
Shoot The Moon Quotes

Shoot The Moon by Billie Letts

Shoot The Moon Quotes
"Plenty of time for him to back out, just let it all go."
"Whatever her problem was, he didn’t want to hear it."
"He spent the hours sitting on his balcony, trying to persuade himself not to make this trip."
"He decided that when the plane landed, he’d give this up."
"He realized he’d underestimated the Oklahoma heat."
"The two-hour drive took him through mostly empty country."
"Buildings of crumbling native stone, many of them empty."
"But at that moment, Los Angeles seemed like paradise."
"Her peanut-butter pies still the best dessert in town."
"He was asked to comment on the efforts of animal rights activists to outlaw cockfighting."
"He seemed vaguely familiar to her, but she couldn’t recall seeing him before."
"The long, narrow room was crowded with a makeshift counter, pool tables from another era."
"If he’d been back home just then, he might have been cussing the traffic clogging the 405."
"She had helped Gaylene hold him down while the emergency room doctor pulled loose flaps of skin together."
"Suddenly the room seemed to grow smaller, the walls pulling in on him."
"He was light-headed now, so dizzy that he pitched into a brick storefront."
"He looked like a wild-eyed drunk on the back end of a hard binge."
"She thought it was funny. Threw her head back and howled while she hugged me."
"He was even better looking up close than he was from a distance."
"But when Ivy said she’d come home "to stay for a while," her tomcat, Bernie, in tow, Teeve knew something was going on."
"She wore her long, honey-colored hair pulled back in a braid exactly as she had since she was a girl."
"I’m not sure I can make the leap to having people call me Nick or saying ‘Mother’ when I’m talking about her."
"I’ve been Mark Albright for as long as I can remember," he said.
"Sometimes I hate white girls." - Gaylene Harjo
"I’m going to tell you what I told the sheriff almost thirty years ago. I don’t know who got Gaylene pregnant. And I don’t know who killed her." - Rowena Whitekiller
"We’ll probably come up with fifty thousand. So when do you want me to set this up?" - Hap Duchamp
"I watched her grow up. Her mother, Enid, worked for me at the bank for years." - Hap Duchamp
"And what’s it about? A questionable background." - David Cushman
"But it’s quite a shock. I knew even when I was a kid that I didn’t have the look of a golden California boy, but I thought my great-grandparents were Mediterranean." - Mark Albright
"The damnedest thing happened. That book took hold of her. She simply fell in love with it." - Hap Duchamp
"We started in kindergarten on the same day. Two scared little Indian girls and eighteen other kids, all white." - Rowena Whitekiller
"I’ve got thirty years of my life tied up in this business. My reputation and my money are on the line here." - David Cushman
"If we knew that, we’d be way ahead of the game."
"I didn’t know who you were before. But I know now."
"The price of a drink and a Twinkie isn’t going to bankrupt this place."
"I wanted to meet my mother. My birth mother."
"I’m glad to have the opportunity to speak to you this morning."
"My name is Hap Duchamp, attorney of record for Dr. Mark Albright."
"I’ve never seen so much traffic on this road."
"Good thing because my top lip is swollen and bruised."
"He tasted like sour milk and he was sweating so much his forehead was slick."
"When he saw me, he smiled and said, "Hi, Gaylene," like nothing had happened."
"She tried her best to keep him home, but he escaped every once in a while and crossed the creek."
"I didn’t do drugs anymore. Been clean and sober for . . . well, for a long time."
"Mark, what happened to you, your mother . . . that’s a tragedy."
"But the truth is, Ivy isn’t excited about becoming a mother. And I want to know why."
"She’s got more than curiosity invested in this."
"Her paper hat and apron are both red, white and blue. It was the Fourth of July."
"I know my paper was good, I knew Angie Debo was telling the truth, and so was I."
"I’ve been thinking about your question, Mark."
"The last thing you need to worry about is pleasing me."
"I’ve thought from the beginning that he was involved."
"You’re pretty much a fish out of water here, aren’t you."
"He said your mama died and you were real mad. Are you mad?"
"The most perfect creature God ever made. She was an angel."
"It’s because when someone dies, they never come back. Not people or dogs or babies or horses or squirrels or dogs."
"I’ve never had children, Edna, so how is it you’re so certain of what I should do?"
"I can’t believe you," her voice brittle, thin. "You wouldn’t do that. You couldn’t."
"What about your head? You were pretty messed up yesterday, didn’t make a whole lot of sense."
"But I have a sneaking suspicion we’re not the only ones driving fifteen miles from town just to see a trailer."
"Then I’d better let you in before you shoot me."
"If I catch Old Tom, you can take him off the hook for me, but you’ll have to be careful, ’cause catfish have real sharp teeth."
"But Ivy, you’re the most real person I’ve ever known. And I think your child would be so lucky to have you for a mom."
"Today I graduated which, I think, makes me an adult. Funny though, I still feel like a kid."
"You know, Lord, that I shouldn’t be here, but my daughter, the little bitch, had my water shut off and killed my cat, so I’m asking you to strike her dead, but make it look like an accident."
"Modesty is the second most overrated virtue in the world."
"What’s first?"
"I don’t believe, have never believed, that you are Gaylene Harjo’s son. I think he was murdered at the same time his mother was."
"I’ve never even held a gun. Well, only once, but that was for a robbery and it wasn’t loaded."
"I can win a trip to Hawaii, first class. They serve strawberry daiquiris in first class, the best damn daiquiris you’ve ever tasted, Lord."
"Dear Diary, Today I graduated which, I think, makes me an adult. Funny though, I still feel like a kid."