
A Dog's Way Home Quotes

A Dog's Way Home by W. Bruce Cameron

A Dog's Way Home Quotes
"From the beginning, I was aware of cats. Cats everywhere."
"I delighted in inhaling them, filling my nose with rich, flavorful aromas."
"I knew instantly something bad was happening."
"The sole source of light in the den came from a single square hole at the far end."
"This was my fun, wonderful life, and I had no reason to suspect it would ever change."
"The probing lights flickered around one last time, and then winked out."
"The next morning, a few of the male cats returned."
"I wanted to run to them as they crawled forward into the den."
"I lay with them in the darkness and listened to the humans call to each other."
"The man set me down and he and the woman stood up."
"Really? Because the whole reason I adopted Bella was to impress Olivia from the maintenance department."
"There is absolutely nothing about you I find exceptional. Or surprising. Or interesting."
"I was thinking, you’re in maintenance, this is a maintenance closet, maybe you could clean it up or something for an hour. Just to keep Bella company so she won’t bark."
"Let him." Steve’s voice was harsh, and his hand clenched my fur.
"You know there’s nothing I regret more than the times I abandoned you."
"I won’t forget you or any of the little people who made this possible."
"She’s been acting strangely for the past half an hour," Mom said, coming into the living room.
"You can never run off, Bella! You must always Go Home."
"You’re a sweet dog. You’re a good dog," he told me as he touched me gently.
"But she won’t understand. She’ll think I’m abandoning her."
"I promise you I will do my best to find a new place. I’ll work two jobs if I have to. I will come get you as soon as I can, Bella. I am so, so sorry."
"Without people with me, I was in the fox’s world now, not the other way around."
"The scent of people and animals was painted into the path, so I could easily find it."
"I knew I would be able to cover more ground if I were not so concerned about Big Kitten’s welfare, but I felt compelled to make sure she was safe."
"My nose told me that Big Kitten was not hunting out in open ground, but was sticking to stretches of forest and places where sun and exposure to wind stripped much of the snow away."
"The thunderous roar and the alien sight of the very earth sliding suddenly filled me with terror."
"I went over and sniffed pointedly at one of the sacks on the ground, reminding the men that there were snacks inside that could be shared with a good dog."
"I could not smell Big Kitten. Had I known that investigating Dutch’s scent would mean being taken from her I would have let the opportunity to see another dog pass, no matter how tempting."
"I waited patiently for the opportunity to do Go Home, thinking I might see Big Kitten on the trail."
"The two men were quiet. Dutch and I both looked in the direction of a barking dog, off in the distance."
"Dutch’s eyes flickered at this statement, as if he understood something about it that I didn’t, which was impossible."
"People are difficult to comprehend: they make rules and then change them."
"I did not understand what all these changes in people behavior meant, and had the uneasy feeling something bad was about to happen."
"I thought you couldn’t take a dog because of China, so a little hypocritical there, don’t you think?"
"My husband and I are going to China for six months. We can’t take care of Dutch."
"I love you both," Gavin whispered. He put his arms around Dutch and Dutch leaned into the hug.
"I am so sorry, Dutch. That was horrible. But I promise you that I love you, Taylor and I will be your daddies, we will take care of you."
"I was never more of a good dog than when I provided comfort for a scared person or kitten who needed it."
"It was nice to have them around. Scared Mike off."
"Axel was a nice man. He was never mean to me."
"This was the sort of dilemma only a human could solve."
"I needed a person to come help me. Why wouldn’t anyone stop?"
"I missed Lucas more in that moment than I had since I last saw him."
"I’m sorry," he whispered to me. "I’m so sorry about your owner."
"Things repeated, which was how a dog learned."
"My scent was flowing ahead with the breeze and nothing was flushed out—there were no coyotes up there at the top of the hill."
"I remembered the last time I had faced this sort of threat. A good dog learns when things repeat."
"I was stripped down to my canine essence, gripped with a primitive fury."
"It was as if they had all come to tell me good-bye."
"I did not understand what they were doing, but then I realized it was singing."
"I wagged. My mother rubbed her head on my neck."
"I did not believe Hat-man would give me a treat."
"I was doing Go Home at last, Go Home with my person, with Lucas."
"It really wasn’t very comfortable in the small bed, but I did not jump down."