
Shatter Me Quotes

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Shatter Me Quotes
"I break free and stumble backward. The sea of soldiers parts behind me. Every face is etched in astonishment and pure, unadulterated fear."
"Warner’s gloves are back in place and he’s trying to hold me together, he’s trying to smooth back my hair, he’s trying to wipe away my tears and I want to murder him."
"My head is heavy, my vision is blurry, my heart is strained. There is a distinct flavor of panic lodged somewhere underneath my tongue and I’m fighting to remember where it came from."
"Someone’s hands are on my shoulders. 'How are you feeling?' Warner is peering down at me."
"He looks so calm, so genuinely amused. He stares at me with eyes softer than I ever expected them to be."
"I prop myself up against the pillows and try to pretend I’m not comfortable. 'Where am I?'"
"I take advantage of the moment to sit up and look around. I’m lying on a bed draped in damask golds and burgundies the darkest shade of blood."
"I try to control my trembling limbs. 'Get your hands away from me.'"
"Warner sighs. 'I’m not sure, but I think you fainted. And I think you should probably eat something, though I’m not entirely sure about that, either.'"
"Warner turns away so I’m staring at his profile. He clasps his hands. Changes his mind. Touches his lips."
"His thumb brushes my cheek. 'Life is a bleak place,' he whispers. 'Sometimes you have to learn how to shoot first.'"
"I glance at the window and wonder if I’ll ever see a bird fly by."
"Warner slips his arm around me. I cringe. The crowd starts. My heart careens out of control. I’m too scared to back away from him."
"Warner finally unshackles my eyes and nods, almost imperceptibly, in the balding man’s direction."
"Warner nods. Takes a short breath. Licks his lips. And shoots him in the forehead."
"Warner’s eyes are on my window. 'It’s time to go,' he says."
"The soldiers drop their fists all at once, all at exactly the same time."
"Warner makes them stay like that, bent like that, fists raised in the air like that."
"I nearly fall off the bed. I don’t acknowledge him. 'Did you sleep well?' he asks."
"He laughs a little. 'You’re free to lie to yourself, if it makes you feel better.'"
"I slam the glass of water on the side table. Drop my head in my hands. Try to stay calm."
"Adam’s message in my notebook might just be a part of Warner’s plan to drive me insane."
"I try to find his eyes only to realize he’s been watching me study him."
"I’m a million years old by the time I walk into my room."
"Warner slips his arm around my waist and he’s pulling me so close and his lips are at my ear and he says my name, once, twice and I had no idea I could catch on fire so quickly."
"Pain and power are bleeding through his body into mine, jolting through his limbs and crashing into me until I nearly drop him."
"I’ve been crying for so long I’m certain the hot water is made of nothing but my tears."
"If any of you hurt her I will shoot you myself."
"I never have a chance to make my own decision."
"I’m too suspended in disbelief. I’m too insecure to be confident in my own decisions."
"You’re my bird and you’re going to help me fly away."
"I’m a racehorse galloping toward a false finish line, breathing hard for someone else’s gain."
"I want to drown in ignorance. I want to be stupid, dumb, mute, completely devoid of a brain."
"I don’t want to be your creature. I don’t want to hurt people."
"I’m about five inches from breaking your face," Adam warns him, his voice like steel.
"It’s never enough," he whispers. "I can never do enough."
"I’m so happy you’re awake," he says to Adam, practically jumping up and down on his bed.
"Well what did you expect? It’s not like we have extra dresses just lying around."
"Of course I can tou—" I stop. Try to stay calm. "Kenji didn’t tell you?"
"And all this time, Kenji was working undercover."
"No touching." Leans in. Lowers his voice. "I have a bit of a problem with that myself, you know. Girls are always talking about electricity in their romance, but none are too happy to actually be electrocuted, apparently. Bloody confusing, is what it is."
"We’re not afraid of an attack. Besides, they have no idea what we’re capable of. And we’ve been training for this shit forever."