
Dirty Together Quotes

Dirty Together by Meghan March

"Even though I won a 'million-dollar recording contract' on Country Dreams, the amount I saw was laughable."
"I don’t know what I was thinking beyond... if I didn’t get out of that penthouse at that very moment, I felt like something inside me was going to break."
"This is karma, I’m pretty sure. This is what happens to women who leave their husbands—not once, but twice—without an actual explanation."
"The high life isn’t always as glamorous as you’d think."
"I’m not sure when you decided it was cool to make decisions for me, but I’m just going to do whatever the hell I want, thanks."
"Do you not recognize the signs of a woman about to break? Because I’m hanging on by a thread here, and the last goddamn thing I need is another man telling me what I can or can’t do."
"Guess you know you’ve made it when you hear yourself on your hometown radio station."
"But it’s gotten so big, it’s like I don’t know who I am anymore."
"I need to stop thinking. I don’t want to think any more tonight, and this isn’t working."
"You see that ring on her finger? That means she’s not fair game, unless that’s the kind of guy you are."
"I’m ready to lay out my cards and see if we can figure out where we go from here."
"Not everything has to be complicated, Holly. We don’t have to be complicated."
"If I want to make something happen, I need to get off my butt and go do it."
"No man has ever dropped anything—literally or figuratively—to catch me from falling."
"The song I sing? It’s the one I’ve poured all my insecurities into."
"You’re a big girl. Figured you could make your own decision as to when you’d had enough."
"I knew there would be consequences for my actions."
"I’ve seen you perform live almost a dozen times. I know every word of every song at this point."
"Best decision I ever made, Holly. Best decision I ever fucking made was making sure that missed connection went viral."
"I never understood that saying before, but I feel like I finally get it now."
"You never have to hide anything from me, Holly. I’m in love with the woman you are, and anything that made you this way is something to be grateful for."
"That’s what I’m trying to show you. This. Us. It’s as real as it fucking gets."
"I should say there are so many things I’d do differently in my life, but I really wouldn’t change a thing and run the risk of not ending up right here, right now, with you."
"I thought I had everything, and then I met you. Now I do."
"I’m a man in love with an amazing woman, and while that argument will not hold weight in a court of law, in a court of public opinion, I think it makes perfect sense."
"I’d walk through a thousand shitstorms like the one swirling around us just to watch her like this."
"How you limp along during the bad times means so much more than how you glide along during the good ones, right?"
"My wife has nerves of steel, and I find that sexy as hell—just like I find everything about her."
"It’s time the gloves come off. I’m done with his bullshit."
"I built my empire with my own sweat, guts, and determination, and I defend what’s mine."
"You don’t deserve that name. You never fucking did. Your whore of a mother got it for you by seducing my little brother. She ruined his fucking life. Killed him."
"You’ve never wondered why Greer actually looks Greek and you don’t? Oh, you’ve got Mediterranean heritage, but it didn’t come from this family."
"The only reason you weren’t born a fucking bastard is because your mother seduced my brother into marrying her before you were born."
"You’re going to cost yourself everything. You won’t walk away clean from this."
"My hands curl into fists, and I ask the question burning within me. Why?"
"I squeeze my eyes shut for a beat as a wave of grief hits me."
"I don’t care," he roars. "I’m going to be a thorn in your side for the rest of your fucking life, like you’ve been a thorn in mine!"
"I’m still exactly the same man. I’m a product of my experiences."
"That was Damon’s price to leave me—to leave us—alone."
"Because whether you knew it or not, you’re my son."
"It’s real. And you earned it. You worked your ass off to get here. It’s as real as it gets."
"We’re the prize. The absolute best fucking prize of my life."