
Hunger Quotes

Hunger by Michael Grant

Hunger Quotes
"Sam believed he’d sell his soul to ride just one more real wave."
"It was amazing what you could gag down when you got hungry enough."
"Before the FAYZ he’d always thought of her as unapproachable. Now, as a couple, they seemed inevitable."
"Man, the official Honduran breakfast when you’re poor is a corn tortilla, some leftover beans, and on a good day a banana. On a bad day it’s just the tortilla."
"There’s a light down there. It must lead to somewhere."
"You think people don’t know about what happened to E.Z.?"
"The worms that killed E.Z. are mutations. They have hundreds of teeth. Their bodies are designed for boring through flesh rather than tunneling through the dirt." - Astrid
"Kind of like my sister," a kid piped up, and was poked by his sister in retaliation.
"I’ve taken a look at one of the worms. But they’ve gone from brains that were a bundle of cells that did nothing more than manage the organism’s negative phototropism to a brain with differentiated hemispheres and distinct, presumably specialized, regions." - Astrid
"But it’s necessary... everyone age seven or older has to put in three days per week picking fruit or veggies." - Sam
"Sam, Orc has become an alcoholic. You want to give him beer?" - Astrid
"I’m just like everyone else: trying to figure out how to make it." - Albert
"She was in my dreams, in my head. I saw her." - Drake
"I never told anyone anything I saw," Orsay said.
"I am the brains and the power, the true power, the four bar, the one. I am the one." - Caine
"I didn’t think I needed permission to give kids what they want." - Albert
"You ever meet someone you can’t quite forget? Someone who you meet them and forever after it’s like they own a piece of you?"
"I see Albert’s free, and I have to talk to him."
"I’m just saying I can haul this fish and any others I get up to Albert and he has a refrigerator big enough to keep it in good shape."
"Negotiate with a killer worm brain? I don’t think so, babe."
"Everyone is hoping you’ll fix the phones and the internet and all. Everyone likes you."
"You freak! You murdering freak! You killed him."
"It was hard to fall asleep when your stomach was twisting into knots."
"I’m going nuts from hunger, that’s what it is, I’m slowly but surely going nuts."
"Hello darkness, my old friend, I’m coming to talk with you again."
"We're trying to keep from starving. Trying to stay ready in case Caine starts something. The last thing we need is some big argument between freaks and normals."
"There aren't going to be lines like that, between freak and normal."
"Gold couldn’t touch the cold dread that filled her heart. And gold wouldn’t be any use to her if she failed."
"All we had was a shotgun and a pistol and this kid had a machine gun and he still gave up. Little wussy."
"Jack’s just losing focus. He’s forgetting what’s important."
"Good things happen sometimes, Jack, you have to accept that."
"I’m just a kid, just like all of you. I don’t happen to have any magic ability to make food suddenly appear. I can’t just snap my fingers and make all your problems go away. I’m just a kid."
"The one constant seems to be that mutations are making creatures—humans and nonhumans—more dangerous."
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity."
"I’m not just your good-looking Mexican sidekick."
"If I were ever going to have a Mexican sidekick, you’d be the guy."
"You don’t have the—" But Jack had tossed Diana aside and was running straight at Drake.
"She must have been doing pretty good speed when she hit the wire. Breezed right through them."
"You touch me, I’ll kill you!" Drake shrieked at Jack.
"They could smell the deer as soon as they crossed the road. It was amazing, Zil reflected, how well your sense of smell worked when you were really, really hungry."
""Greedy chud is eating it all up," Zil reported. "I swear, he’s going to eat the whole thing himself."
"Sure," Zil said. "Let’s have ourselves a trial."
"They fed and laughed with joy at their conquest."
"You should have just admitted you stole my jerky," he scolded Hunter.
"Sam crossed the parking lot to the door of the turbine room."
"That’s enough," Zil said, staying Hank’s hand.
"How strong you think that fuel rod is?" Caine asked.
"We need more kids than just us five," Zil said.
""She’s breathing," Astrid said quickly. "She’s alive.""
"Nestor, Nestor, Nestor, Nestor." It was Little Pete, chanting at the top of his lungs.
"Nemesis. That was the gaiaphage’s name for him: Nemesis."
"Someone had shot Edilio. And had tried to shoot Dekka."
"He’s going to go after you, Caine," Diana whispered in his ear."
""Do this, and you will die, Caine," Diana pleaded."
"Diana staggered and almost righted herself, but Drake was too quick, too ready."
""You got something besides falling into the ground?" Caine shrilled at Duck."
""Too late, Caine. Your power will not shatter the gaiaphage.""
""Sam? If you’ve got anything left, now is the time," Caine cried."
""No," Sam whispered. "It’s ready for me. Duck.""
""No one knew Duck all that well," Sam said at the service. "I don’t think anyone would have guessed he’d be a hero. But he saved our lives. He did it willingly. He made the choice to give his life for us."