
All The Lovely Bad Ones Quotes

All The Lovely Bad Ones by Mary Downing Hahn

"Public displays of affection were okay for girls, I guessed, but not for guys."
"Bad ones—that's what we were. Well, not really bad. We preferred to think of ourselves as pranksters."
"For once, we were free to do what we wanted to do. Including nothing. Nothing at all."
"But some­times I find myself wishing they'd come back. Business might improve."
"If you want to test your­self, spend a night or two at the Inn at Fox Hill. I did . . . and I was not disappointed!"
"The truth is always there, but it's in how you look at it."
"I've lived in Vermont all my life, so I ought to know what a cougar sounds like."
"Tonight, I'm going to camp out in the grove—I want to see the ghost for myself. You know, up close and personal."
"We'll be inside, trying some new tricks. Footsteps. Doors opening and shutting. Sobs and moans and spooky laughter."
"Tracy's a lot braver than I am. I wouldn't sleep here by myself. Not if you paid me."
"Often it is children who are most in touch with the spirit world."
"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting... Heaven lies about us in our infancy."
"What if we woke something up, let's hope Chester Coakley and Miss Duvall can put it back to sleep."
"Don't blame the food, Mrs. Donovan said. "This inn is haunted. Just wait till Chester sets up his equipment tomorrow! Then you'll see."
"If you continue to lie to me, I shall be forced to call your parents."
"As a result, I lay awake for hours trying to think of an explanation. And failed. Utterly."
"They been here afore you, and they'll be here after you."
"Some places ought to go to ruin. Let the bricks fall and the grass grow over them. Let it all be forgot and the dead stay dead."
"Without her coming after us, over and over and over. Didn't she cause us enough grief when we were alive?"
"Truth to tell, the county's money went to them, not us. They ate beef, and we ate gruel."
"We tormented those three from the day we died till the county came snooping around, asking questions they couldn't answer."
"Now all she has to do is look at us. There's a darkness in her eyes that brings back all the hurt of being alive."
"When we go down into the earth, we sleep the way cats do, ready to wake at the least sound."
"Sometimes it's fun to wake up, but truth to tell, it wearies me. I wish I could close my eyes and never open them to this world again."
"There is no escape for you. There is no peace!"
"Live a good life and die a good death—that's all you got to do. Those two things."
"It's got to be done proper, at the stroke of twelve. The time it's been told in stories since way past when."
"Just think, once I was as ignorant as they are."
"When your world view changes overnight, it's bound to leave you a little shaken."
"Old lady witch, lives in a ditch, counts every stitch, wants to be rich."
"This money was stolen from the poor, and it must go back to the poor."
"We'd sure learned a lot about ghosts since then – maybe even more than was good for us."