
Wicked Deeds On A Winter's Night Quotes

Wicked Deeds On A Winter's Night by Kresley Cole

"I could turn your blood to acid as an afterthought."
"It means ‘drunk and lost a bet.’ Now keep your hands to yourself unless you want to be an amphibian."
"I’m not without skills, MacRieve. I won the first two tasks I undertook."
"Keep the cloak. It’ll be worth money one day."
"In the end, the evil witch had granted his wish. Angus was indeed the strongest of them."
"That witch had delighted in ruining a mere lad who was not an enemy and hadn’t yet raised a sword in anger or aggression."
"Witches had no purpose but to spread discord, to engender hatred. To plant destructive seeds in a once-proud family."
"Powerful," Cade said, "and a mercenary like me."
"I... I blow things up," she admitted. "And I mostly don’t mean to. Mostly."
"They’re cursed never to leave this place—short of death."
"But arrows couldn’t kill what was already dead."
"Because the players you trapped there, Lykae, never returned."
"She put another spell on me besides the weakening one. A spell to make me feel things for her."
"In five thousand years of the clan’s record keeping, there’s never been an instance of it. Five millennia, Lachlain. I know because I took half a decade to comb through every line of every single record. Every bloody one."
"Because I could feel it happening. And I have been true to Mariah all these years... until that witch toyed with me."
"The bottom line is that the gods could no’ be so cruel as to pair me with a witch."
"I could handle anything... just no’ a bloody witch, Lachlain."
"Christ. When I change I might pursue her as my mate and claim her."
"She’s no’ friends with a Valkyrie. I heard her at the Hie assembly asking the most basic questions about your kind."
"I’ll get her to remove the spell before then."
"I’m no’ off to fight the goddamned Hydra, Lachlain. I fly, I drive, I collect a witch. Do you truly believe I’m incapable of this?"
"Though the others were obviously strung out with exhaustion and hunger, they were typical immortals, shrugging off the past and looking forward, gamely getting back to their lives."
"You blew up the tomb, got snatched by the werewolf, then healed yourself."
"Healed? Her injuries were gone, the dizziness and exhaustion she’d suffered for weeks... faded."
"Questions hammered at her. How had she blown up the entire tomb?"
"She also contemplated if she would have continued killing MacRieve if Rydstrom hadn’t stopped her."
""I wouldn’t have sex with you if you were the last immortal on earth!""
""You convinced me that you could open the tomb, and I believed you would escape eventually."
""You knew what you were getting into, and you still signed up. You could have died!" he roared, shaking her hard."
""By that same token, MacRieve, you knew what you were getting into as well!""
""I am grasping for patience when I’m no’ known for it whatsoever."
""Mari, I hope I enthralled you. Then you can rot wanting me to be yours."
""Mates have a different concept of privacy," he said."
"Because superhuman senses meant superhuman lust."
"And yet you believe that you could have left behind that enthrallment when you took the mortality curse away?"
"You canna look me in the eyes and say you would be capable of removing one without the other."
"You were the one who told me I could no’ complain because this was a competition. You said all’s fair."
"I know exactly what you are. And what you're capable of."
"I believe I’d go to my knees if I thought it would move you in this."
"A bucket of cold water poured over her head couldn’t have awakened her more sharply from this sensual stupor."
"I’m not afraid of things like that anymore, not after I had insects crawling all over me... In the dark, for weeks."
"Making her tone biting, she said, ‘And actually, I think the incubi varied my steady diet of blood with some, so I’m accustomed.’"
"Mari woke the next morning as surly as a bear roused in winter."
"She wasn’t a coffee drinker, but she was an Eggo eater."
"For the first time in years, Mari would get ready for the day without a cloak or glamour."
"She felt like she’d shed a ten-pound parasite."
"My mother says I must not pass... In a dead language, it says, the Queen of Reflections."
"All your questions can be answered if you come with me."
"In fairy tales—which were almost always true—wicked witches proffered apples with evil intent."
"I really can’t speak for all covens, but mine is pretty worthless. Lots of soap opera and internet addiction."
"We chant spells when they’re new, but they quickly become second nature."
"Witches who live in mansions and have the ear of kings don’t get burned to death as often."
"She pulled magick into her hands, raising both of her glowing palms."
"And damn if she does no’ have them sunk into me."
"I want to be smug over having her desire me, too."
"Anonymous, cloaked karaoke just didn’t hold the same thrill."
"I wouldn’t have said this in front of the others—because my reputation as a mercenary precedes me."
"Aye, thrash about. If anyone’s foolish enough to follow me, the sight of that’d be sure to stop them in their tracks."
"Everything about you—from your curves to your red hair to that damned ring at your navel—makes a male lose his judgment."
"Doona ever doubt my desire for you—if I truly was in a contest for the right to have you, I’d have bitten his goddamned throat free, then laid it at your feet in offer!"
"Lusty and demanding. Gods, how you please me."
"I doona share what’s mine. No other males. Only me. It’ll only be me for you."
"You’re mine. And I’m going to do whatever it takes, till I’m yours as well."
"If I had my way, witchling, you’d never wear a top again."
"Work hard. It never comes easy to all the great warriors in history."
"My ego thanks you for that verra sweet stroke."
"Witches believe the ‘eerie’ spells are the most powerful ones."
"Sometimes Bowe could tell in an instant when a memory would be as clear in a thousand years as the day he experienced it."
"She thought she would keel over in shock if someone got to know her, and then, based on her personal merits alone—not matehood, or whatever—said, 'No doubt of it. You are the one for me.'"
"She was panting, undulating her hips on his cock."
"And she was gazing up at him with her eyes filled with... desire for him."
"You should no’ have left me like that. What the bloody hell were you thinking to put yourself in danger again? I believed we had an... understanding."
"Damn it, witch, it will no’ be possible for me to instantly forget someone who has played such a large role in my life. If you think of someone for so long, a couple of weeks will no’ erase it."
"I doona believe that any longer. And I can promise you this will no’ happen again."
"I canna fly a plane—but believe me I’ll be able to within a week."
"We could drink wine across Italy and go diving off the islands of Greece. We could watch the sun rise over the Indian Ocean."
"Every time I see you do that spell, I get a sharp sense of foreboding. My Instinct tells me that it’s wrong... dangerous, even."
"I was hoping you would believe I’ve waited long enough."
"Gods, I was hoping you would believe I’ve waited long enough."
"I want to show you everything, watch your expression with each new sight."
"She accepted my nature, my needs. And because I dinna do the same for her, she lies... dying."
"He wanted to apologize for everything, for being so stubborn and stupid, but didn’t trust himself to speak about something so important."
"She demanded my eternal soul. But I gave it up gladly, Bowen, just to have another chance with you."
"If I leave here today, MacRieve, I leave for good."
"And I’ve told her there’d never be another female for me—then my mate showed up on my doorstep."
"If I canna live with that witch, then I’d rather no’ live at all."
"You have no idea what you toy with, child. But tonight, on another eve brimming with purpose, I’ll teach you one last lesson."
"Whether the witch was his mate or not didn’t matter—because what he felt for her was stronger even than that pull. He’d already fallen for her."
"Because if you want something badly enough, you can’t do anything else but fight for it."