
Dogs Of War Quotes

Dogs Of War by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Dogs Of War Quotes
"I like humans. Humans made me. Enemies are different."
"Bees doesn’t have or need a gun. Bees is ready. Honey is ready."
"I can smell their blood and their excrement and their fear. This is all good."
"Life is constant creation, change, and destruction. The trick is knowing one from the other."
"War is an expensive bloody business, Miss Asanto."
"I am a Good Dog. But my feedback chip is silent."
"You’ve already set us back a hell of a way. Will you get your fucking mongrel ass out of there?"
"The global headlines, in the glorious tradition of lowest common denominator idiocy, can be summed up as 'Killer Military Assets Kill People Shock!'"
"Whether they were against God or taking our jobs or a threat to the children, people wanted something done about the Bioforms."
"You’re not even going in front of the cameras," Aslan pointed out. "Doesn’t matter, man. Besides, the big cameras, no, but boss says maybe interviews later. Interviews, chat shows, endorsements."
"They want to declare the Bioforms weapons," Aslan stated. "They want to decommission them, just like they were nukes or guns."
"They made us to be dangerous. I do not see how they can be surprised when we were."
"To talk is human: why are we more frightening when we are human than when we are dog?"
"But the longer you and the others live amongst humans, the more used to us they shall become."
"People are cautious about what they put in their heads. They’re less cautious about what they put in the heads of their huge killer animals."
"They don’t understand the future, but then humans never have."
"Looking back I feel ashamed about how little I understood at the time."
"I see a future where they are more and more scared of us, because of what we were made for."
"The longer we go without barking, the more they will come to the bars of our cage and taunt us."
"The future is not made, because made things can be controlled."
"It is better to have enemies than to just have people who hate you, but are not enemies."
"I am not a slave to that part of me that loves Master."
"Technology alone is no substitute for experience."
"Nothing in the world is for free. Because, despite all we have won, there are still those who want us to be slaves and to be things."
"Every time we are deployed the world waits to see if we will turn out to be monsters."
"But if I do not want to do the bad things he orders me to, I don’t have to."
"I was never intended to go on indefinite reconnaissance."
"After hiding out. George got in touch with the Admiralty and explained that everything she knew had been recorded and passed to a secure data-holding corporation."
"Rex and his squad are about to make their assault."
"Bees’ units ashore are operating autonomously, locating and attacking sensor electronics, casting static on satellite images, foiling radar, clustering about thermal imagers to give false readings."
"Morrow Incorporated will know something is happening but not what."
"The island is built to have only one easy point of access, which is the main dock."
"Morrow’s first response is robots: quadruped units with gun mounts."
"It is not like when I was Master’s dog. They do not trust their Bioforms to be loyal."
"Bioform on Bioform is always the hardest fighting: we are tough as robots and think like humans."
"I had planned for us to reach the main manufacturing complex before running into Bioform resistance."
"The defending Bioforms are dug into positions ahead of the factories, along with heavy weapons emplacements and more robot units."
"Medical science is one area that Bees has yet to contribute to."
"Henke is still pushing back the boundaries of her science."
"The Mars operation will proceed in a series of stages, as the various automatics and the fifth crewmember establish various perimeters."
"Bees will be the voice of Mars, and Mars will belong to the insects."
"Bees says goodbye. The timer ticks. Some numbers only go down."