
Only Yours Quotes

Only Yours by Susan Mallery

Only Yours Quotes
"Fluffy gave her a doggie grin, then nearly knocked over a trash can with a sweep of her ever-moving tail. Restraint wasn’t in Fluffy’s vocabulary. She was barely calm in her sleep."
"Montana started after Fluffy, yelling for her to stop. But it was as effective as telling the earth to slow down its rotation."
"On her good days, she told herself she was a little flaky. On her bad days, well, the words were a lot worse than that."
"You might want to take that stick out of your ass. It’ll make it easier to pretend to be human, which will probably help your patients."
"She’s been quiet," the mother continued. "We’re keeping her sedated as she heals."
"It’s not my job to be nice. It’s my job to help my patients heal."
"I wanted to give her the chance to prove herself. I know you don’t understand, but I swear if you say she’s just a dog, I’ll attack you with this hose and make you scream like a girl."
"I’m generally in control. You’ll have to take my word on that."
"The rest of the family echoed the invitation. Their words washed over him, easily ignored. Until Montana turned to him."
"Her gaze met his. With a mischievous look in her eye, she placed her hand on his belly, then slipped it lower until she cupped his erection. He saw the surprise in her face. "Wow," she whispered."
"It’s like she can take her bedroom with her."
"Who was he trying to kid? While he thought the dog was fine, the person he most wanted to see was Montana." - Narrator about Simon
"Her world had been safe, kind. The most important person in her life hadn’t turned on her." - Simon's thoughts about Montana
"I have six children, the oldest of whom is… The oldest is about eight years younger than you." - Denise to Steve
"The truth was, she didn’t have that many places she could go on a first date." - Narrator about Denise
"Would you replace your washing machine just because there was a new, fancy model?" - Steve to Denise
"I was terrified it’s going to stop working and I’ll have to figure out how to use a new one." - Denise about her phone
"I want to know how good I am at my job." - Nevada
"Everyone wants to belong." - Montana to Simon
"Love doesn’t matter. I won’t say it doesn’t exist, because I’ve seen it on occasion." - Simon
"I can’t believe something like that would happen in Fool’s Gold." - Montana about Freddie's abuse
"He’s a freak," his mother’s boyfriend had complained, pulling back his arm to hit Simon again. "Make him stop looking at me."
"Despite the short time he’d been there, he recognized several people." - Narrator about Simon in Fool's Gold
"I’ve never been big on the intercourse thing. Sure, it was okay, but I’d never felt an overwhelming desire to be claimed in that way." - Montana
"She was unable to do anything but feel the waves, the building pressure." - Narrator about Montana
"The scars would horrify her." - Simon's thoughts
"I don’t want to hurt you," he said. "Too late." - Simon and Montana
"I thought I knew how good it would be, but I was wrong." - Simon to Montana
"You’re the only one I fantasize about. Sometimes when I’m walking in the hospital I imagine doing things to you." - Simon to Montana
"I don’t want to know if she’s doing it, and I suspect she feels the same way about me." - Montana about her mother
"Do you think we got this much attention when we were her age?" - Montana to Dakota
"Instead of being hurt or feeling rejected, she should feel sorry for Simon." - Montana's thoughts
"Sometimes, at the end, love was all that was left." - Montana's thoughts
"He didn’t believe in couples like the Spangles. He believed in being alone." - Montana's thoughts about Simon
"She has a fever and it’s climbing," - Simon to Fay
"Sometimes life is hard. You have to learn to shoot a basketball in the hoop before you can be any good at the sport. At first you don’t get it through the basket very often, or even at all. But one day you do and then it gets easier. But only because you put in the work."
"You’re not ugly and you’ll have lots of friends. Tell you what. If nobody asks you to marry him and you still want to get married, I’ll do it. We can get married."
"I keep them for my patients. I want them to know it’s okay to look different. I want them to believe they can still be happy, even if they have scars or some other kind of disfigurement."
"This is when I think I should’ve stayed in L.A. I never ran into anyone I knew there. Maybe it was better."
"I’m sorry. I know. Let me guess. Dinner and small talk followed by mutually satisfying sex."
"I’m a full-service girlfriend. You might have noticed."
"Being loved must be one of the most terrifying things of all."
"Love doesn’t make you weak. It makes you strong. Stronger than you’ve ever imagined."
"I love you. I have from the first. You’re the best part of me. You are the light to my dark and without you, I’m blind."
"We still have work to do," Simon told her, doing his best to sound upbeat and positive.
"She’s okay. She’s okay. Her heartbeat is getting stronger. The crisis passed."