
Lord Brocktree Quotes

Lord Brocktree by Brian Jacques

Lord Brocktree Quotes
"In the face of adversity, courage shines brightest."
"True strength lies not in arms, but in resolve."
"Sometimes, the greatest wisdom comes from the simplest words."
"In the heart of darkness, a single spark of hope can illuminate the world."
"Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the will to overcome it."
"Unity is strength, especially in times of challenge."
"Every ending is a new beginning in disguise."
"I wish thou wert as talkative as yon Reedum!"
"Come on, you two, or are you going to sit there feeding your famine-stricken faces all day?"
"If that's what y'think then you've lost, cat. We all are free, here in our minds an' here in our hearts!"
"When I go it’ll be with a weapon in me paw, fightin’. ’Til then I’ll just hang about and annoy you, friend."
"I’m a hare of Salamandastron, an’ foes don’t bother me, I’ll fight all day an’ sing all night, This song of liberty!"
"Where in the name o’ fang’n’fur have they got to?"
"I’m cut off from the rest, sah. Bungworthy’s command were cut t’pieces tryin’ to hold the main gate."
"At least where there’s life there’s hope, my friends!"
"The room, it was moving from side to side, spiders, webs, flies, everywhere."
"I am Ungatt Trunn the Fearsome Beast; you will die by my paw the day you look upon my face!"
"Ho berries’n’pickles an’ corjul wot tickles, Gudd apples’n’pears from ee h’orchard do cumm."
"I am the Lord Brocktree of Brockhall! My sword will look into your mind and touch your heart on the day we meet, Ungatt Trunn! Eulaliiiiaaaaa!"
"Goombye. ’Twere ee pleasure ’avin’ ee t’visit!"
"Come, show your face to me, come to my mountain and meet with your fate."
"One Badger Lord carries two hundred votes and his sword carries another hundred."
"If you don’t like it, then you can jolly well lump it."
"There may be winter on the mountain, but there’s spring at its heart."
"A hare can forget lots of things when he reaches the winter seasons."
"Eulaliaaaa! Come to the Lord of Salamandastron!"
"Pleasure comes through power, and power is everything!"
"I don’t like that cad Bucko King, or whatever he calls himself. I’d like to take the blighter down a peg or three, wot!"
"I don’t think... I know I can beat the blusterin’ bounder!"
"Sorry, old chum, y’far too old, he’d eat you."
"I say, dash it all, miss Dotti, I was the one who should’ve challenged Bucko Bigbones, not you, a young haremaid, wot!"
"And what did the blaggard say? Tell me, sah, word for word!"
"He said you should be at home, helping your mama to do the washing."
"Now, sah, you’ve heard it. Is that a challenge or not, wot?"
"I’ll take on all, or just the one, Whether at the fight or feast!"
"Didn’t your mater ever tell you ’tis rank bad manners to spit?"
"Temper’s the sign of a loser—it affects the reason too much."
"Well, I’m blowed! Guess what? There’s somebeast, a hare I think, tryin’ to climb up the bally rope."
"Don’t be so silly, this is a matter of life an’ death, d’ye hear?"
"Then do so, sah—’tis no concern of mine at what rate you fill your flippin’ face!"
"We ken the rules as guid as anybeast here. Let’s get on wi’ it!"
"Ye’ve brought this on yersel’, missie. Ah’ll be fair grieved tae lay ye oot flat—ah’ve no raised mah paw tae a lassie afore. Ah promise not tae hit ye too hard."
"Thankee, sah, an’ I promise not t’let you hit me at all."
"Flogged me with the flat o’ mah own sword ’til it breakit o’er mah back, an’ drove mah hares from oor hame in the North Mountains."
"Ah’d take et if I were ye, Dorothea. Ye beat me fair’n’square, lassie."
"Aye, ’twas mah intention that one day ah’d knock ’em intae shape as an army."
"Hah, I never let ye down, Lord Stonepaw. I’m comin’ back home now, sire."
"Sire, you called for help. I came to assist you."
"We follow our comrades in peace and war, The hare is a perilous beast, we know."
"This shall be the epitaph of these brave warriors, that they died fighting against superior odds, with no hope."
"My blade like winter’s cold doth bite, Come guide me, Badger Lord, For truth and justice we must fight, Wield me, your Battle Sword!"
"Defend the weak, protect the meek, Take thy good comrades’ part, My point like lightning, send to seek The foebeast’s evil heart!"
"Eulalia loud like thunder cry, Be thou mine eyes and brain, We join in honor, thee and I, To strike in war again!"
"This is my mountain. Welcome to Salamandastron!"
"Now I see your face, Ungatt Trunn. Look upon me!"
"I am a Badger Lord. My word is my life and honor!"
"The only way to kill a snake is to cut off its head."
"There's a whole lifetime ahead of you, Dotti—you're still young enough to learn lots of new things."