
Girls In Pants: The Third Summer Of The Sisterhood Quotes

Girls In Pants: The Third Summer Of The Sisterhood by Ann Brashares

"But trust me, these are epic Pants. These Pants have the stunning power to transform four ordinary teenage girls into raving beauties living lives of astonishing adventure."
"They don’t actually do that. But they do hold us together when we’re apart. They make us feel secure and loved."
"We are we. We have always been we. Sometimes we are us. (Grammatically, it’s just a fact.)"
"Life as we’ve known it is over. Our shared childhood is ending. Maybe we’ll never live at home again."
"Tonight we say good-bye to high school, and bye to Bee for a while. We say hello to summer, and hello to the Traveling Pants."
"The future was unfurling fast, but whatever happened this summer, that weekend stood between them and the great unknown."
"Only this time, Tibby felt the tears fall when they said 'the rest of our lives.' Because in the past that had always seemed like a distant road, and tonight, she knew in her heart, they were already on it."
"Few people in the course of history had ever transformed, even just physically, as much as Brian had since the afternoon two years before."
"Her head grew chill and fuzzy. The fuzz invaded her chest and expanded in her lower abdomen."
"Reality comes back in bits and pieces, and you experience the novelty of it all over again."
"This was the place where they’d spent the majority of school events these last four years. They had had more fun here, together, than anyplace else."
"Life is too short not to try for something you want."
"I didn’t even guess I was pregnant until I was almost three months along. I just couldn’t believe it."
"Complicated. What a totally unsatisfying word. It was a politician’s word."
"I didn’t want any of your special things to get overshadowed by this news."
"Carmen knew, intellectually, that this was happy news on a lot of levels."
"If she were a big and good person, she would be able to feel and appreciate this happiness."
"It wasn’t good planning. It wasn’t planned like this."
"I feel your pain. I mean, couldn’t they have just gotten a dog?"
"Her intensity made her invisible; she was seeing so hard she forgot about being seen."
"She ran until her thoughts shortened and no longer formed lines."
"It was less than twenty yards away, and it disturbed her."
"Leave it to her to detect happiness rather than actually feel it."
"Her romantic side went back into hiding, and after some time, her timid side took over, timidly, again."
"Love was the best padding anybody could have."
"I was hoping Lena or Effie could pitch in, but they both got jobs early this summer."
"She was scared to disappear. She was scared to lose her place."
"The ceiling was pushing down on her. The pressure beneath her eyes was pushing up. She felt like her eyeballs were in a vise."
"She listened to the buzz and spit of her printer and wondered. What if she didn’t go away after all? What if she didn’t disappear?"
"The tragedy had become the single most thrilling incident in Katherine’s short life."
"What was it about little sisters smashing their heads? Lena had never had so much as one stitch."
"Even Effie had been ground down into acquiescence."
"The baby expected by Kostos and Mariana, the reason for their hasty marriage and Lena’s heartbreak at the end of the previous summer, did not materialize."
"She got into bed with a book and tried, as she had so many other nights, not to think about Kostos."
"Besides, today was also the day Carmen got to wear the Traveling Pants, and nothing magical was going to happen sitting inside with Valia close enough to squash it."
"Carmen was fuming. She hated Valia’s nasty peppermint ice cream too. And furthermore, she hated Valia."
"She didn’t hate him, though at her rate, perhaps she could learn to."
"She would wait even longer. Then…slowly she would shift down the volume and slowly scroll through the channels."
"But a good mother doesn’t just obey the wishes of her selfish heart. A good mother does what she believes is the best thing for her child."
"I’ve told your mother this already. I can’t support your decision. We will not pay for you to go to RISD."
"You had hopes, admit it. She hated dishonesty, especially in herself. You know you did."
"If Bridget were God, she would have made it against the law for you to feel that way about someone without them having to feel it for you right back."
"She wouldn’t flirt, she wouldn’t tempt, she wouldn’t pine, she wouldn’t grieve. She wouldn’t even yearn."
"She began the run downhill, fast and just a little bit out of control."
"Because we love you too much to let you fester in your room for the rest of the summer."
"Listening to her friends’ voices felt like hearing a familiar symphony, with one instrument coming in and layering atop another."
"We don’t pay each other back. We’re not keeping score."
"Are you not a real person if you don’t have a boyfriend? Why does everybody have to be in love with somebody?"
"Sometimes trust felt like the worst gift in the world."
"Bridget was usually good at stomping out tension. It was a special talent of hers. She would march around boldly, crushing it underfoot, not paying it any mind."
"She didn’t know where to go to change out of her bathing suit. She didn’t want him to see her brushing her teeth or her hair."
"Eric gave her a good long time by herself in the tent before he politely asked if he could come in. He was so polite, he was soaked."
"There they were lying in a tiny orange tent, side by side. The rain beat down. She could smell his shampoo and his wet skin. It was awkward in a magical way."
"Lena had to stiffen her spine. She was looking for a way out, and Valia was looking right at her."
"She could see the beauty if she really tried."
"Somewhere in the middle of the night, Bridget felt a tiny tickle of hair against her arm. She opened her eyes without moving a single other muscle."
"Tibby wondered, once again, about the wisdom of her career choice."
"The hockey helmet was indeed plastered with stickers, every superhero and cartoon character in the history of cheap merchandising."
"The only time I’ve ever seen her look happy is when she’s IMing Rena."
"If you don’t try, you save nothing, because you might as well be dead."
"Sex could be a blissful communion. But it could also be a weapon, and its absence, sometimes, was required for the establishment of peace."
"He held her as though he thought he could absorb her fever and her sickness and her sadness."
"Making everything simple for the first ten years, which in turn made everything way more complicated for the subsequent seventy."
"A beautiful drawing was a record of your feelings about that visual experience."
"She felt confident that Tibby could keep her mom company for the waiting part, and David and Carmen would be there in time for the inducing part, when the real drama started."
"I sometimes think the stronger you feel about someone, the harder it is to picture their face when you are away from them."
"You need to push, hon. You’re feeling the pressure and that means you need to push. You’re almost there!"
"I’m going to Maryland," she said. She quelled the urge to spout her near-perfect grades and her academic honors. She left it at the truth.
"Her mother told her once that when you feel someone else’s pain and joy as powerfully as if it were your own, then you knew you really loved them."
"You are unbelievable! You are a star! You are the hero! You are the bomb!"
"I think you might think I’m a good person, and I wanted to let you know that I’m not. I am mean and selfish most of the time."
"It’s a miracle. It’s different every single time."
"Right now I have everything on the earth that I want."
"I’ve wanted to do this for so long," he murmured into her ear.
"The walls felt closer in and yet the floor seemed slightly farther away."
"This apartment waited for her nonetheless. It always waited."
"She felt so different about him than she had expected."
"She knew she could withstand her injured heart, but it took work, and in some moments, a lot of faith."
"She realized she wasn’t completely finished with Eric."
"He looked as though he hadn’t shaved in a while."
"Bridget needed to be honest tonight. That was the reason she was here."
"She was strict with herself about feeling joy, but this moment she had earned."
"Suddenly she remembered something Carmen had said in the beginning of the summer."
"You couldn’t erase the past. You couldn’t even change it. But sometimes life offered you the opportunity to put it right."
"But please, God, she couldn’t do it if it was a trade-in."
"Whatever happens, we will find each other. We always will."
"What was home anymore? What counted as the status quo? Home was a time and it had passed."
"It wasn’t always easy getting what you wanted."
"Set building was strange in that it was always about the impression, made to be seen from particular angles and not made to last."
"It was too good. Unfairly good. She couldn’t dislodge her worldview that things balanced out. You paid for what you got."