
Guardian Angel Quotes

Guardian Angel by Julie Garwood

"After cutting five or six more, the blade in her left hand began to feel like an extension of her body, and she started to take it all in stride."
"Ironically, what most of them didn’t know was that she was younger than most of them."
"It was her responsibility to put them back together, and as a senior fellow, she had the added duty of training the first- and second-year residents."
"Blood saturated the man’s shirt. She gently lifted the compress Mary Lynn had pressed to his shoulder, saw the damage, and immediately sought to stem the bleeding."
""It’s bad, but I’ve seen much worse, much worse.""
""I guarantee it. I’ve got testimonials if you want to see them.""
""Because they’re going to come for me sometime soon, perhaps even yet tonight. I’m going to die, Pagan, by their hand or yours, and I’d really rather determine my own end. Surely you can understand that.""
""You really should be hanged," she said. "You certainly had me fooled. You don’t look like the sort to act so dastardly.""
"You’re the most exasperating man. I’ve been through a terrible time and you’ve shown me as much compassion as a jackal."
"He takes from the rich because they have so much, they won’t miss the paltry amount he steals. And it wouldn’t do him any good at all to take from the poor. They don’t have anything worth stealing."
"Fathers aren’t supposed to lose their sons, Caine."
"Proof came from the War Department. Now will you quit your questions?"
"Please accept my apology for intruding upon such a personal matter."
"Someone had used a whip on her. Caine was stunned, outraged too."
"Don’t you ever sneak up on me like that again," she shouted up at him. "Good God, man, I could have killed you."
"Don’t you ever try to use your knife on me," he roared. "Or good God, woman, I will kill you!"
"You’re not going to kill me," she announced. "We’ve already had this discussion, remember?"
"Why would I be afraid of you?" she asked. "You’re my protector, sir."
"No, this isn’t how I plan to protect you," he answered in a husky voice.
"You look like you want to kiss me. Do you?" "Yes," he admitted. "I do."
"You may kiss me, Caine," she explained. "But only once. Then you must get off me and leave my room."
"You didn’t like it?" she asked, her worry obvious in her gaze. "I liked it all right," he replied.
"I think I’m going to make love to you eventually, Jade," he whispered. "But you’ll make the decision before passion clouds your mind."
"I fear you wouldn’t mean it," he answered. He rolled to his side and tried to take her into his arms.
"It’s damned odd, isn’t it?" "What’s damned odd?" she asked. "You and me sharing this bed without touching each other. You do feel comfortable with me, don’t you?"
"I would never do anything you didn’t want me to do."
"You really are a gentleman, and an honorable one at that."
"Sweetheart, you’re having a bad dream. It’s all right now," he soothed. "You’re safe with me."
"I’ll wager they tossed him in the Thames. Do you know, Caine, now that I reflect upon it, I did feel something slither against my legs."
"You won’t be thinking about murdering me when I’m touching you," he predicted.
"You have a fine son," she told Lyon in a stammer.
"I fear there wouldn’t be much sincerity in the gesture," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "We’re from different worlds, Jade."
"Because she’s my friend. I must agree with her, mustn’t I?" Neither man had a valid argument for that explanation.
"You’re looking at me the very same way Hudson . . . oh, all right then, I’ll finish."
"People do . . . peculiar things when they’re afraid."
"I trust her with my life but I couldn’t give you one valid reason why. How’s that for logic, Lyon?"
"For God’s sake, Jade, no horse is going to be able to carry this load. The weight will be too much for the animal."
"You aren’t going to need all of this, Jade. Besides, you’re far too timid to use any of them."
"You still haven’t explained what your point is."
"God help you now, Caine, for your chase is just about to begin."
"I didn’t care about my reputation when I thought you were going to kill me, but now that you’ve given me hope for continued good health, I’ve changed my mind."
"Most women would be frightened. You’re not, though, are you?" "No," she answered. "I’m sorry." "Why are you sorry?" "Because you look so disappointed. Did you wish to comfort me?"
"That’s nice to know, my love." "Oh, you already know it," she whispered. "Quit looking so pleased with yourself. It was bound to happen sooner or later."
"Yes, Caine, I want you. Very much." "Jade, there should be joy in wanting each other, not despair." "There is both," she answered.
"Everything’s always black and white to you, isn’t it? There’s never any room for deviations, is there?"
"I’m not at all like most of the women you know," she announced, just to fill the sudden awkward silence.
"You mustn’t fall in love with me." The seriousness in her voice told him she wasn’t jesting.
"I knew he was lying to soothe my fear. Sometimes, Caine, a lie is all for the good. Do you understand what I’m saying?"
"I have grown to appreciate your honesty, Jade. I find it most appealing."
"Uncle used to tell me the angels were brawling whenever there was a thunderstorm," she said. "He made it sound as if they were having quite a party."
"You’re a rake, all right. I don’t understand why I find you so appealing."
"Over the years, Sterns had actually become Caine’s substitute father."
"This grieving must stop. You’ve made yourself ill."
"Pagan didn’t kill your son," she repeated. "He saved him. Colin’s very much alive."
"Would you like to ride over to see Caine with me?"
"She’s so pretty that some dishonorable men would take advantage."
"Every time you leave, I’m going to come after you."
"I hate everything about you, but most of all I hate the way you contradict me."
"I’m never going to let you leave me, Jade. Never. Do you hear me?"
"You might as well quit packing. You aren’t going anywhere."
"You’re my light, my warmth, my other half. I only feel alive when I’m with you."
"All right. If you want to stay a thief, so be it. I won’t get tired of you, no matter what you do. And I’ll never leave you."
"Take me to heaven again, Jade. I’ll keep you safe."
"I know you found fulfillment. Are you going to deny it now?"
"Liking and trusting are two different kettles of fish."
"No, no, liking and trusting are two different kettles of fish."
"You took a needless risk going off on your own like that."
"They must be kept up. Do the expected, don't you see?"
"Since you aren't leaving, that wasn't possible, now was it?"
"You mustn't worry that the information will fall into the wrong hands."
"Goodnight, Jade. Pleasant dreams, sweetheart."
"You need more light if you're going to read."
"You might as well know that right off. I can’t do needlework, either."
"I don’t know how to do all the things a proper wife should know how to do. I’m no good with a needle, Harry."
"You loved me as though I were your very own daughter."
"Uncle, Lady Briars would have taught me all the rules, yes, but she couldn’t have loved me the way you did. Besides, you taught me far more important rules. You taught me how to survive."
"No woman knows how until the time comes, girl."
"Once you give your word, I know you won’t break it."
"Everyone should belong to someone, Caine, even you."
"Sometimes the feelings locked inside me since I was a little girl do get in the way of being logical."
"I promise I won’t get angry, no matter what you tell me."
"I love you with all my heart. And I know you love me now, Caine. Yes, I’m sure of that."
"Nothing could rile his temper. After all, his mission had been successful. He’d hunted down the infamous pirate . . . and now she belonged to him."