
The Persian Pickle Club Quotes

The Persian Pickle Club by Sandra Dallas

The Persian Pickle Club Quotes
"The fact is, we just cain’t move till we get that part. You tell them what part, Blue."
"Every stitch you take on the Sabbath, you got to take out with your nose in the next life, but I expect ev’-body knows that."
"This is not rhubarb, Queenie. It’s Swiss chard! You made a rhubarb pie out of red Swiss chard!"
"I’d rather be lonesome than live with Ben Crook. I can tell you that."
"You could have knocked me over with a feather. I never was so tickled with a thing in my life."
"There’s nothing better than redeye gravy and mashed potatoes."
"You know how Howard Ritter is. Tom told me his dad’s farm is the driest place in Kansas, and he wasn’t talking about the weather."
"The easiest way to insult a woman was through her quilts."
"You’re worse than me with the salt and sugar. Even I know the difference between rhubarb and Swiss chard."
"Sometimes, I feel just like that old lady in your club who lives off by herself without even electricity. What’s her name again?"
"I like them. I’d like to make a quilt like that some day."
"In times like these, it’s root, hog, or die."
"You couldn’t be a farmer without being an optimist about the weather."
"There’s a special kind of man who plants a tree when he knows he’ll move on before it’s big enough for him to sit in its shade."
"Men need to know the trouble they cause us’ns. They ought to have a baby just one time, and have it through their nose, too. That’d teach ’em."
"The fact is, a smaller baby means an easier birthing."
"I don’t hold with drunkenness, being a good member of the WCTU. But the Lord has His reasons for everything He puts on this earth."
"I must have left my brains on the car seat with my hat."
"It’s men that bid on these quilts, and men’ll pay more for Mae West than Sister Kenny."
"You forget about the pain. I don’t know why. You just do."
"It’s called a hunch. Reporters get them all the time."
"There isn’t anybody going after a one of us that I know of."
"You can have the car. It has a radio. Grover put it in."
"If I let you talk to Ella, will you promise you’ll never ask her another thing about Ben Crook?"
"I can't think of anything that will cheer you more, so I came directly here."
"If it's a boy, we're not naming him Tyrone. That's for sure."
"I guess it's up to us to figure out what's to become of Velma."
"We couldn't afford to have our own baby, either, but that didn't stop us from trying."
"The truth is, I’m the only one strong enough to mash in Ben Crook’s head. And I’m the only one mean enough to do it."
"It’s threads of all our lives, Rita’s and ours, pieced together."
"It wouldn’t surprise me if one or two of the members couldn’t even recall which Pickle had wielded the ax handle, and among those who did, not a single one would have told, even in a court of law."
"I told Blue I was thinking of getting a new manure spreader, but he says he can take the old one apart and put it back together as good as new."
"We extended the hand of friendship to you, and there’s nothing in this world that’s stronger than friendship."