
You've Reached Sam Quotes

You've Reached Sam by Dustin Thao

"The second I close my eyes, the memories play, and I find myself back at the beginning."
"As soon as I rush out the door, the street vanishes, and I find myself entering a noisy café."
"No problem, your name is Julie, right? I'm Sam."
"The memory changes again. Lights dance across a gymnasium floor and music blares as I step through an archway made of silver and gold balloons."
"I think about texting my mom to pick me up, but it's too early. I don't want her asking me what's wrong."
"I want you to know … if I could do it all over again, I would. Every second of it."
"If the ending is this painful, I don't know if this was worth it all."
"Once I have everything collected, I take a long look at my room."
"It feels so empty now. Like there’s a void in the air."
"Every day these little reminders of him get harder to look at."
"He’s dead, Mika, and me visiting him isn’t going to change anything."
"The world keeps moving, no matter what happens to you."
"I never realized how much of him I had lying around."
"After everything we’ve been through together."
"I keep on running until the view of houses and roads is long gone."
"It’s me," he says. "I thought I’d never hear from you again. I missed you. I missed you infinity."
"Sorry I don’t have all the answers. But none of that matters, okay? I’m here now. And you and me are connected again. You don’t know how much I missed you…"
"Instead, I close my eyes to shut out the rest of the world, focusing on Sam’s voice, trying to hold on to it for as long as I can."
"Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere," he says. "Get somewhere safe and call me back. As soon as you do, I’ll pick up. I promise."
"I wasn’t sure if you’d call back," he says. "Thought you might have forgotten."
"Because this is real. I’m real, Julie. You just have to believe me."
"I didn’t expect you to answer. I didn’t expect to hear from you again."
"I know nothing makes sense right now. The two of us talking again. I’m sorry I don’t have all the answers for you. I wish I did. I wish there was a way to prove this is real. You just have to believe me, okay?"
"You didn’t ruin anything. You can still keep it. It’ll be like before."
"I never wanted to say good-bye," I manage to get out.
"It’s always great to see people come into the store, even if they don’t buy anything."
"We’re online? Only since last week. We have an online store now and everything. It’s really expanding our customer base."
"I’ve noticed you stealing paper from the printer to write on. So I figured you might appreciate this gift."
"Use your time at the store. Talk with the books for inspiration. They’re full of ideas."
"The touch of a hand. The warmth of skin. The sense of him beside me."
"I can’t accept a late paper. It’s in the syllabus."
"I promise, Julie. I’ll stay as long as I can."
"I’m sure you’ll get in. Things will work out."
"Shock moves through me and I feel sick to my stomach."
"There are so many moments I wish I could relive again."
"Oblivious to a future when one of us would be gone."
"It doesn't change anything. He's still gone."
"Joining a bunch of clubs and good grades don't guarantee you anything, I guess."
"I don't even care anymore. It was all a waste of my time."
"The street was filled up. Cars couldn't drive through."
"Don't do this. Hold on to us as if we still have forever."
"Sam, I'm different now. Things are different."
"You're gonna be okay, Julie. Wherever it is you go, whoever you end up with. You'll figure things out."
"I know, I should have come last night. I should have showed up this time."
"It's just a dream, Jules. You should try to get some rest, okay?"
"Maybe we can do something else for Sam. Something special to honor him by."
"You don't have to. We can just hang out here for a little while."
"Sam, I wish I had picked up the phone that night, so that all this would be different, and everything would go back to before..."
"Remember me as a musician, an older brother, and the memories we shared."
"I wish you were lying right next to me. I wish I could look over and see you smiling back."
"It feels like a different world, doesn't it? Like Ellensburg is a million miles away."
"Sometimes, dreams mean the opposite of what they show us. That we shouldn’t understand them exactly as they are. It can mean something in our life is out of balance."
"All my life, I was worried about disappointing her. I just needed to remember how much she loved me. That she always had, no matter what happened."
"But sometimes they’re just dreams. And they might mean nothing at all. So don’t worry too much, alright?"
"It’s supposed to bring you luck and protection. It also wards away negative energy. Maybe it can protect you from bad dreams."
"It’s named after the moon goddess, you know. You see, selenite is said to hold a drop of light that dates back to the beginning of the universe."
"Maybe you’re right. I just wish I could get a regular night’s sleep…"
"I don’t know if I want to spend another four years in Ellensburg. That wasn’t my original plan."
"Sometimes, I wish I stopped thinking about him, too. I don’t care about the vigil. I don’t even care that you missed it. But you were so busy trying to forget him that you were willing to forget me."
"Like little cracks in the universe. And another world is peeking through."
"It seems no matter how much effort I put in, and how much I try to plan things out, nothing ever comes together."
"We were two parts of a song. He was the music. And I was the words."
"It's to let them move on... When we release the lanterns—we help release them. The lanterns will guide them to where they need to go."
"Don't go yet, Sam. Just stay with me a little bit longer."
"You need to show Sam you'll be okay without him."
"You can't hold on to Sam forever, Julie. You have to let him move on, too."
"No matter where you go, you're destined to do great things. I know it."
"Life will pass right by you... And you end up missing the little things, the moments you don't think matter—but they do."
"Letting go isn't about forgetting. It's balancing moving forward with life, and looking back from time to time, remembering the people in it."
"You write because you enjoy doing it. You write and don't want it to end."
"It's okay to wish for those things, and even imagine him here with you. Because those moments inside our heads are just as real as anything else."
"Then you shouldn't. You should keep him with you. Help him live on somehow."
"I only have a few minutes to change into my new dress before a million pictures are taken in front of the stage."
"When the music dies, and the sun starts to set, I check the time. I need to go soon."
"You’re a part of me now. You’re everywhere I look, falling from the sky like petals."
"What if he thinks I forgot about him? What if he thinks something is wrong?"
"I’m not losing the last call I have left. I’m not losing him all over again."
"You did leave your mark on the world, Sam. You left a mark on me."
"I need you to say good-bye now. Okay? I need to hear you say the word."
"You’re one of the best things to ever happen to me."
"And when I think about my life, I think of you in it. You are my entire world, Julie."
"I listen to his voice mail until I have it memorized, and I don’t need to play it anymore."
"I think about him whenever I close my eyes, and see us together again, lying out there in the fields."