
Dragon Actually Quotes

Dragon Actually by G.A. Aiken

Dragon Actually Quotes
"The wars of men meant nothing to him. Never had."
"Her life’s blood drained from her body and she knew her time grew short."
"‘I’d fear you, Lord Dragon,’ she got out as the little strength left fled her body. ‘If I weren’t already dying.’"
"My brother understands me all too well. That’s why both of us have struggled to take any ground."
"‘I drop to my knees for no man,’ she snapped before thinking."
"‘You’re welcome, beautiful one. But don’t get too comfortable,’ he casually tossed over his shoulder. ‘Who knows what I’ll make you do to repay me my kindness.’"
"‘You take the heads of men and bathe in their blood.’ ‘I do not!’"
"You’re not crazy, little sister. She’s angry."
"I have everything I need. There’s a reason no one has seen me in nearly seventy years."
"And you are Annwyl of Garbhán Isle. Annwyl of the Dark Plains. And, last I heard, Annwyl the Bloody."
"My brother had other concerns after my father died. He wanted to make sure everyone feared him. He didn’t have time to worry about his bastard sister."
"You’re already queen, Annwyl. You just need to take the crown."
"Exactly what you’re doing now. Protecting your people from a tyrant."
"You should be proud of that name. From what I understand, you earned it."
"It will make beating the hell out of you so much easier."
"Annwyl has no man because there is no man worthy of her."
"You get raised by my family and see how you turn out."
"The gods were testing him. Clearly that must be the only reason this woman now floated naked and face up in his lake, completely oblivious to his presence. The gods had a cruel sense of humor."
"Why the hell had he involved himself in the Sibling War anyway? He should have just kept sleeping."
"Fearghus sighed. When had everything become so difficult?"
"The ability to inspire hardened warriors to follow you into battle. I know few who have such a gift as that."
"And after a long day of being thrown on her back and told her rage would only get her killed, it was nice to come back to the lair and have the dragon make her feel like she was worth something."
"She laughed now when she thought of how afraid she had been of him. Afraid of him and all his kind. That feeling seemed like ages ago."
"He thought of her touching his human flesh the way she touched his scales. Running her hands along his body, the skin sensitive to the touch because of the shifting."
"I have no idea. But I wouldn’t exactly call us friends."
"He realized too late he should never have entertained that thought as he came upon them. They sat by the stream. His unmistakable charm oozing from every pore while she laughed loudly at whatever he’d just said. She almost looked as if she were flirting."
"I don’t know what’s going on between you and your brother. And I don’t want to know. But I’ll not be the bone between you two dogs."
"You’re all bastards. And I hope the lot of you rot in hell."
"No matter what, we will fight to protect this village, so if she’s not ready…"
"Because you asked me to. And I am loyal to you and you alone. I’ll always be loyal to you, Fearghus."
"My life is yours to take. But my loyalty is not. That has to be earned. And you have."
"I don’t want to go to my grave knowing that my weakness held me back from the one thing that truly mattered to me."
"I’m not going anywhere until you help me with him."
"My life is forfeit, lady. All I care about now is killing my brother."
"I worry that I will not be able to kill my brother before I die. That has always been my greatest fear."
"If anything had happened to her… But it didn’t."
"He will find another, I guess. I don't know."
"Whether he does or doesn’t, concerns me not. Why are you here?"
"You are awfully tiny to be Annwyl the Bloody."
"Can we just get this over with? I have things to do."
"What I have to do is my own concern. Can we just speed this along?"
"You. It’s time for you to be mated. To be Claimed. And I’ve chosen your mate. One of my finest warriors. Bercelak the Great."
"Bercelak the Great? Don’t you mean Bercelak the Vengeful? And that low-born lizard is your choice of mate for me?"
"He’s the one I’ve chosen. He’s the one who shall Claim you."
"I’ve made up my mind. We’ll have a ceremony at the next moon to celebrate your union. You will attend. You will look beautiful. And you will let him have you."
"You fear I’ll take your throne before you’re ready to give it up."
"Rage blinding her, Rhiannon lashed out at her mother with one of her claws."
"She’d regret nothing. But she would make sure her mother regretted everything."
"I have no desire to hurt you, Princess. But I do want you to feel."
"Everything in life needs a plan of action, Low Born."
"I don’t want to be Claimed by anyone. No one has Claim on me and no one ever will."
"But don’t you want to Claim someone? Don’t you want someone to breed with and to call your own?"
"When you stop feeling anything, you find it quite possible."
"She wants me dead. She’s always wanted me dead."
"You play games with the wrong female, Low Born."
"I belong to no one, Low Born. And if you hope to trap me with this game, you are sadly mistaken."
"You force me into a Claiming, and I can fight you with the Elders. And we both know it."
"I will be Claimed by no one, Low Born," she said over her shoulder. "But especially not by you."
"Gods, could she be any weaker? What kind of queen would she be if she couldn’t keep the local riffraff from her pussy?"
"But most importantly, she felt unsafe in this human body."
"Damn him! She’d never had a male, any male, make her feel so…so…needy."
"My power is nothing compared to hers. And she knows it."
"I’ve never regretted being with him and I can’t even imagine my life without him."
"I love my father…with all my heart, but there’s not a day that goes by that I forget I’m the daughter of Ailean the Wicked."
"And it hurts me to be alone. And yet, we all must endure."
"We’re here for you, love. If you let me, I can help you."
"She brought me food and wine. Made sure the collar wasn’t too tight."
"My heart belongs to you, Rhiannon. It will always belong to you."
"You’ll do as I tell you!" "Like hell I will!"
"She wants me to break you, and then…I’m certain…she’s going to demand I kill you. To prove my allegiance to her."
"Who said I was giving you an option, Princess?" "Who said you had to, Low Born?"
"Forget him." His voice dropped impossibly lower as his black eyes locked on her. "Come to me, Rhiannon."
"This isn’t your problem, Father." "You’re my son," he said calmly. "That makes this my problem."
"She wants me to bring you to court in three days time. Broken and chained. I think then she’ll expect me to kill you."
"No one was to be trusted. No one would ever protect her. No one would ever do anything but use her. Eventually she'd learned to trust no one but herself."
"The noose tightened a bit and she felt more of her life slip away while they continued to pile extra wood around the stake."
"Funny how one’s mind plays tricks on them when so close to dying."
"Even a brave knight wouldn’t help her. Every day her life got more and more pathetic."
"She’d meet him on the other side when his time came and she’d make sure he suffered for eternity."
"Typical. Even the rescue by a dragon turned into a precarious situation."