
The Lives Of Christopher Chant Quotes

The Lives Of Christopher Chant by Diana Wynne Jones

The Lives Of Christopher Chant Quotes
"Christopher always knew in his dream that you could get to Almost Anywhere from The Place Between."
"I want you to promise me now that you will take your place in Society alongside the very best people."
"You are going to grow up with Papa’s good family and my money."
"Everyone except Lady Badgett—who went more wrinkled than ever—said, ‘Hush dear!’"
"I’m sorry to do this to you because you’re a nice little boy, even if you are a bit remote, but the atmosphere in this house!"
"But your Papa comes crashing in with his grim notions and goes behind my back by appointing this Governess."
"You have a very exciting and important gift here."
"I think your uncle’s going to be very pleased."
"I was chosen from among all the other applicants because I’m the best vessel for her power."
"And maybe it’s that, or maybe it’s your influence, but I feel firmer with every step."
"I could go around all the garrets and shout Tacroy and ask people until I found you."
"Remember to be good and learn a lot. And don’t forget your mama wants to be very proud of you when you grow up."
"The servants covered the furniture with dust sheets and left one by one."
"This really was the first step on the road to becoming a missionary and being eaten by Heathens."
"School had its drawbacks, of course, like its food, and some of the masters, and quite a few of the older boys, but those were nothing beside the sheer fun of being with a lot of boys your own age and having two real friends of your own."
"Oneir’s turn that night, and Oneir read all on one note like the school Chaplain reading the Bible."
"I'm heartily sick of looking at your tonsils."
"I have a confession to make. It is my fault that silver stops you working magic."
"A gentleman never works magic against a woman, particularly his own mama."
"I don’t want to be the next Chrestomanci. I’d rather lose all my lives first."
"When I’m the next Chrestomanci, I shall make sure this room is used."
"You’re selfish! You aren’t sympathetic at all—you’re just scared."
"I must be the only person in the world ever to be punished for breaking my neck!"
"Christopher did not see Throgmorten in time. He tripped over him and went crashing and sliding the whole way down the staircase."
"I don’t do it just to annoy you, if that’s what you think."
"People only want either of us for what use we are to them!"
"The theory, I believe, is that the older one will enrich the power of the deity."
"She’s only got one life. Can’t you do something to help her?"
"The last life was locked away in the Castle safe and there was no way he could use it without Gabriel’s permission."
"They were halfway down the stairs when the five-pointed star in the hall filled with sudden action."
"I’m not letting any of those heathen bodies into my gardens," he said.
"They’re very, very civilized. As for being noble—"
"The Dright keeps it down to one world so he won’t have any rivals."
"As soon as they realize I’ve told you, they’ll haul me back there anyway."
"I had him! He was watching the trains. He was just telling me he could invent a better train. Then he simply vanished! What do I do?"
"Fudge! You can catch the Wraith without me now."
"Out of loyalty," the Goddess explained. "In the Millie books, Millie never let her chums down."
"You had to be rude to Eleven people or they did not respect you."
"I hate this forest," Gabriel said. "It’s so samey."
"He could then be yours," the Dright admitted, "but on two conditions."
"My dear girl," he said as he sipped it, "what a very foolish thing to have done!"
"I’ve come to fetch back something of my own."
"I didn’t dare use Asheth in case she stopped me, so I took one of Christopher’s lives when he was stuck in the wall and used that instead."
"Hols," she corrected Gabriel. "The books always call them the hols."