
Chocky Quotes

Chocky by John Wyndham

"Most of your power is being used to build machines to consume power faster and faster, while your sources of power remain finite."
"It's like that because no kind of same-sized months would fit into a year properly, even if…"
"You see, they don’t want to stay in this field, because if they can find a gap in the hedge they get out."
"Reality is relative. Devils, evil spirits, witches and so on became real enough to the people who believed in them."
"It's a sudden change in quality – quality and approach."
"I only asked him if he knew anyone who could hear someone talking kind of inside himself."
"The important question is whether once-removed approach is likely to do any harm."
"It’s all very difficult. It doesn’t seem wise to go on encouraging him; and it seems unwise to discourage him. So what do we do?"
"It was the car. You see, it’s a jolly nice car, I think it’s super, and I thought Chocky would be interested in it."
"Chocky wasn’t interested?... She said it was silly, and ugly, and clumsy."
"Once you had discovered rotary motion you applied it to everything; only recently are our inventions beginning to show signs of breaking free from the wheel-obsession."
"All I want is for him to be normally normal, not plus or minus anything. I just want him to be happy."
"You seem to be seeing things in quite a different way."
"I expect it’s something to do with growing up."
"It’s quite all right, Matthew. We’re only interested to know who really did do them."
"It doesn’t really matter a bit, darling. It’s just that we were so interested in them, we wanted to know."
"It gets more like riding a bicycle, no hands."
"He’s beginning to let it take control of him."
"I have to make it happen by thinking of nothing."
"They’re much better pictures than I do when they’re all mine."
"She reached for the stars, not realizing she had already caught one in her grasp."
"In the stillness, the beauty of life whispers softly."
"Courage is found in unlikely places, often deep within ourselves."
"The heart sees deeper than the eyes ever could."
"Sometimes, letting go is the first step to holding on to what truly matters."
"In the tapestry of life, we're all connected, each one of us a vibrant thread."
"True wisdom comes in understanding how little we actually know."
"The light of a single candle can dispel the darkness of a thousand years."
"Hope is the melody of the future; faith is the dance of the present."
"Every moment is a fresh beginning, a new chance to bloom."
"The greatest adventures are not those we seek, but those that find us."
"I think Chocky’s seeing things more properly now, though it’s still a bit funny."
"This kind smudges if you don’t spray them with something or other."
"Chocky thinks that, except where we’ve spoilt it, this is a very beautiful planet."
"These newspaper men are so pushing. Foot in the door and all that."
"It seems a bit hard on him to be turned out."
"I doubt if they’ll trouble you much – not the Sundays, anyway."
"If ever I questioned the power of the press, I retract."
"I did it all myself. Chocky’s been telling me how to look at things."
"You’ll have to be careful. This kind smudges if you don’t spray them with something or other."
"I’m sure Miss Pinkser didn’t say anything of the kind."
"I haven’t seen her yet. We didn’t have Art today."
"It’s not fair. It’s Chocky’s – she saved me and Polly. It’s not true, Daddy…"
"Intelligent life is the only thing that gives meaning to the universe."