
2 Sisters Detective Agency Quotes

2 Sisters Detective Agency by James Patterson

"She wasn’t trying to scare him. Wasn’t messing around by putting the gun against his temple or his mouth. Whoever she was, she knew how to kill."
"You’re not about to tell me that what young Mr. Donovan did was performance art, are you?"
"The color of passion. Of love! Of lifeblood, desire, longevity."
"You’ve amused me, which is not an easy feat."
"He felt like a fox creeping through night fields, into the henhouses where dozy chickens slumbered."
"Being a killer and fugitive was like riding a bike. The muscles remembered."
"It hadn’t been art. It hadn’t been a protest. It hadn’t been youthful foolishness."
"I don’t like fat people. They’re selfish and they break things."
"Ashton understood the situation immediately. He was being driven to his death."
"The cartels could smell money and had clocked the family as soon as they arrived in town."
"He squeezed his eyes shut and swallowed down sobs as the man crunched through what sounded like gravel outside the van."
"Hanging on to dry shreds of grass and sharp rock, his teeth clenched and toes curled, his clothes soaked through with sweat and piss."
"I felt like those early offenses—usually fueled by plain stupidity, emotional overreaction, or the spirit of adventure—could make or break a kid and determine whether they became a lifelong criminal."
"I wasn’t good practice to hate someone who was dead."
"There should be a letter to me, telling me why—"
"She was almost glowing in my vision, a beacon of danger."
"I’m too busy to go to school. I’ve been homeschooling myself since before you were born."
"No vaping in the car. No vaping ever, in fact."
"When they were handing out sass in heaven, you loaded up a truck."
"The more people talked about you while you weren’t around, the more mythical you became. The more powerful."
"We might as well go to Burger King at this rate."
"Give me your details, and I’ll transfer it the moment you’re done."
"You’re not getting the card. You’re not going to Milan. End. Of. Discussion."
"None of your business, kid. What in the world has your mother been teaching you that you think it’s okay to go creeping around people’s personal business? You’re so nosy! God_damn_it!"
"Listen, kid. You tell your mommy about that box, or that little hole under the sink, and I’ll gut every toy you own and stuff a nice big pillow for myself with their insides. You understand?"
"We’ve got to go," I said. "Torrance," I said. "I have a feeling Dad’s got more surprises in store for us."
"Jacob moved like smoke. It was a skill he’d learned early in his time as a killer."
"I’m throwing a party on Sunday, Doug, and I need the yacht in the marina by that morning for the caterers."
"I took the key, secured the money in the hidden compartment under the vanity, then walked into the hall and saw Baby on a balcony overlooking the beach."
"Jacob understood, there was no toy quite so entertaining as a real-life victim tied to a chair and twisting away from Benzo’s Taser."
"Jacob lifted his gun and fired a bullet into the television screen. The suppressor’s thunk was overshadowed by the thunderous blast and crack of the screen."
"Look closely at me," Jacob said. "Think hard."
"Baby didn’t speak to me the whole way to Torrance."
"You’re not taking the case. You’re here to mother me to death, not solve mysteries."
"I’m adjusting to my life as a mother," I continued, ignoring her. "I need the energy."
"If you skipped breakfast a few days a week you’d lose weight," she said. "Intermittent fasting. Google it."
"And I didn’t hate him," I said, hearing the uncertainty in my tone. "He just…He abandoned me."
"This isn’t my first incarceration," he said finally.
"Because Los Angeles is my home." He snorted as though the suggestion was preposterous.
"It was the moments before the raids that Vera liked the most."
"Darrel Newcombe," Vera said, leaning on the table. "Yeah, this is about you, asshole."
"We’re not doing this." Ashton’s robotic voice was deep and hard. "We never—"
"Everything about you is screaming I need help, and it has been since the moment I laid eyes on you."
"If there's nobody in your life who can help, maybe it's going to take someone from outside to save you."
"That's why all those companies began bidding for the patent on my methylamine alternative. They wanted to buy the product from me even though it wasn't complete."
"We did some experiments in my first residency with electroshock therapy and the electrical pulses that naturally occur in the brain."
"But this young man is no longer in pain, if that's what's disturbing you."
"To ensure she wasn’t being followed by whoever was hunting them, she had set out from home and driven up into the mountains."
"When she heard footsteps on the other side of the door, she painted on a sweet smile and gazed happily at the old woman who answered."
"My father’s Maserati was a smooth, humming, luxuriously awful ride compared to my Buick."
"We don’t have an appointment,' she said, stepping back to look at the next store over. 'We’ll have to beg our way in.'"
"The space inside was elaborate but confused."
"‘Everything’? I said, mimicking the reverence with which she had said the word."
"I’m not going to go away. You can push me and push me and push me, but I’m not going to go away."
"You don’t have any leverage in this situation."
"Lady, if you really do live this way, I want to be a part of that life."
"There were no weird looks about Penny sitting crying on the curb with her leg soaked in blood."
"Good staff were like that. They nodded silently and did exactly as they were told, no questions asked."
"We’re going home, and I’m calling you a vet."
"That’s what you do when you get shot, you call a vet."
"We’re about to get carjacked. Lock the doors."
"I don’t like anything to interfere with the taste of my Spam."
"I’m pretty flexible. Why don’t you get in here and I’ll show you a couple more of my moves?"
"Nothing surprises me much anymore. But you...that was really something else."
"I see a lot of crazy stuff in my line of work."
"The righteous violence released his tense shoulder and neck muscles."
"If a parent ignored, abandoned, or abused their child, an angry seed was planted that could grow into a poisonous tree."
"When they ask for help turning things around, you’ve got to set aside everything that happened before that moment and try to start fresh."
"I keep thousands of cats because I’m so fat and lonely I just sit at home waiting for a man to come along and marry me?"
"We’re all going to the West LA station. They can service us there."
"No, we’ve been onto you since Earl died," Summerly replied.
"The anticipation of what it would feel like had been so great, he’d said, that the act itself passed over him as seamlessly and unremarkably as the act of pouring a cup of coffee or making the bed."
"She had the mind for it. The soul. She really was Daddy’s girl."
"Her hope was to slip in and out, leaving the kid for her father to find, pale and lifeless in the bed, still warm to the touch."
"I don’t know how I feel about you. For me, it was just something that happened."
"The closer the margin, the better the tragedy."
"You’ve got about as much of a chance proving that I committed a felony as you do proving that the earth is flat."
"I don’t know. The same kind of guy who would sleep with a woman just to make a case?"
"We both know the door is closing. This is good-bye."
"She was good at this. It had always been in her."
"I haven’t met a person like you in... In all my life."
"I was kind of hoping you and me could hang out after all this. Go out on a real date."
"You're every kid I’ve ever walked into a courtroom with."
"This might be, like, my last night of freedom."
"They’re on the run out there somewhere, and they probably have three million dollars on them."
"You're kind of exciting and weird. That's cool."