
Raven Rise Quotes

Raven Rise by D.J. MacHale

Raven Rise Quotes
"The future of Denduron was at stake. The future of Halla was at stake. He had to go into battle once again."
"We are about to go to war," Graviot announced. "You have been branded a deserter. I fear you will be tried for treason, old friend."
"I wanted them to be smarter. I desperately needed them to be smarter."
"I don’t want any more nightmares. I want to sleep in peace."
"If Bobby was already cut off, why did Nevva really want my ring?"
"As long as he didn’t let his mind shoot forward to all the unknown possibilities, he’d be okay."
"Our history is all we have left. Don’t let them destroy it."
"You are my first visitor today. Why does that surprise you?"
"Life is short. Nobody wants to read about why."
"It wasn’t a celebratory feast like the one they had enjoyed on their final night aboard the Queen Mary."
"It’s all changed, Courtney. Nothing is as it was. We have to find out why."
"I don’t know how else to say this, so I’ll just say it flat out."
"Good morning, Pendragon. Lovely day to enjoy the beach, don’t you think?"
"You see, Pendragon, that difference in philosophy has been the very core of our dispute."
"I think you could say that I’m trying to make the best of it, and it’s working out pretty well."
"I’ve been working really hard. Cleaning up the wreckage of Rayne was grueling."
"I don’t know how to set this up, so I’ll just write it."
"My hope is now that Saint Dane is out of the picture, the same can happen on all the territories."
"I’m not completely sure what to make of it yet. It was an event that can be best described as 'a miracle.'"
"I’m putting on some serious muscle. That’ll happen when you’re lugging around lengths of building materials all day."
"The shattered glass was coming down on top of me."
"I rolled. I didn’t know how much of the floor had given way, but I hoped I could get under a section that hadn’t collapsed."
"It felt as if I were being crushed, but it was better than being shredded."
"I knew I was dead," Loque said. "Or would be soon."
"I wanted to, Pendragon. I really did. The pain was horrible. I was bleeding everywhere."
"You’ve got a lot to be grateful for. You’re alive."
"But they didn’t help me out of kindness. They needed me."
"The only thing that kept me from going out of my mind was the will to see Ibara again."
"I don’t know what I ate, but it kept me alive."
"I think that if I were totally blind, they would have stopped feeding me, and I would have been finished."
"I was still weak, and after a few days of intense heat, I didn’t have anything left."
"If you’re not worried about yourself, worry about your people. They love you."
"I’m going to go talk to your father now and let him know what I’m going to do."
"The people look up to you, Pendragon. You have become their guide into the future."
"We owe you a debt that can never be fully repaid."
"Close off the mountain. Send a security team to the medical section."
"I had to get out of that cavern room. I needed air."
"They’ve already attacked once. Right after we returned from Rubic City. We won."
"I’ll tell you everything after you’ve had some rest."
"I don’t want to lose two friends in such a short time."
"I wanted as much daylight as possible to navigate my way across the ocean, back to Rubic City."
"The warm, tropical waters of Veelox were glassy calm, allowing me to fly over the surface."
"I sang a little Green Day, and in honor of my dad, some Beatles."
"The sky was already turning from black to blue, extinguishing the stars."
"In a few minutes, I felt confident that I had gotten away."
"They hadn’t given up on trying to invade Ibara."
"It’s okay. They’ve already attacked once. Right after we returned from Rubic City. We won."
"There’s nothing else they could throw at us now that we can’t handle."
"They haven’t given up on trying to invade Ibara."
"The people must accept the fate they’ve been given."
"We’re being attacked for something we don’t know anything about."
"It’s not their fault. People must accept the fate they’ve been given."
"The flags were a series of large red flags that hung from every level."
"It would be so much easier if we did this on my terms."
"I believe he’s been wanting to meet you since you paid a visit to his home last night."
"It’s like they’re trying to weed out anybody who’s less than perfect."
"I guess that means those people outside are the not-chosen."
"I think there were thirty stars in that one constellation."
"My friends, I cannot tell you why I was chosen."
"Unless I can do something more than I’ve done, he will win."
"We are soon to be recognized as the spiritual voice of the entire world by the United Nations."
"If you’re one of the have-nots, you’re gonna have a lot less, if they have a say."
"I don’t know what this whole Ravinia thing is leading to, but after what happened to Third Earth, you know it can’t be good."
"The truth is at hand—the truth of our very existence."
"If you do not sign over your shares, I will have you killed. I will kill the girl."
"Perhaps it will destroy the weapons as well."
"This is the first of several compounds that are being constructed to house the people we refer to as Horizon Class."
"We were nowhere near the gate to the flume. There was nothing around us for protection."
"The quig huffed and stalked toward us. Stalking was good. Better than charging."
"This amazing material provided the foundation of Halla. Planets, stars, moons, civilizations, cultures, everything we know of grew from this most basic substance."
"The battle for Earth is the battle for Halla."
"We might not be able to outrace them, but we can make it tough to follow us."
"You’re back with us now. Everything’s going to be all right."
"I’m sorry, sweetheart. We did what we thought was best."
"I think it’s best we all get out of the cold and go somewhere to talk about it."
"Why did you come back? Still looking for answers, Teacher?"
"It was about a battle between two basic, philosophical differences."
"Do you honestly think the battles we’ve been through are the only cases of misery in the history of Halla?"
"You have chosen your own path. You could have reveled in the glory of Halla. Instead, you will be swept away by the tide of purification."
"The world needs vision. The world needs hope."
"Fear is such an effective tool, don’t you think?"
"It is the day when we grab hold of our own destiny and begin to create the life we so richly deserve."
"The eyes of the world are on us. I have to believe that goes for the General Assembly as well. This has to give them pause."
"There is no such thing as perfection. Anywhere."
"Humanity is nothing more than an acceptance of failure. We do not accept failure. The goal is too great."
"They have accepted the Ravinians’ philosophy. Still, there are doubters. The events here today will prove the power of the Ravinians is absolute."
"Any sense of reality was long gone. I needed to grab on to something solid or I’d go out of my mind."
"Together, they were the physical embodiment of evil."
"My heart raced. I was breathing so hard I was hyperventilating."
"It’s hard to describe the anger I felt, but I’ll try."
"I locked looks with Naymeer. His face was turning red."
"I’m not sure if I liked it or not. It just…was."
"We were hit with a blinding flash of light and a rush of energy."
"I was definitely floating. For the longest time my eyes had been closed."
"I didn’t think I was hurt. There was no pain."
"I’m taking this to the end. Saint Dane thinks we’re already there. I don’t."