
If You're Reading This, It's Too Late Quotes

If You're Reading This, It's Too Late by Pseudonymous Bosch

If You're Reading This, It's Too Late Quotes
"A graveyard at night. On a mountainside. By a lake."
"A mouse scurries between the stones, frantic."
"A strange, eerie song wafts through the wind."
"Shivering, Cass lifted her head off her pillow."
"If she couldn’t face her own dreams, how could she face real enemies?"
"The front door slammed shut; her mother had left."
"Cass couldn’t hear every word but she knew what her mother was saying."
"Most people would find a wall like this very disquieting."
"It’s the only tool that we have. And you, Cassandra, are the only one who can use it."
"How often did Terces Society members get grounded? she wondered bitterly."
"You know who has learned her lesson? Me!" said her mother, who, now that she was no longer worried about Cass being lost at sea, was absolutely furious."
"I don’t know who you think you are that you can keep running away like that, but this time you’re not getting off so easy."
"Automatically, she reached for her sock-monster."
"Why did the homunculus come to her in her dreams? When she had no idea how to find him in reality."
"What if her father was a mass-murderer and he was in jail for life?"
"They both sought distraction wherever they could find it — anything to relieve the tedium that overtook their household."
"Cass began to hum the song of the Sound Prism — at least her best approximation."
"What’s wrong with Cabbage Face? I think it would be a sick band name!"
"The transition from screaming fight to mutual mother-daughter silent treatment was nearly instantaneous."
"Cass, Max-Ernest, and Yo-Yoji all sat, stunned, as silent as the empty animal cages around them."
"Max-Ernest shook his head, still not looking at her. "I didn’t think you wanted me to."
"If he just talked about how great we were, Mrs. Johnson would think we forged it."
"The shimmering ball spun in the air, making a strange and wonderful sort of music."
"Switchbacks. A word sure to strike terror in the heart of any hiker."
"Max-Ernest, who was pulling one of his backpacks behind him even as he carried the other on his back, looked like he was having the hardest time."
"It took three more hours — and 'two point six miles' — to get to Whisper Lake."
"Across the lake, mountains climbed steeply, treeless and bare save for a few luminous patches of snow."
"The lake turned lead gray and ominous — as if the gold had been some kind of alchemy at work and now they were seeing the lake’s true colors."
"A silence so total it makes you think you’ve never experienced silence before."
"A full moon hung above the mountains. It shone like a searchlight across the lake."
"She knew she was being silly; she should go look outside. This was why she had come. To meet the homunculus — if it really was he."
"They knew they were getting there when the bones on the ground started appearing closer together."
"I don’t think he would have cared about that. He saw me cry once and told me it made me human."
"It’s your gift, isn’t it? The Jester could hear all kinds of things."
"Rather humiliating to be defeated by three children, a defunct circus, and a tiny man grown in horse dung — don’t you think?"
"Perhaps Cass is not the only one who has something in common with the Jester."
"I guess the magic was a little too strong. . . ."