
The Looking Glass Wars Quotes

The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor

"But what mattered was that he had faithfully recorded her history in Wonderland as she remembered it."
"The dream-child moving through a land of wonders, wild and new, in friendly chat with bird or beast - And half believed it true."
"No one is ever going to believe me now! You've ruined everything! You're the cruelest man I've ever met, Mr. Dodgson."
"Even after these people were taken off the streets, the peace that settled on Wonderland was nothing like that which had existed before the war."
"An undisciplined imagination is worse than no imagination at all. It can do more harm."
"Your imagination will be the crowning achievement of the land."
"It'd be more fun if it had fountains of water coming out of it."
"So what if she’d been a "bad girl"? So what if she’d experimented with artificial crystal and imagination stimulants? So what if she’d never cared for justice, love, duty to the people, blah blah blah? She was her own person."
"Even you cannot take away what is mine by birthright."
"Keep quiet or they’ll get you too. Stay here and don’t move."
"I don’t want to watch any more, wanted to bury my face in Dodge’s shoulder and lift it up again to find the horrid scene over, everything as it used to be."
"One must learn how to use it. Here, let me show you the proper way."
"You were to be queen with an imagination like that?"
"No matter what happens, I will always be near you, sweetheart. On the other side of the looking glass. And never ever forget who you are."
"Life is not all gummy wads and tarty tarts; it is a struggle against hardship, unfairness, corruption, abuse, and adversity in all its guises, where even to survive-let alone survive with dignity-is heroic."
"Silence breeds independent thought, which in turn breeds dissent."
"You’re the cruelest man I’ve ever met, Mr. Dodgson, and if you had believed a single word I told you, you’d know how very cruel that is!"
"I’m looking for Princess Alyss Heart of Wonderland."
"These contests of navigational skill and strength were the only times he felt anything even approaching happiness."
"It didn’t matter that he might be killed. He was being useful and it made him feel that much closer to exacting his revenge."
"Handheld looking glass communicators had never been viable for anything but short, cryptic intelligence reports, as dispatches could be intercepted by anyone at any time."
"The most effective means of sending and retrieving sensitive Alyssian intelligence had been to use portal runners to traverse the Crystal Continuum."
"Like his father, he had once believed in the principles of White Imagination—love, justice, and duty to others. But he knew better now: An adherence to higher principles got one nowhere in this world."
"You see so much more of the town when you walk—a little curiosity shop or a snatch of garden where you wouldn’t think it possible to have a garden, choked as it is by city things. In a carriage, you hurry past these treasures without noticing them."
"A nation should be judged on how it looks after its more unfortunate children."
"She didn’t try to impress him—in fact, she gave the impression that she didn’t much care what he thought of her—and he rather admired that."
"If there is anyone here who objects to this union, let him speak now or forever hold his peace."
"I’ll ruin my dress," she said, and then—Shoosh!
"For the sake of White Imagination, let’s hope that Dodge has met with success," said the learned tutor, and one of the spirit-danes whinnied in response.
"She’s swallowed some water. I can hear it sloshing inside her."
"This isn’t real," she said. "I shouldn’t remember so vividly what’s not supposed to exist. And you-all of this-can’t exist."
"Your assistance in her capture-in her death-is hereby commanded."
"I had to turn my back on all my Wonderland memories," she said. "I had to shut my mind to them in order to survive in a world that didn’t believe."
"It’s good to see you’re still the same old Bibwit Harte," she said.
"You have a powerful imagination, Alyss," said Bibwit Harte.
"But I do not blame you. Who’s to say it wasn’t I who lost you so many years ago?"
"I think…if I could just lie down for a short while," she said.
"Every looking glass in the queendom is to be smashed! Now!"
"To be swallowed by nothingness is to become nothing."
"To will something into being, the willing of it must be so deep down that no self-doubt is possible."
"Black Imagination feeds on anger, Alyss. Give in to your anger and you merely become a pawn of Black Imagination, which may triumph for a time but never for eternity."
"Control and power aren't everything. Allow yourself to be the agent by which a cause greater than any single individual triumphs."
"The lovely thing about being here is that I'm able to imagine your imagination powerless."
"If, by sacrificing herself, she could secure for them the promise of longer lives, didn’t duty demand her sacrifice?"
"I’ve finished running from you, Redd. It’s time for you to run."
"Our objective is the Heart Crystal, not vengeance."
"The princess is too far from the Heart Crystal."
"I refuse to leave this fortress. It would look cowardly when I have nothing to fear."
"Redd as we knew her may no longer exist. But just as when an invention passes into the crystal to inspire imaginations on other worlds, so her spirit will certainly pass down and remain for all time an animating force."