
The Princess Diaries Quotes

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

The Princess Diaries Quotes
"Sometimes it seems like all I ever do is lie."
"Oh, God, if you really do exist, please don’t let them find out about this."
"Define set: collection of objects; element or member belongs to a set."
"I’m not even kidding. She made pasta for the first time last night in like months."
"The truth is, when he’s away from Lana and all his jock friends, Josh is a totally different person."
"What’ll you do for me, huh, Thermopolis? What’ll you do for me?"
"I bet he’s in there making a bomb. Maybe he’ll blow up Albert Einstein High School as a senior prank."
"Absolute value: the distance that a given number is from zero on a number line… always a positive."
"I would like to live in Iceland someday. It sounds like a fun place."
"If Lana Weinberger finds out about this, I’m dead."
"I’m going to Iceland to save the baby seals, too."
"I am going to join Greenpeace and help save the whales."
"He had on the expression he wears only when he is talking to her."
"I guess now I know why my dad is so concerned about not being able to have more kids."
"If people at school find out about this, I’m dead."
"If people at school find out about this, I’m dead."
"You are the heir to the crown of Genovia. You will take my son's place on the throne when he dies. This is how it is. There is no other way."
"I mean, it's not like my life isn't bad enough: I'm already deformed, and I have to be a princess."
"I am not happy. I am not a bit happy. Grandmère's happy. Grandmère's head over heels happy about how I look. Because I don't look a thing like Mia Thermopolis."
"I don’t want to go to school looking like this, you know."
"I can't go to school again. I can never go anywhere again."
"Why do all these bad things keep happening to me? I would think it would be time for something good to happen to me for a change."
"I am so sure. I met some kids who went to school in Genovia and they didn’t even know what a number line was."
"I don’t see how her chest could stick out so much."
"Is everything all right? Is everything all right?"
"I didn’t get home until nine o’clock tonight. Something has got to give."
"You'd think people would value me as a human being and invite me to their parties just because they like my company."
"But just when I thought I was going to drown in pinkness, out came Grandmère, dressed completely in purple, from her silk turban all the way down to her mules with the rhinestone clips on the toes."
"I am not a bit happy. Grandmère's happy. Grandmère's head over heels happy about how I look. Because I don't look a thing like Mia Thermopolis."
"I don’t want anyone at school finding out I’m the princess of Genovia!"
"This is so horrible. I wish I could call Lilly, but I guess we are fighting."
"Really, a girl can only take so much criticism on her remainders."
"I just remembered: At lunch today Tina had a new book with her."
"Sometimes I wish I lived on a desert island."
"The most commonly asked question at Albert Einstein High School is 'Do you have any gum?'"
"If I were Chelsea Clinton, I would change my name and move to Iceland."
"I need to take a closer look at that article in today's Post. Three hundred million dollars??"
"I wonder if maybe it ever occurred to you that your argument, while ostensibly based on logic, might have less intellectual than libidinous roots."
"I swear, that's exactly what it felt like. He just smashed his mouth up against mine, and all these flashes started going off."
"It was my first kiss and Teen People was photographing it."
"All I got was embarrassed. It didn’t feel especially good, having Josh Richter kiss me."
"I mean, Josh Richter HAD just kissed me. JOSH RICHTER had just KISSED me. Josh Richter had just kissed ME."
"He only asked you out so he could get his picture in the paper."
"It wasn’t just a kiss, ... It was a media event."
"I would rather not have a boyfriend at all than have one who is only using me."
"I am a very lucky girl. Things had looked pretty bad there for a while. But isn’t it funny how everything kind of works itself out in the end?"