
To Have And To Hoax Quotes

To Have And To Hoax by Martha Waters

To Have And To Hoax Quotes
"I cannot bear to live like this any longer." - Violet Audley
"I’m going to turn the tables on him." - Violet Audley
"But I can show the man that I’m not something to be casually discarded." - Violet Audley
"It’s too late, Emily. I can’t mend four years of damage." - Violet Audley
"She’d hardly be the first unhappily married woman of the ton to do so." - Diana
"But I can show my husband exactly what it felt like to stand in that coaching yard and have him tell me it was none of my concern whether he lived or died." - Violet Audley
"The course of true love ne’er did run smooth." - Narration
"Marry in haste, repent at leisure." - Narration
"Violet, who could rarely cease her chatter long enough to take a breath, so full of life and ideas and curiosity about everything, everywhere." - Narration
"It was uncanny timing, then, that at the precise moment that Violet was occupied with these utterly gloomy thoughts—about her husband, Diana’s late one, and Emily’s lack of one—that her butler, Wooton, appeared in the doorway of the drawing room." - Narration
"You make us sound like organisms to be studied under a microscope."
"It seems that everything I have heard about you is true."
"I am in need of some assistance and I think you are just the man to provide it."
"I should like you to pose as my personal physician."
"I’m not certain I should respect your wishes in this case."
"If you’re determined to risk your wife’s reputation rather than have any sort of honest conversation with her..."
"I’m going to need you to be a bit more specific."
"It's difficult to think back so clearly on a day that was such a massive mistake."
"One day bedridden, the next up and about as though nothing were at all the matter."
"I'm getting on a bloody horse this afternoon whether you think it's a good idea or not."
"You were practically falling all over yourself. And in front of me, no less."
"I can't say how I shall be feeling next week."
"I'm certain Dr. Briggs knows more about it than you do."
"I wish I had been as good an actress as all that."
"I'm not sure we've much to say to one another after four years."
"I’ve never forgotten anything about you, Violet. About us."
"One does never know what to expect upon waking each morning, but I seem to be having one of my good days."
"I seem to have given myself rather a lot to ponder."
"I am, yes," Violet said. She paused, momentarily uncertain—she wasn’t at all sure how to phrase her request. Being at a loss for words was not a condition she was terribly accustomed to.
"I think I shall have to eat my words about some things, but never about Byron."
"But need I remind you that you are a marquess? At some point, you’ll have to produce an heir."
"You’re a reasonably handsome man," she added, "if one likes that sort of thing."
"No," James said firmly. "But I don’t for a second believe it was a coincidence that we met her so soon after arriving."
"I should very much like to have it right now," Violet said acidly, "so that I might thrust it down your throat."
"I was as fond of this chair as any man, but it occurred to me that it might make more sense to avail ourselves of the bed that is so conveniently nearby."
"It pains me, naturally, that we will have so little time to enjoy our reconciliation, but this is the hand the fates have dealt us, and we have nothing to do now but attempt to make the best of it."
"It has everything to do with you! My marriage - which is none of your concern, for the record - has had its rough spots only because of your interference. It is always you."
"I'm sorry. I'm apologizing for the past four years."
"I've nowhere to be this afternoon. I didn't see any reason to rush the proceedings."
"I know," he said, touching her cheek gently. "I know that now."
"I missed you. I don’t ever want to miss you that much again."
"I missed you, too. I hated sitting in the same room and feeling as though you were miles away from me."
"You are my wife. You should be the person I trust above all others."
"Violet, it's only ever been you. I could never even see anyone else."
"I’ve a cousin who I’ve no doubt would be quite pleased to inherit. He has a very fertile wife, if I recall."
"Touché. And yet I’ve no intention of marrying either, so my point remains."
"It has been far too long." His tone indicated that his sentiments were exactly the opposite.
"If I should ever hear you refer to our son as your heir, I will ensure that you never see him."
"That’s quite enough of that, now," the dowager marchioness said, frowning. "You’re as bad as my grandson."
"I only hope she can ever forgive me for taking such a damned long time to fully appreciate her."
"I’d rather spend my days arguing with you than in calm conversation with anyone else in the world."
"I didn’t trust you to trust me that I trusted you."
"I’m sorry. I didn’t trust you to… to…" He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated; the result was curls that were even more disheveled than they’d been a moment before.
"I want to be the man who deserves you, because you deserve everything."
"You are laying it on a touch thick, Lady Templeton, but I do applaud the general sentiment."