
Unraveled Quotes

Unraveled by Gena Showalter

Unraveled Quotes
"Sometimes I wonder if I’m the right girl for him. If perhaps you wouldn’t be better suited for him."
"Are you aiding them? Planning to lead them into this dimension to attack us?"
"I admire your courage, wolf. Therefore, you will not die dishonorably."
"You do not stop Riley from shifting, do you? Because the ability is natural, part of who he is."
"Attempts were made to turn humans in the past. None were successful."
"I had not thought you so mercenary, Mary Ann."
"And he’s supposed to appear before them. Tonight!"
"The stink lingers, and our people will never follow him like this."
"I’m here. How are you? Is there anything I can get you?"
"How are you still alive? Riley killed you. I felt you die!"
"No one should have to endure that kind of death. And twice? Not just no, but hell, no."
"Screaming is good. And punching people in the throat is far more effective than punching them in the face or stomach."
"If you continue to lie to me, I'll cast a truth spell on you. Never again will you be able to lie about anything to anyone. Ever."
"You are friends with a vampire, a werewolf, both enemies to my kind, and a boy who draws us with a power we have never encountered before. To echo your question, why wouldn't I want you to die?"
"We are more than bloodsucking vampires because we have monsters living inside us."
"The first new rule I am implementing is that the survival of my team is more important than curfew."
"I don’t care what you told them. I'm not dating anyone else."
"Perhaps you haven't yet realized what you are."
"You’re right about one thing. I’m yours. I’m not going to change my mind about that."
"Humans can’t survive very long without water, Mary Ann."
"I can’t save you. You’re going to die. To leave me."
"If you make it to your coronation, I have some suggestions."
"I’ll have to miss it. We’re talking right now."
"Perhaps boredom will make her more interested in talking to us tomorrow."
"If they want her back, they’ll call their meeting to order."
"You promised. Remember? Oh, this is so exciting!"
"I can see our conversation was completely unnecessary, Mary Ann, but thanks for the intro."
"I never would have figured that out. Thanks."
"I can’t believe this. A mangy mutt in the house, all this time."
"You have a girl’s name, Stutter, you know that?"
"The beasts were heavy, their hands roving. They were like sharks who had scented his blood, and were biting, heads shaking, trying to rip pieces of him into their mouths."
"As he struggled to breathe, he hugged her tight. The other vampires who had entered the chamber were chalk-white, muttering and peering at him with a strange mix of awe, horror and disbelief."
"I can't stop," he replied, shifting nervously.
"For once, the desire to flee outweighed his desire to please and he stumbled to the wall, feeling for the grooves."
"I know what I want. Know who I want. I've made that clear from the beginning."
"They were all over him, trying to push him down, their teeth sharper than anything he could have imagined."
"The closer she came to him, the more clearly she saw him. He was so pallid she could see the blue tracery of veins beneath his skin."
"The sun was bright, throwing orange-gold spots in her line of vision, and the air warmer than it had been in weeks."
"They were like puppies—granted, beastly demonlike puppies—who just wanted him to scoop them up, take them home and pet behind their ears."
"Peace. I had forgotten how wonderful I would feel, being this close to you again."
"I’ve come this far. I might as well just tell you, right? It’s…Vlad."
"Just one taste. I’ll make it feel good. You’ll like it."
"Panic clouded her features as she guided her sisters out of harm’s way."
"Hear me well, Haden Stone. You love me. You want to obey me."
"She’s hurting him," Victoria cried to the beast.
"Your brother…your brother is dead," Mary Ann told her gently.
"What are you doing?" Marie’s struggles increased. "Stop. Don’t come any closer!"
"Return home. Rest. I’m proud of each of you."
"It’s the only way. If you’re here with him, he’ll be killed to get to you."
"What happened to him? What the hell happened?"
"Don’t let go," Victoria said against his chest.