probably won’t see him again anyway, will I?"
"You don’t know him well enough to understand."
"I can’t handle this with all of those questions in your eyes. Just trust me."
"I wasn’t sure either…what with school and everything," she said, not really wanting to get into the real reason. No, she was pretty sure she never wanted to tell him the real reason.
"This semester was surprisingly a challenge. Professor Mires really helped me do more with my project than I’d ever intended. Thank you so much for your good idea. I got an A on that article."
"You would have come up with something," he said with an easy shrug, as if he’d never doubted it.
"I don’t find out until Monday. I turned in one last paper this week. I haven’t even published it to the paper yet. If I do well on it, then I might put it out there," she told him.
"Nice. You’ll have to let me know how you do. Has the paper been good this summer? I know it was pretty dead, since no one is on campus, but did you think it was useful having your own column anyway?" he asked.
"Hey, you two," Jamie said, peeking her head into the doorway. "Meredith just got home, James is on his way over, and the lasagna is almost done. I’m opening a bottle of wine, if you guys want to venture out to the living room."
"Something is different about you," he said softly as they stood together.
"Just different. You were always pretty great."
"Well…thanks," she said, stepping around him. "I don’t know what it is."
"Me either," Hayden said, his eyes following her.
"I’ll see you in the morning," she said, trying to avoid his intense gaze.
"Liz walked back to Hayden’s bedroom and closed the door. She leaned her head back against it and let out a long breath."
"She knew what had happened to her. Brady fucking Maxwell had happened to her."
"Not kissing you last semester when I had a chance was a huge mistake," Hayden said against her lips. "I’m not one to repeat mistakes."
"I know," Liz finally whispered, pressing her hand under her eyes to wipe away the last remaining tears. "I guess I’ll have to talk to him."
"You didn’t do anything wrong by kissing Hayden. Don’t let anyone else convince you otherwise, all right?"
"It felt good to be carefree…to feel as if she was in college again."
"Secrets were going to be her downfall. Her secrets now had secrets."
"Personal feelings toward politicians have no place in journalism."
"Everything is going to be all right, Liz…somehow."
"She couldn’t keep sitting here like this waiting for Brady to call her, because she knew inevitably he would."
"I’ve missed you," he told her, running his hand down her body.
"I love it," she whispered. How could he be so completely sweet like this…knock her right off her feet?
"She just wanted to sleep away the rest of the night and forget that once again she had waited up for Brady to no avail."
"That's right, Stacy," Ryan cut in. "Who is this mystery woman? And will more evidence turn up regarding this situation? If it does, this could look bad for Senator Maxwell if he wins the primary today and moves on to the general election."
"And it's those three individuals, every single one of you here, and the rest of the state who make me proud to accept the nomination from the party to run for the House of Representatives in the Fourth District of North Carolina."
"You're the only person I've ever met who so completely disarms me. I feel like sometimes you aren't looking at me; you're looking through me. Like you know every single secret in my existence…like you know exactly what I'm thinking."