
Dark Magic Quotes

Dark Magic by Christine Feehan

Dark Magic Quotes
"The night was alive with the heartbeats of countless people."
"After all his centuries of walking the earth, he knew the whispered promises were empty."
"The magic show—combining feats of escape, disappearance, and mystery—was almost finished."
"He had endured nearly a thousand years of black emptiness. No joy, no rage, no desire."
"He let the pain wash over him, through him. Savored it. He felt."
"Hunger rose sharply, dangerously, ferociously."
"She was talking with the blond assistant, overseeing her props being packed up for loading onto the trucks."
"I’m catching up on z’s. You can tell me all about it."
"The unseen predator growled his warning softly, a deadly, menacing sound only the blond could hear."
"The first hundred years had been a wild orgy of feeling, senses, power, desires—even goodness."
"He experimented, found knowledge and power, and paid the price for it."
"Her first human friend in her entire twenty-three years. Dead because of her."
"Gregori studied the misery so transparent on her face."
"We can discuss this at a more opportune time."
"Savannah dropped her forehead against the muscles of his chest."
"‘I’m afraid of you, Gregori,’ she admitted painfully."
"I can’t live the life of a Carpathian. I’m too independent, and I need my own life."
"He was hurting her with his bruising strength, his body stretching hers, tearing through her innocence so brutally."
"Gregori no longer existed; the raging animal in his place was draining Savannah of her life’s blood, using her body without the care of a tender lifemate."
"Guilt washed over her. Gregori had sentenced himself to five years of hell to give her the freedom she had so desired."
"Savannah’s fingers found the nape of his neck, and she forced her own pain from her mind, trying not to feel the brutal treatment he was subjecting her to."
"Gregori. He thought his soul was lost, that he had become a true vampire with no care for right or wrong."
"Who would care now for this wild beast? Who would feel gratitude for what he had sacrificed for them all?"
"Take freely, Gregori. My life for your life."
"Gregori’s hands framed her face, thumbs stroking the delicate line of her jaw."
"You will feed," he told her silkily, expecting her defiance.
"I am your lifemate. You cannot hide from me something as powerful as fear."
"You make me so mad, Gregori! I’m trying very hard to get along with you and your arrogant orders."
"You are my lifemate, Gregori. I have no doubt you will make me happy."
"I will stay in your mind, chérie, and you will know I am fine."
"Never into danger. Never will I allow you to be in danger."
"The poison would have consumed you, Savannah, had you been injected with it. I relayed the elements of the toxin to Aidan. He will ensure that those in our homeland are aware of this new danger. We can develop an antidote with what we now know."
"I am a healer, Savannah. I can neutralize poison."
"You are mine, Savannah. Only mine," he said softly as he surged forward, filling her.
"I am what I have been shaped to be over these endless centuries, Savannah," he said carefully.
"I do not choose to allow you to place your life in danger, mon amour. That is not something that will ever change."
"You need to have more faith in my strength, Savannah. Have faith in me. I am not about to throw away my life now that I have found you. Believe in me, in my power and abilities."
"This is uncomfortable, Gregori," she ventured.
"I have definitely lost all good sense," he muttered as he pushed open the door.
"I am a hunter of the undead, a destroyer. There is, however, a true vampire among the members of the society you are in league with. He will destroy them all."
"I knew you were going to be trouble the moment I laid eyes on you," he said softly.
"You scare me to death, woman. Because of you I find myself doing things I know are totally insane."
"You are more than disrespectful, woman. I cannot remember a single time in my existence when anyone spoke to me as you do."
"Do not worry, Gary, she is incorrigible. Even I have trouble with her. I cannot blame you for what I myself cannot control."
"To enter our world is very dangerous," Savannah added gently.
"You are my world, ma petite, my very existence. You are what makes living bearable. You are my light, the very air I breathe."
"I am the wind heralding death, the instrument of justice sent by our Prince to carry out the sentence pronounced on you by our people for your crimes against mortals and immortals alike."
"I have made love to you each time I have taken you into my arms. There can be no other for either of us, Savannah."
"I am justice. There can be no fight, no battle, as there can be only one outcome."
"Look at your hero now. See what I really am. I kill without thought. Without effort. Without remorse. Without mercy."
"You are mine for all eternity, Savannah, until we grow weary of this existence and choose to go together to the next."
"Feel me, Gregori. Feel me reaching for you. Needing you."
"Go to sleep, Savannah, safe in my arms. Let the soil heal both of us and bring us peace."
"Do not be angry, mon amour, I truly sought only to protect you."
"Maybe I don’t want to be safe. Maybe I want to do something crazy for a change. I hate this, Gregori. I hate it."
"You are my world, Savannah. You must know it."
"I should never have taken you with me and placed you in such a position, ma chérie. For that I apologize."
"I am justice, evil one. I have come to set you free from the boundaries holding you to this place."
"Why would you ever be insecure, Savannah? I can feel it in you, that you imagine I will consider you silly for wanting to do these tourist things."
"You think to mock me with this display, ancient one? Do not attempt to anger what you do not understand."
"We are going to be talked into something we will regret."
"I have a hard time understanding the need in you for their company."
"She thinks I am going to take her on this ridiculous vampire hunt."
"I never thought of that. We might get a few interesting reactions."
"It was the only time I have failed to detect the presence of the undead."
"I am a hunter, a bearer of justice, and I can do no other than to carry out our laws."
"The Prince of our people has sentenced you to death. I can do no other than carry out justice."
"I do not wish to fight you, Gregori. I acknowledge you are a great hunter."
"You are a rare man, Gary Jansen. I feel privileged to know you, to count you as a friend."
"Je t’aime, Savannah. More than I can ever express in words of any language."
"A beautiful little girl with your looks and my disposition."
"You are a wicked woman. I would have to kill any man who treated my daughter the way I am treating you."
"I happen to love the way you treat me, lifemate."
"Together they could face any enemy to ensure the continuation of their race."