
Lodestar Quotes

Lodestar by Shannon Messenger

"Nothing is going to happen," he promised, tucking her blond hair behind her ear with a surprisingly gentle touch for a seven-foot-tall goblin warrior.
"Relax," Fitz said as her mind spun to nightmares of lumpy-faced ogres tearing through the elves' glittering streets. "We're supposed to be celebrating."
"You okay?" Fitz asked, making her realize she'd forgotten to say hello. "I hope you're not worrying about your tests. There's no way you didn't pass."
"And now is not the time for games!" Sandor huffed. "There's always time for games." Grizel tossed her long ponytail in a way that almost seemed... Was it flirty?
"We can beat them together. Team Foster-Keefe, remember?"
"I just want to make sure I can defend myself—and I know I have Sandor. But it's not like he's invincible. Isn't it smart to plan for the worst-case scenario?"
"Thank you," he whispered, his lips stretching into a glorious smile. "I knew I could count on you, Foster."
"Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better."
"But that's a color all of us are familiar with, aren't we? Wouldn't you use it to describe your behavior when you confronted Brant about what he did to your daughter? Or Miss Foster, when you drugged your human family so you could be erased from their lives?"
"Questionable actions can be forgiven when they're done with good intentions."
"But do you know what's even more powerful?" He pointed to her heart.
"I see a boy willing to do anything to tear the Neverseen's organization apart. And I for one am going to believe in him."
"Worry can bring power. Better to embrace it than ignore it."
"It takes a special person to see darkness inside of someone and not condemn them."
"I know you don’t want to hear this—and believe me, I’m not happy about it either—but I’m kind of important to their plans."
"Missing someone can hurt too much. It’s safer to be angry."
"Careful, Sophie. You saw what thoughts like that did to Alden."
"You have no idea how much it pains me to leave him in darkness."
"He has far too much to bear—and if his sanity collapses again, I fear there won’t be enough left for you to attempt another repair."
"Sometimes that’s easier. Missing someone can hurt too much. It’s safer to be angry."
"The mind is a funny thing. Logic doesn’t always run things the way it should. So often it’s feelings."
"Nothing could be worse than where I’ve been."
"Sometimes I feel so sane. And other times..."
"Everything that once was, is gone. All that’s left is fractured and fragmented."
"We can either give up, or we can continue taking it one dripping spoonful at a time."
"Actions never tell the whole story. Good can be done for the wrong reason. And bad can be misunderstood."
"No matter where he goes or what he does, he can always choose to come back home."
"We are the only ones who will be storming anything."
"I can relive the trauma anytime. I'm doing it right now."
"Your mind and sanity are far too precious to take such a risk."
"I'll be waiting," Grady said, holding the hourglass ready to flip.
"It's what happens when you have a species with a very short lifespan."
"You were probably overthinking it," Linh told him. "There's always some light present. If you make your mind believe that, it will amplify it for you."
"This whole nightmare was a huge wake-up call for our order."
"And you still won't tell us how you pulled that off?"
"And that's only the dead from one city, right?"
"It's just... look at the mess matchmaking has made." - Dex
"If they want to give recommendations, that's one thing. But it shouldn't be mandatory." - Dex
"You might find the perfect person is part of your match and save all the hassle." - Biana
"It just feels like... if I register, I'm saying it's okay. That everything that's happened to my family was fair—and it wasn't." - Dex
"Change can be a powerful, inspiring thing." - Sir Astin
"Any efforts to make us weak will only make us stronger. Our resilience and resourcefulness are what have made our kind what we are." - Councillor Emery
"We live to dream and inspire. And when we need to, we regroup. We rebuild. At times, we even change—but only when such changes are for the better of our people." - Councillor Emery
"Our world has changed. The safety and peace we've enjoyed for millennia is fading. But we will not let it disappear!" - Councillor Emery
"We are elves. We live to dream and inspire." - Councillor Emery
"We didn't choose to rule the world. The world chose us because our abilities and skills make us uniquely qualified." - Councillor Bronte
"If you hold on to everything, it'll tear you apart." - Grady
"We're only quirky in public because it's fun to mess with the snobby nobles. Deep down, we're disappointingly normal."
"The nerve of parents these days, trying to keep their kids safe."
"Sometimes she didn't pay as much attention to Dex as she should."
"People I care about are in danger, and none of the adults want my help. Same old, same old."
"I love you. I've never regretted my decision for one second."
"You don't defeat a group of murderers with rainbows and candy."
"Even after everything you've been through. Even with everything you have ahead. You're still a fourteen-year-old girl who deserves to relax and have fun with her friends."
"I think we’re doing what Councillor Emery does when he mediates the other Councillors—and wow, it’s LOUD."
"Because, if they don’t know that we’ve found it, they won’t destroy their end of the signal."
"I think I need a break, guys. All the numbers are turning into a big black blur."
"I need to update the rest of the Collective."
"I’m going to make you guys some mugs of cinnacreme. It’s always my favorite thing on a cold night."
"Hey, try not to think about that stuff until we know what we’re dealing with, okay?"
"This style will draw way more attention to your eyes."
"We’re getting so close. We might as well finish."
"No one pranks anyone, and we all get to sleep."
"Physically at least. Psychologically is anyone’s guess."
"Everything else was Brant’s choice. Brant’s actions. Brant’s wickedness."
"Wait till you see Tiergan. I can’t get him to let go of Wylie’s hand."
"You know how it feels to have a before. And an after."
"You can’t let them erase anything, Sophie. Promise me you’ll stop them."
"In order to light leap, their bodies had to break down into particles small enough to be carried by the light."
"Fading had been the most pleasant. It started with shocking pain—but the agony soon eased, replaced with an irresistible rushing warmth that pulled like a gentle breeze, begging her to follow it to a world of shimmer and sparkle and color and freedom."
"Safety is an illusion. It exists only when we, as a society, agree to enforce it."
"People rarely notice things they don’t expect to see."
"Time is a relative thing, especially when grief is involved."
"I can only take it one day at a time—one assignment at a time—and fight my way through."
"It's rare to find those who are open to new sensations."
"Most of the time he tilts it up so I can’t see what he’s writing."
"If you could only save one of these people, who would you save?"
"I know. I totally thought he was going to burn down the city."
"These groups may have created the game. But that doesn’t mean we have to play by their rules."
"Whatever the Lodestar Initiative is—it doesn’t define you any more than Project Moonlark defines me."
"I guess you do need to see that memory, don’t you?"
"I won't be getting anywhere near King Dimitar."
"I can’t help it. But it’s not pity. It’s... I don’t know what the word for it is. I’m too conflicted."
"I'll only be better off when you come home and I know you’re safe."
"Whatever’s on the other side of that door—whatever my mom planned—she made me a part of it."
"We never knew what we were doing, and somehow we always made it work."
"The Neverseen and the ogres both want the Council gone."
"Protecting you will never be a waste of time."
"I'm not letting him drag you—or Fitz—down with him."
"If I hadn’t gone to meet with Keefe, would you have gotten so angry?"
"Anyone who wants to be special to you should have to prove that they deserve you."
"Because you’re Sophie Foster. That’s what you do."
"None for the moment. Our house arrest continues."
"I am. But I’m sneaking out to Alluveterre, where there’s plenty of security to protect me."
"I owe it to Cyrah to try to help her son. I owed her that years ago and wasn’t strong enough to fulfill it. But I’m hoping it’s better late than never."
"Man, I wish Keefe had been here to hear you say that."
"The reality is that I have no time for a companion, nor do I have need of one. I’m far better suited as a warrior than a husband."
"It's like they're trying to get to know you on another level."
"You have two incredibly talented, smart, powerful kids who don’t need you anymore. And if you ever want them in your life again, you have to earn it."
"That’s what happens when you leave your kids alone with nowhere to live and nothing to eat."