
Cruel Prince Quotes

Cruel Prince by Ashley Jade

Cruel Prince Quotes
"You’d never know it by their personalities, but Cole and Liam were identical twins. And right now it only served as another reminder of how fucked up everything had become."
"Anger was a far superior driving force. It helped mask all the guilt I was harboring."
"Not that I mind. I managed to stuff my entire life into one duffle bag and a medium suitcase. No-frills suits me. Less shit to get attached to."
"I’d rather spend a lifetime in a closet with him than five more seconds stuck here with you."
"Best friends aren’t allowed to break your heart. It’s against the rules."
"People rarely have the balls to say the shit they spew behind your back to your face."
"My heartstrings are no longer pulling…they’re hanging by a thread tethered to Jace Covington."
"Because you don’t belong to Tommy." His nostrils flare. "He can’t have you."
"Nothing." A heavy breath lodges in my throat when his hand grazes my hip. "You’re perfect."
"It’s fine." He grabs a hoodie off the back of his desk chair and hands it to me. "Put this on."
"I don’t care what you think. Dylan’s staying."
"It’s taking nearly every ounce of my willpower not to put my fist through the table and then beat the nearest person over the head with it."
"I no longer care because we’re no longer friends."
"I’d rather be a terrible baker than a vapid coward."
"You talk an awful lot of shit for someone who can’t back it up, Taylor."
"It would hurt less if he ripped my beating heart out with his bare hands."
"You’re gonna need to fix the situation you’ve got going on before we walk out."
"Keep your voice down. There are people coming down the hallway."
"My dad and your aunt are on their way up to the school."
"Silence is your friend. If neither of us says a word, it’s like it never happened."
"If you’re serious, I know a way you can make it up to me."
"I don’t think either of you goodie-two-shoes can handle one of Christian’s parties."
"I think they’re not coming forward with the truth because someone is threatening them, and you need to figure out who."
"For someone who claims to pride themselves on class and dignity, it’s abhorrent that you would suggest my son and his cousin are involved in some kind of sexual relationship."
"These are good kids, Jim. It’s obvious whatever you heard was nothing more than a rumor, and there’s no need to drag them through the mud."
"Won’t stop me from pinning his crime on someone else though."
"You have to take down the queen before conquering the king."
"I know exactly what song is pumping through her eardrums the moment she starts mouthing the lyrics."
"Truth be told, I prefer this to our exchange in the closet where it took every ounce of willpower—not to spread her thighs and watch my cock disappear inside her."
"I want to sink my teeth into every inch of her flawless flesh."
"I didn’t make you do shit. You chose to beat him up, because that’s your MO."
"I wish you were a guy, because I swear, I’d beat the goddamn heartbeat out of you, you vile, manipulating cunt."
"You have no idea, do you? How deep my feelings for you run."
"Whether you like it or not, I’m going to be your mother soon and I won’t tolerate having a spoiled brat who talks like a sailor for a daughter."
"You’ll never be my mother. You’re nothing but a gold-digging whore my dad screws because he’s lonely and misses her."
"I know it will take some adjusting, kiddo, but opportunities like this are rare and you have to strike while the iron is hot."
"We need this. It’s a fresh start for both of us."
"I’m sorry you didn’t get to say goodbye to your friends, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime."
"I appreciate you telling me, but I don’t think any less of you. We’re still friends."
"I promise I would never, ever knowingly hook up with him, or anyone else you were into."
"Why keep holding on to someone you need to let go of?"
"I’m not the kind of girl to lead someone on."
"We are. But I think you should do your thing and I’ll do mine."
"Retract the claws. I’m not your boyfriend, remember?"
"I no longer give a fuck. I’m over your bullshit."
"Fuck off. The only one who makes you look like a fool is you."
"Are you sure you don’t want me to go in for you?"
"I’m not in the mood to go home yet, all right?"
"That way when you start your record label, you won’t need to hire a bunch of schmucks who will take you for a ride and run it into the ground."
"Don’t start something you can’t finish, Taylor."
"Customers rarely ever get it right. You’re not supposed to give them what they think they want. You’re supposed to give them what they really want."
"People change, Mrs. Dickinson. Sometimes what you thought you wanted doesn’t cut it anymore."
"Because love isn’t a choice. It’s an illogical, all-consuming consequence that results from someone stealing a vital piece of you."
"Something inside me snaps and I take off running like a bat out of hell…speeding toward the only person in the world who will understand."
"Nothing in life was broken beyond repair. With enough determination, everything could be mended and restored."
"Maybe someone can do the cruelest thing imaginable…and somehow…still be a good person underneath."
"Death is a permanent scar that the people left behind are forced to bear."