
Emily Windsnap And The Monster From The Deep Quotes

Emily Windsnap And The Monster From The Deep by Liz Kessler

"Think of the most beautiful place you can imagine. Are you seeing golden beaches? Gorgeous clear blue sea? Perfect sky?"
"We edged slowly into a horseshoe-shaped bay filled with shiny turquoise water."
"It felt as if the sea had frozen, almost as if time itself had frozen."
"Sometimes I’m a mermaid; sometimes I’m a girl. That’s what happens when a woman and a merman have a baby."
"Bullies like Mandy Rushton were a thing of the past."
"It was like paradise. How you’ve always imagined paradise would look."
"No one was going to make fun of me here or delight in making my life a misery."
"It feels as if we don’t quite know how to at times."
"The old fears resurfaced, hitting me like a punch in my stomach."
"But surely this couldn’t be anything like Brightport Junior High."
"I wasn’t going to be whispered about and made fun of again."
"The fear that had gripped me since yesterday floated further away with every new sight."
"It’s okay, little ’un," Dad whispered, pulling me close. "I’ll look after you."
"The merfolk who lived here at that time were the kraken’s keepers. The kraken works for a hundred years, then sleeps for another hundred."
"Memory drug," Archie said simply. "They volunteered. That was their choice."
"Once the people had landed on the island, it turned out that many of the merfolk were happy for them to stay. In a short time, friendships were formed."
"You are here because of ME! Because of MY generosity."
"Someone," he said, almost in a whisper, "someone has dared to challenge my power."
"I shall ask another question," he said, his voice ringing around the caves. "Do you know why YOU are here?"
"It wakes in a rage. Too much of a rage for even NEPTUNE to calm it. My truly loyal servant — someone has robbed me of it!"
"The caves responded with silence. No one was going to attempt to answer Neptune in this kind of mood."
"The kraken works for a hundred years, then sleeps for another hundred. The last time it went to sleep, one small ship somehow managed to find its way through the Triangle’s border."
"I’m sorry," I whispered into the darkness, and slipped quietly away.
"No one’s going to throw you off the island, little ’un. Why would they do that?"
"Whatever it is, you can tell me. We’ll figure out what to do together."
"You’re my daughter, that’s what you are. You’re a Windsnap. And you know what that means? It means we’re going to straighten this out."
"I’ve got something important to tell you both."
"I swear on every breath I’ve ever taken, there are mermaids!"
"We could save our home, the amusement arcade — the whole pier!"
"It’ll be okay. We’ll fix this. I’ll look after you."
"Letting out a breath it felt as if I’d been holding in for a week, I took his hand and we swam on."
"I had to find Mandy and her parents. There was no way of knowing where I was or how to get back. I knew it might be madness to search for them but, much as I hated to admit it, they were my only hope now."
"I fought the rising panic in my chest. This wasn’t familiar at all. I was completely lost."
"Out of the shadows, a thin, lanky figure swam toward me. 'This way,' he said, pulling me along. All thoughts of my mom and the kraken and Mandy were dragged away by this — my second capture in one day."
"In here," he pushed me forward into a cave that ballooned out into an enormous dome. Crystals, jewels, and gold lined the route."
"We are your biggest fear... or your greatest protectors. Depending on how you view your situation at this moment."
"You think we give a fin about that? We need you. All of us. There’s more than just yourself to consider."
"The kraken is Neptune’s pet," Mr. Beeston began. "And it sleeps for a hundred years. Without its full sleep, it wakes in a murderous rage."
"It leads into the realm of the kraken. The place where you can communicate with it. You must go to the edge of the Triangle and come face to face with it."
"I was promoted," Mr. Beeston said, a crooked grin twitching at the side of his mouth. "For my bravery and good work."
"The atmosphere’s so cold when they’re around, you’d think we were on a cruise to Antarctica."
"But I’m not thinking about that. I refuse. I can’t afford to think about anything — least of all how I got myself into this ridiculous mess."
"He’ll be along very shortly," Nathiel said, his voice as slimy as the eel.
"I’m not surprised you’re not speaking to me," I said, building up the courage to speak. "Please don’t ignore me, please!"
"You mean...?" "Yes!" She grinned. "I mean you! I mean a best friend who’s crazy and impossible and maddening and strong and brave."
"We were there. The edge of the Triangle; the realm of the kraken. It was no longer a glassy plane over the ocean. An endless chasm stretched across the sea, giant waterfalls tearing down into the blackness below."
"You have to really feel it. It’s no use pretending. It’ll know."
"Don’t be angry. Everything will be all right. Just be calm, calm, calm."
"When old hatred’s rift is mended, Thus the kraken’s power is ended."
"Only when the hatred ends, when the rift is mended, will the power of the kraken finally cease."
"We’re living on a beautiful secret island: Mom, Dad, and me, all together."
"You make it sound as if she’s two different people."
"It’s just that it’s two different worlds. And I sometimes wonder if they’re just too different."